Lin Xuan took Wang Hao and Lin Xuan to the top of the mountain and walked into a hidden cave.

There is a heavy iron door in the hole.

Seeing this, Wang Hao was startled: "Brother Lin, where is the big iron gate on this mountain?"

Lin Xuan: "It's the secret passage I built when I remodeled the basement of the villa."

"At that time, I thought that in case the villa in Banshan was besieged, I could escape from the secret passage in the basement to the top of the mountain."

With that said, he took out the key, unlocked the iron door, and walked in.

Then he turned around and locked the iron door.

This iron door can be opened from inside and outside, but a special key is required.

It was pitch black in the tunnel.

A dazzling arc rose from Lin Xuan's palm, illuminating the surrounding scene.

This is a secret passage connecting the mountain and the mountainside, with steps at the foot.

Due to the urgent time at that time, the secret passage was surrounded by earth walls, which were only two meters high and one meter wide, and the walls were not even.

Lin Xuan: "When I have time, I will also repair this secret passage."

Wang Hao chuckled: "Then let me major in it. I can directly control these earth elements, and it won't take long to repair the tunnels."

Lin Xuan nodded: "Okay, that's it."

"However, only the three of us know this secret passage now, so it must be kept secret."

The two of them and the cat walked forward along the steps along the secret path. Five minutes later, an identical large iron gate appeared in front of them.

Lin Xuan took out the key again and opened the iron door. The two of them and the cat had already arrived in the basement.

The basement has a large space, about a thousand square meters.

Fluorescent stones are installed on the suspended ceiling. Although the light is not bright, the light emitted can barely illuminate the entire basement clearly.

The basement is supported by nineteen huge stone pillars, on which are hung wrought iron oil lamps.

There is a long table in the middle, surrounded by more than a dozen high-back chairs, like a meeting hall.

There are several compartments on the left and right sides, which can be used as bedrooms, and the furniture inside is readily available.

Going forward, there is an aisle, and on both sides of the aisle, there are more than a dozen dungeons.

When Lin Xuan proposed to build the dungeon, the workers were shocked. What are these moths doing in the peaceful and prosperous age?

Could it be that this well-dressed rich second generation secretly likes to play with some perverted gadgets?

Lin Xuan's explanation is that he likes to raise a few tigers, lions and other ferocious animals when he has nothing to do.

Only then did the workers agree to build these cells.

At this moment, Humpty Humpty was being held in one of the cells.

Seeing Lin Xuan and the others approaching, the short fat man hurriedly cried and begged with a mournful face: "Brothers, please let me go, I've told you everything!"

Lin Xuan ignored it, led Wang Hao and Hei Ling to open the exit of the secret room, walked out from the bookcase in the study on the first floor, and then came to the living room on the second floor.

Lin Xuan sat on the recliner in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the compound below with great interest:

"It should be here soon."

Meanwhile, the villa compound.

An off-road vehicle and five trucks drove all the way and stopped at the gate of the villa compound.

The last two trucks were full of supplies, including purified water, bread, gasoline, and even more than a dozen boxes of cigarettes.


The SUV door opened, and Xu Xian, who was wearing a gray cloak, got out of the car and looked up at the magnificent half-mountain villa in front of him.

At the same time, more than a dozen people holding steel pipes and iron rods also jumped out of the truck behind.

Xu Xian was in his early thirties, tall and tall, with long hair, a pair of crystal yellow vertical pupils on his pale face, and a strong sinister aura emanating from between his brows.

He stretched out his scarlet forked tongue to lick his lips, and said with a grin: "This is really a good place."

"It's a pity that Lin Xuan is an idiot, and I tricked him away with a little trick."

"Only I, Xu Xian, deserve to live here, what do you think?"

The dozen or so people behind them didn't say a word, because they knew that Xu Xian didn't speak to them.

As soon as the words fell, there was a rustling sound in the surrounding grass, which made people's scalp tingle.

The next moment, hundreds of snakes crawled out from the grass, danced wildly around Xu Xian, and swallowed the red snake letter.

Among them are cobras, pit vipers, rattlesnakes, etc., almost all of which are highly venomous snakes.

The dozen or so subordinates all showed fearful expressions, and tried to distance themselves from Xu Xian as much as possible.

They can't forget even in death, the bloody scene of the cold Xu Xian feeding a few living people to snakes has become a nightmare engraved in their bones.


A bald man in a black vest stepped forward, his muscles emitting high-temperature steam.

"Should I blow the door open?"

Xu Xian sneered upon hearing this, "Sun Li, you idiot."

"This will be our territory from now on. If you smashed the door, how can it be used?"

After all, his neck turned 180 degrees directly, and his vertical pupils stared at a thin man behind him.

"He Qiang, you bring people in."

He Qiang is a dwarf, only 1.5 meters tall, his skinny body is only skinny, his eye sockets are sunken, and he is sluggish.

He nodded: "Yes, boss."

At this time, Xu Xian and Sun Li jumped straight into the courtyard of the villa, striding forward.

Hundreds of poisonous snakes danced wildly behind him, following behind like a tide, swallowing scarlet snake letters.

At the same time, He Qiang's body made a sound like popping beans.

thump, thump, thump~

His bones and flesh continued to swell, and his height reached four meters in an instant, but he was still skinny, like a huge skeleton standing at the gate, and it was frightening to see.

The gigantic ability consumes a huge amount of energy every time it is used.

So He Qiang became thinner and thinner, and those who didn't know thought that he was drained of energy and flesh by beauty.

"Let me in!"

He Qiang stretched out two big thin hands, grabbed the person next to him and threw them into the yard.

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