Second course, rose tart.

Squeeze the juice out of fresh rose leaves, knead the noodles, wrap the inside with red bean filling, and bake on low heat.

The baked rose pies are bright in color, fragrant with flowers and soft in taste.

Wang Hao picked up a piece of rose pie and stuffed it into his mouth. It was crispy, soft and glutinous, and his lips and teeth were full of fragrance.

The third course, stewed elbow with mint.

The elbow was originally very greasy, but the mint removed the oil and smell, neutralized the oiliness of the elbow and added a refreshing feeling.

Put it in an earthen pot and simmer over low heat. The crispy elbow will be refreshing and delicious, and the meat will be soft and tender, and it will melt in your mouth.

Even if you eat too much, you don't feel greasy.

Fat Boy tore off a piece of elbow and put it in his mouth. It melted in his mouth, and the aroma of the meat soared to the sky, leaving an endless aftertaste.

The fourth course, cold jasmine shredded squid.

The squid is strong and the jasmine is refreshing. The two are slightly mixed with sesame oil, shallots and salt, and they complement each other!

Hei Ling stuck out his tongue and rolled a piece of squid into his mouth to chew, creaking and couldn't stop.

The last one, lily lotus seed soup.

When everyone swept away the first four dishes like wind and clouds, and then drank a bowl of lily lotus seed soup, they felt carefree and refreshed.

After eating the meals cooked in summer, Lin Xuan, Wang Hao, Hei Ling and Fat Boy lay down on the sofa, feeling like they were floating in the clouds, super satisfied!

Xia Tian: "Master, how about the dishes I cook?"

Lin Xuan didn't speak, just stretched out a finger.

Xia Tian showed doubts: "Huh?"

Lin Xuan: "A little worse than me."

Xia Tian hurriedly asked: "Where is the difference?"

Lin Xuan: "Pattern."

"I just made four dishes and one soup. When others saw it, they thought we couldn't afford it."

Wang Hao immediately smacked his lips and echoed: "That's right, the key is that there are so many of us, we don't have enough food."

Xia Tian nodded her head seriously:

"I see."

In fact, it was beyond Lin Xuan's expectation that Xia Tian could cook such delicious dishes.

He originally thought that even if Xia Tian's culinary talent is high, it is impossible to reach the level of a chef in just one day.

But Xia Tian really did it.

Although she has learned these four meals and one soup today, it is still as difficult as heaven for others.

After eating and drinking, Lin Xuan went back to the bedroom and picked up the iron cage where the bloody bat was kept.

The blood-colored bat huddled in the corner, seeming to be afraid of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan teased it with his fingers, and it hid its head in the meat wing, trembling with fright.

No, this little thing is obviously very cruel, why is he so afraid of himself all of a sudden?

Lin Xuan thought for a while, then looked at the blood-pupil curse mark on his palm, could it be because of it?

Lin Xuan pointed the blood-pupil spell in his palm at the bat, and the bat immediately prostrated itself on the ground, trembling all over as if paying homage to Lin Xuan.

It seems that this spell is a bit powerful.

But Lin Xuan really had no idea what he was doing.

Alas, do not understand, sleep!

Lin Xuan fell asleep and fell asleep until dawn.

Lin Xuan turned over from the bed and stretched comfortably.

At this time, the filly was already galloping in the courtyard of the villa, snorting loudly from time to time.

Lin Xuan looked at the filly's round buttocks, a new day began with such a rounded shape!

After breakfast, Lin Xuan began to divide the work among the people.

Today, he is going to carry out the second upgrade of the villa in the middle of the mountain.

"Haoko, you are responsible for replacing the glass in the entire building with crystal glass!"

"I've already placed the crystal glass in the lobby on the first floor."

Wang Hao: "No problem Brother Lin, leave it to me!"

Lin Xuan: "Fatty, go and call King Kong and let him take the whole monkey group with him."

Fat Boy patted his chest, turned his head and walked out.

Lin Xuan: "In summer, go communicate with the little mare to see what it needs for the stable, and then draw a design drawing for me."

Xia Tian nodded: "Good master."

Lin Xuan: "Hei Ling, come with me, let's go see the old Wang next door."


Hei Ling agreed, Pidianpidian followed Lin Xuan down the villa building, and then came to the gate of the pond.

It was silent inside, without the slightest sound.

When the door was opened, a strong smell of blood rushed to the face!

Lin Xuan frowned slightly, and only walked in after the bloody smell had dissipated.

At this moment, the water in the entire pond has been stained scarlet with blood.

The corpse of the blood-colored water monster was lying in a corner, and its eight ferocious tentacles had been bitten to the ground, leaving only an ugly big head.

At the same time, the Old Wang next door was lying in the middle of the pool, soaked in blood, exuding violent anger!

Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, and Lao Wang really evolved again.

The white skull curse patterns on its tortoise shell are more vivid, the scales on its four claws are eerily blue, and those pair of deep eyes are just like the Nine Serenity Cold Prison, making one's hair stand on end at a glance.

What's even more shocking is that the arm old king's tail turned into a hideous tentacle!

The top of this tentacle cracked a hideous mouth, covered with fangs!

Lin Xuan was overjoyed: "Good!"

"Old Wang, Old Wang, you really did not disappoint me."

As soon as the words fell, the eyeballs of the old Wang next door suddenly burst out with shocking ferocity, and the tail behind him opened a ferocious mouth, and instantly bit Lin Xuan!

Hei Ling immediately stood in front of Lin Xuan, waving two jet-black paw prints.

clang clang!

The paw prints slammed into the ferocious giant mouth, and dazzling sparks burst out.

But the ferocious mouth just stopped for a moment, and continued to bite Lin Xuan.

Hei Ling's hair was all puffed up, and just about to show off, Lin Xuan sneered:

"How dare you kill the master!"

As he said that, he threw out the thunder whip in the palm of his hand, and the wind, thunder and lightning flashed, and it hit the ferocious mouth fiercely!


The ferocious huge mouth immediately rolled back, and the whole tail was instantly bloody and bloody from the lightning.


The old king next door let out a stern roar, and his pupils, which were obscured by killing intent, instantly became clear and filled with fear.

Master, Lao Wang is guilty of death!

Lin Xuan ignored it, and whipped the whip hard in his hand.

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