
The dagger was still three inches away from Lin Xuan's body, and the long-haired woman's wrist was suddenly gripped tightly by a big hand.

The dagger cannot penetrate an inch!

The long-haired woman was startled, and hurriedly looked up, only to see Lin Xuan looking at her with a sneer.


The long-haired woman suddenly turned pale with shock: "How could you?"

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes: "How could I see through your identity?"

"It's very simple. Have you ever seen a female slave in captivity with a ruddy face and full of air?"

Hearing this, the long-haired woman gasped suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

She has already deceived more than a dozen passers-by, men, women, old and young, but she never imagined that today she would fall into Lin Xuan's hands!

Wang Hao was also surprised, he never thought that this poor woman was in the same group as those two people!

At this time, Lin Xuan pinched his five fingers hard, and only heard a "click", and the wrist of the long-haired woman burst suddenly.

The pieces of flesh and blood and the dagger fell to the ground at the same time, and Lin Xuan still held the white bones in his hand.


The long-haired woman's facial features were distorted by the sudden pain, and she screamed pitifully.

But Lin Xuan didn't intend to stop at all. He swung his arm and swung the long-haired woman in mid-air, before hitting the ground heavily.


The long-haired woman hit the ground with her head and fell directly into the concrete floor.

Her whole body was like a puddle of mud lying on the ground, and she lost her breath.

Lin Xuan looked up at the two people in front of him, and grinned coldly: "I'll give you ten seconds to escape."

"ten, nine, eight"


Three seconds later, the two men recovered from their panic, turned around and ran away.

Lin Xuan: "Hei Ling, deal with it."


Hei Ling jumped out of the car, turned into an afterimage and chased after him.

Lin Xuan lit a cigarette and took a sip.

Wang Hao took a deep look at the woman's body on the ground: "Brother Lin, these people's tricks are getting deeper and deeper."

Lin Xuan blew out a smoke ring: "Cats have cat ways, rats have mouse ways, and humans can do anything to survive."

At this time, the figure of Hei Ling jumped out from a shop and came to Lin Xuan.

After a long period of killing, the murderous aura on Hei Ling's body was as real as it was, which made people shudder.

Lin Xuan waved his hand, "Get in the car."

The two of them jumped onto the explosively modified heavy truck, and then continued to drive in the direction of Xuanwu Lake.

An hour later, the explosively modified heavy truck finally arrived at the edge of Xuanwu Lake.

Originally, Xuanwu Lake was a famous scenic spot in Chang'an City. The lake has a large area and willow trees are planted around the lake.

Now, the surrounding willows have grown to a height of more than ten meters, and thousands of willows hang down from the thick and lush canopy, covering the sky and the sun.

There are zombies wandering by the lake in twos and threes. These are tourists who went to play on the day of the end of the day.

Wang Hao parked the explosively modified heavy truck at the entrance of the scenic spot, and the two of them got out of the car.

To be on the safe side, Lin Xuan directly put the explosive modified heavy truck into the Space Temple.

Wang Hao hid behind the gatepost and observed the situation in the scenic spot. From the entrance of the scenic spot to the lake, there is still a distance of more than 500 meters.

At this moment, a humming sound suddenly came from above.

Wang Hao looked up and was shocked.

I saw a fist-sized mosquito flying over. It was covered with fluff, its eyes were red, and its sharp mouthparts were ten centimeters long. It stabbed at Wang Hao like a javelin!


Wang Hao hurriedly slapped the mosquito away.

Damn it, if such a big mosquito bites down, a big hole will be sucked out of the fat man's body!

"Brother Lin!"

Wang Hao had lingering fears: "Let's act quickly, the mosquitoes here are too big!"

Lin Xuan said with a smile: "What are you afraid of, if you get bitten a few times, it's considered weight loss!"

Wang Hao waved his hand:

"That can't be done, the fat that has been raised with great difficulty, how can it be cheaper for mosquitoes."

Lin Xuan: "Let's go, act."

The two cleaned up a few zombies wandering around the door, and using the grass and trees to cover them, they slowly moved towards the lake.

At this moment, a high-pitched neighing sound suddenly came, followed by a rush of horseshoes!

Lin Xuan turned his head to look, and suddenly felt a thump in his heart.

I saw a tall and majestic horse galloping towards the two of them a hundred meters away!

Wang Hao rubbed his eyes to confirm that he was right, it was a centaur!

Its upper body is a long-haired woman with a ponytail.

It was wearing a silver equestrian suit, with a plump figure, a pretty face but empty eyes.

The lower body is a tall and majestic white horse, with round buttocks and strong limbs.

At this moment, the horse was holding a water-blue javelin in its hand, and the tip of the spear was piercingly sharp.


The centaurs and horses neighed up to the sky, and rushed towards Lin Xuan and Wang Hao with the momentum of thunder, and the ground around them trembled slightly!

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