Three minutes later, the entire tempered glass was sprayed with poison dart frog saliva, forming two layers of thick crystals.

Lin Xuan controlled the remote control boat to return to the shore, Wang Hao put on gloves, removed the tempered glass, and then replaced it with new tempered glass.

After repeated operations like this, after a while, Lin Xuan and Wang Hao collected more than a dozen pieces of crystallized tempered glass.

Wang Hao slammed his fist hard on a crystal glass, and the glass made a clanging sound, very solid.

"It really is the best material!"

At this time, Chen Guo and others also noticed the situation on Lin Xuan's side.

The chunky old man glanced at the remote control boat with a sinister look: "These two little guys are really good at tricks."

The lean middle-aged man chuckled, stretched out his scarlet forked tongue and licked his lips:

"I counted, they've got eighteen saliva crystals."

"On the black market, you can exchange for three bags of rice, or two boxes of ham sausage!"

Chen Guo took the harpoon, drove away the shadows that were about to move under the water, and said with a sneer:

"Idiots, you all know poison dart frog saliva."

The pudgy old man's eyes dimmed: "What do you mean?"

Chen Guo grinned, showing two rows of white teeth: "Didn't you see that black cat?"

"The coat is shiny and majestic. When it stands by the lake, the dirty things in the water dare not approach it."

"If you can get the black cat, it will be worth at least a hundred saliva crystals!"

There was a hint of greed in the thin middle-aged man's eyes: "Yes, hehe"

The chunky old man smiled meaningfully: "So you already have a plan."

In a blink of an eye, it was already noon.

Lin Xuan looked at the sky: "Haozi, let's eat first."

Wang Hao agreed, lifted out the twenty-fifth piece of crystal glass, and washed his hands.

The two came to the shade of the big willow tree by the lake, sat cross-legged, and prepared to eat.

Lin Xuan: "What do you want to eat?"

Wang Hao smacked his lips: "I'm tired of eating big fish and meat recently, why don't I get some multigrain bread?"

Hei Ling also nodded, agreeing.

Recently, I eat so well that I gain weight.

Lin Xuan nodded: "Yes."

He took out two baguettes, a bucket of sauce, and two bottles of purified water from his pocket.

The two and the cat ate baguettes while spreading the sauce.

At this time, the three of Chen Guo came over.

The chunky old man laughed and said, "You two, we also have a meal here, don't you mind?"

Lin Xuan: "I don't mind, it happens to be lively and lively."

Sitting next to them, Chen Guo and the others took out the food in the bag.

A few slices of crumpled bread, some ham sausages, and a packet of mustard.

The lean middle-aged man took out the bread, picked up a piece of ham sausage and mustard, and bit it down with a mouthful. It was so delicious that he couldn't stop biting his mouth, enjoying it.

The short and fat old man licked the sausage bag clean, took a bite of the sausage bread, smacked his mouth, and leaned in front of Lin Xuan and Wang Hao:

"Two little brothers, look at what you are eating."

"Dry bread with miso?"

"Hehe, this is too painful!"

Wang Hao smacked his lips: "I'm tired of eating too much big fish and meat, eat some coarse grains to adjust the food."

The short and fat old man couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, he was still big fish and big meat, this little fat man can't even brag.


The short and fat old man smacked his lips and said, "There are no outsiders here, so don't waste your face and suffer."

As he spoke, he generously patted two short ham sausages in front of Lin Xuan and Wang Hao.

"Come on, these two ham sausages are given to you, as if it is fate to catch frogs together!"

Wang Hao was taken aback: "No, we really don't want to eat ham."

Hearing this, Chen Guo and the lean man looked at each other with a smile and shook their heads.

I do not want to eat? I'm afraid you are almost crying in your heart!

In today's world, those who can afford ham sausage are the rich and powerful.

Give it back to me!

Just now, they had added anesthesia to these two ham sausages, as long as Lin Xuan and Wang Hao ate them, they would be numb to the ground in an instant.

Then, the three of them can steal the black cat and the crystal glass.

And in the last days when food is extremely scarce, no one can resist the temptation of food!

Seeing that Lin Xuan and Wang Hao were still pretending to be "reserved", the short and fat old man continued to persuade:

"This bread with sausage, eat it in one bite, tsk tsk, the taste is absolutely amazing!"

"You are still dipping in the sauce, you don't feel too flustered"

The lean middle-aged man also persuaded: "Young people, you still have a long way to go, so keep your feet on the ground and don't pretend."

"If you eat miso, you will eat miso. Let me see what kind of sauce and caviar you eat?!"

The lean middle-aged man and the short and fat old man were stunned and stunned.

These two people ate caviar, and it was such a big can!

If you eat caviar directly with bread, won’t you be condemned by God? !

At this time, Chen Guo also turned his head when he heard the words, and said with a sneer, "Bread dipped in caviar, this joke is quite funny."

As he spoke, he looked into the jar and his eyes widened: "It's really caviar! It's fucking high-quality sturgeon caviar!"

In an instant, the bread with sausage in his hand was no longer fragrant.

Now the three of them understand that Lin Xuan and Wang Hao really don't want to eat sausage.

Compared with sturgeon caviar, this starchy sausage is a stick of shit.

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