Fat Boy looked confused (⊙o⊙): What do you mean?

Chicken Butt ╭(╯╰)╮: You just pretended to fall, but in fact, you just wanted to steal organic fertilizer!

Fatty heard the words and directly cursed: You are probably mentally ill, who is okay to eat shit!

Chicken Butt: You can't fool me, the master reminded me just now, let me be careful of you stealing.

Fat Boy and Chicken Butt looked at Lin Xuan at the same time.

On the back of the turtle, Lin Xuan, who was watching the two chubby quarrels, hastily turned his head, pretending not to see:

"Ahem, Hei Ling did a good job!"

"There are probably hundreds of these energy crystals."

Hei Ling rubbed his small head against Lin Xuan's palm arrogantly.

Opening treasure chests, Benmiao is a professional!

At this time, Wang Hao came in through the gate, holding a flying machine in his hand.

"Brother Lin, what do you think this is?"

Lin Xuan took the aircraft and took a closer look.

The aircraft was covered with scratches, and one of the four propellers had been bitten off.

"Isn't this just an ordinary aircraft, where did you find it?"

Wang Hao pointed to the gate: "It's right at the gate."

Lin Xuan's heart moved when he heard the words: "The door?"

There is only one house in the half-mountain villa on this mountain, and there are no other people living around, so where did this aircraft come from?

Zombies definitely can't control the aircraft!

And this aircraft is full of claw marks and bite marks, as if it was chased and bitten by a raptor

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan's eyes froze: "It seems that the black strange bird last night was deliberately attracted by someone using a flying machine!"

As he said that, the aircraft in his hand was pinched and exploded by Lin Xuan!


Wang Hao was startled when he heard the words, and he gritted his teeth: "Who the hell is so vicious, to deceive us!"

Although there were many mutated creatures that attacked the villa last night, the black strange bird was the strongest.

Moreover, that strange bird almost killed Wang Hao.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes, with murderous intent:

"Black Spirit."

Hei Ling instantly understood what Lin Xuan meant, and lowered his head to sniff the wreckage of the aircraft.

In addition to Lin Xuan, Wang Hao and the smell of the strange bird, there is also the smell of a person!

Hei Ling looked at Lin Xuan: Meow!

Lin Xuan jumped off the old Wang's turtle next door: "Find him."

At the same time, in the living room of a small two-story building.

The bloated Liu Qiangxi in pajamas was lying on the sofa, playing with a remote control handle in his hand.

He was about forty years old, with gold-rimmed glasses on his square face, and a slight smile, like a cunning and ruthless fat fox.

Liu Qiangxi's voice was hoarse: "How did things go last night?"

Opposite the sofa, stood two young men in overalls. One tall and one short.

The tall man said respectfully, "Boss, it's all done!"

"Using aircraft to lure monsters to attack eight yards, and seven were taken care of."

"Now the brothers are searching for supplies in those yards. It must be a bumper harvest!"

Liu Qiangxi sneered: "Why did you miss the other one?"

The short man scratched his head: "I also find it strange."

"It stands to reason that the monster that was attracted was the strongest, but I don't know what happened, but it just didn't work."

"Just now I used a telescope to observe the mountainside villa. A man was walking in the yard on a big cow."

A gloomy look flashed in Liu Qiang's west eyes:

"Okay, stop fucking nonsense."

"Do it again tonight, it must be successful!"

"As long as it succeeds, there will be no excuses, because dead people will not talk nonsense."

The tall man and the short man felt tense, and nodded hastily.

Liu Qiangxi waved his hand impatiently: "Get ready!"


The two immediately left the hall on the second floor and walked downstairs.

Liu Qiangxi was sure that the two had gone far away, so he opened the drawer under the coffee table and took out some slices of bread, a small pot of butter and a piece of ham.

This was obtained when a residential house was raided the day before yesterday.

The head of the male owner was blown off the spot by Liu Qiangxi, and the woman was played with by Liu Qiangxi all night, then stripped naked and thrown into the group of zombies.

Although the woman was beautiful, Liu Qiangxi was reluctant to have a mouth to eat, so she simply killed her.

Liu Qiangxi discovered that this end of the world is actually the same as the previous world, as long as you are ruthless and cunning enough, you can survive.

Before the end of the world, Liu Qiangxi made his fortune by reselling aircraft, and earned his first pot of gold by deceiving consumers and squeezing workers.

After the apocalypse, Liu Qiangxi still robbed and robbed houses with flying machines, and made a fortune.

Whether it is the end of the world or not, the morals of the world are the same.

Why do I eat bread and butter here, but my younger brother eats moldy steamed buns and pickles?

That is because I am ruthless and courageous enough!

Liu Qiangxi spread fragrant butter on the bread, and then sandwiched the sausage in the bread.

He happily licked the butter on his fingers, opened his mouth wide and was about to bite down on the bread.

Suddenly, there was a heart-piercing scream from downstairs!

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