Lin Xuan waved to the rest of the monkey group: "Come with me."

Lin Xuan brought King Kong and the group of monkeys to the vegetable greenhouse, then pointed to an empty tunnel and said:

"King Kong, you bring ten monkeys to dig a pond here."

"The tools are ready at the door."

"This is the blueprint."

Lin Xuan handed a photo of a pond to King Kong, and King Kong took it with both hands, and began to direct the monkey to get tools, dig holes, and move stones.

Lin Xuan looked at the remaining ten monkeys:

"You two go to help Wang Hao change the crystal glass."

"You two go clean up the yard."

"For the rest, go to Xia Tian and listen to her instructions to transform the stables."

The monkeys immediately took orders and split up.

For a while, the villa compound began to get busy again.

Lin Xuan paced out of the vegetable shed and came to the yard, watching the monkeys work while basking in the sun leisurely.

At this moment, a purple vine quietly crawled over and scratched Lin Xuan's creaking nest.

Lin Xuan smiled and said, "Chicken ass, are you hungry again?"

Hearing this, there was a commotion in the blood-colored bat dung pile, and a white and fat "big carrot" got out, smiled at Lin Xuan, and pointed to the dung pile under his feet.

Lin Xuan: "What's wrong with the organic fertilizer? Isn't it tasty enough?"

Chicken Butt shook his head, stretched out his hand to remove the dung pile, exposing the soil below, and then pointed at the soil with a look of excitement.

Lin Xuan squatted down suspiciously, staring at the soil: "This soil doesn't seem to be unusual?"

Chicken Butt shook its head like a rattle, then sprinted into the vegetable shed, ran out three seconds later, grabbed a handful of soil, and placed it in front of Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was shocked:

"You mean, the soil under this dung pile is the same as the soil in the vegetable greenhouse?"

The chicken butt nodded excitedly, like a chick pecking at rice.


Lin Xuan couldn't believe it.

After the apocalypse comes, all the land that has been illuminated by the purple sun will deteriorate. Even if you dig three feet, you can't grow vegetables and fruits before the apocalypse.

Even the soil in the vegetable greenhouses is not good. Those greenhouses are made of ordinary materials, and they are also penetrated by the light of the purple sun, making them all degenerate.

I am afraid that only places like the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the world have the opportunity to preserve the pure land before the end.

Don't even think about it anywhere else.

That's why Lin Xuan spent a lot of money to install sunshades made of special materials for the vegetable greenhouses to block the ultraviolet rays and preserve the pure land where crops can be grown.

And now, Chicken Butt actually told himself that the degenerated soil under these blood-colored bat dung piles is the same as the pure land? !

This is simply unbelievable.

Although chicken butt is a mutated plant and is very sensitive to soil quality, Lin Xuan still can't believe the news.

If the soil quality can really be improved by the feces of bloody bats, doesn't that mean that the food shortage in the last days can be saved?

Lin Xuan frowned, thinking for a while, the truth of this matter still needs to be proved by facts.

Lin Xuan: "Chicken ass, keep this matter secret."

Chicken Butt nodded when he heard this, and got into the dung pile again.

Lin Xuan took out a small bowl, filled it with some soil from bat droppings, and went to the bedroom on the second floor of the villa.

Lin Xuan carefully placed the small bowl on the windowsill, then took out a few jasmine seeds from the space temple, buried them in the soil, and poured some water.

These flowers are intact,

If the quality of these soils is really improved, the seeds will surely germinate.

Wait and see.

Lin Xuan looked at the iron cage in the corner, where the blood-colored bat was crawling quietly.

Little guy, if your feces can really improve the quality of the soil, then you'll be shitting non-stop in the future.

Shit around the clock, poop while eating, and cry for you.

Lin Xuan walked out of the room, came to the side of the vegetable greenhouse, and lowered his head in thought.

These vegetables consume a lot of water for irrigation every day, which is really too wasteful.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan came to the second vegetable greenhouse, where there was no one else but himself.

With a big wave of his hand, Lin Xuan took out a water purifier from the Space Temple.

Now, I want to test whether this water purifier can purify the water quality. Even if the purified water is not drinkable, it can be used to water vegetables and fruit trees.

Lin Xuan immediately called a monkey.

"Go, take the bucket and go to the creek on the mountain to fetch two buckets of water."


The monkey immediately ran out of the villa with the bucket in hand, and returned three minutes later with two buckets of water.

The water looks clear and bright, but it has a strange smell. Whether it is a person or an animal who drinks it for a few days, it will degenerate into a zombie.

If it is used to water vegetables and fruits, it will mutate immediately.

Of course, it is all right for mutated creatures to drink stream water and eat mutated vegetables and fruits, otherwise they would not be able to survive.

It's just that the taste of these mutated vegetables and fruits is very bad, so Hei Ling, Fat Boy, and Centaur like to eat the food Lin Xuan gave, because it is the food before the end of the world.

Ten times better!

Lin Xuan pointed to the water inlet of the water purifier: "Pour the water in."

The monkey immediately poured the water in the bucket into the water purifier.

Lin Xuan plugged in the water purifier and turned on the switch.

buzz buzz~~

The indicator light is on, and the water purifier starts to work, quickly purifying the water in the water tank.

Lin Xuan scratched his head, but no one came to taste the purified water!

How do you know the effect of water purification?

At this moment, Wang Hao walked in: "Brother Lin, Hei Ling and the others caught two sneaky people on the mountain."

Lin Xuan smiled, thinking whatever he wanted.

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