Ok? !

As soon as this remark came out, the audience fell silent like death.

In an instant, everyone's eyes shot towards the source of the sound.

Shui Mei was also overjoyed, and looked eagerly at that arrogant figure, like a ray of sunshine illuminating the night.

I saw Wang Hao, who was wearing black short sleeves, leaning on the back of the chair, with his legs crossed, and a hint of teasing on the corner of his mouth.

Xuanyuan Dynasty frowned suddenly, staring at Wang Hao with a gloomy face:

"It's you fat bastard again!"

Of course, he didn't forget that the fat man in front of him was bidding with him, and he only had one more energy spar than himself.

Wang Hao looked proud: "Do you dare to follow?"

Xuanyuan Dynasty sneered: "You have the guts."

Wang Hao: "Fat Master's seeds are already very big, let me tell you."


Everyone suddenly turned pale with shock.

Who is this person who dares to challenge Xuanyuan Dynasty face to face? !

Xuanyuan Dynasty laughed back in anger, with murderous intent in his eyes.

This brat dared to provoke this young master over and over again, he really didn't know what to do!

"2.1 tons of rice!"

The audience was in an uproar.

Now, the bids of these two have been calculated in tons?

It felt like a group of people were fighting for a few cents, and suddenly someone took out a hundred-dollar bill and said indifferently, "You don't need to change the remaining ninety, it's a tip for you."

It was a little shocking.

Everyone stared at Wang Hao, expecting his bid.

At this moment, Wang Hao chuckled, "Deal."

I go!

The people around suddenly roared with laughter. They thought this person was going to be tough with Xuanyuan Dynasty, but it turned out to be a joke!

Lin Xuan rubbed Hei Ling's head, not paying attention.

The reason why he let Wang Hao jump out to provoke Xuanyuan Dynasty at such a critical moment was to arouse hatred.

Consolidate the Xuanyuan Dynasty's killing intent on Wang Hao.

Let Xuanyuan Dynasty take the initiative to trouble Wang Hao after the auction.

In this way, Lin Xuan can justifiably "defense" and take away the goods stored in the "small warehouse".

Moreover, Lin Xuan certainly wouldn't waste so much material to exchange for the awakening spar of the healing system, which can be purchased for zero yuan, so why spend money?

Lin Xuan is not stupid.

Xuanyuan Dynasty sneered, turned to look at Shui Mei:

"Miss Shui Mei, hurry up and announce the result, I will invite you to dinner later."

Shui Mei sighed inwardly, feeling a little sad.

"I declare that the awakening spar of the healing department was purchased by Xuanyuan Dynasty!"

Xuanyuan Dynasty smiled arrogantly, and finally got the awakening spar of the healing department!

From then on, the Xuanyuan family will have another powerful helper, and the expansion of power is just around the corner.

The auction ended, and everyone began to evacuate outward one after another.

Xuanyuan Dynasty did not leave in a hurry, but stared at Shui Mei with malicious intent, and licked his lips.

He has already spent a lot of supplies (prostitution money) on Shui Mei, and he will inspect the goods tonight!

It is said that this coquettish girl is still a virgin, but I don't know if it is true.

"Miss Water Charm."

Xuanyuan Dynasty chuckled: "Please come to the humble house and have dinner together."

Shui Mei clenched her silver teeth, wishing she could slash the bastard, but she had to hold back:

"Master Xuanyuan, I'm a little uncomfortable tonight, I'd better choose another day"

Xuanyuan Dynasty snorted coldly: "That's not what you said!"

"Without my Xuanyuan Dynasty, how could your auction house earn so much supplies?!"

"Shui Mei, you'd better be smart and figure out who is Capital's father!"

Shui Meixiu frowned and clenched her fists.

Could it be that there is really no escape tonight?

At this time, an old man in white exercise clothes appeared on the second floor of the auction house, stood with his hands behind his back, silently looking down at all this.

He is about fifty years old, but he has white hair and a childlike face, and he is not angry and majestic.

Wang Chonglou.

The president of Tianying Bodyguard Company, the person in power behind the scenes.

It is also what Lin Xuan has been looking for, the behind-the-scenes seller who fished with the pair of blood bat bone wings.

At this time, Shui Mei also noticed Wang Chonglou's appearance, and a gleam of hope appeared in her beautiful eyes.

She looked at Wang Chonglou eagerly, with a look of prayer on her face.

Wang Chonglou remained expressionless, even a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and turned to leave.

Isn't raising such a rare and peerless beauty just to earn more benefits?

Since my physical condition is no longer able to drive a private car, then turn my private car into a bus!

In this way, you can earn more.

You can earn more if you lose your supplies, but if you lose your conscience, you can earn even more!

Watching Wang Chonglou leave helplessly, the hope that Shui Mei had just ignited was instantly shattered.

She smiled sadly, and walked down the stage like a walking dead.

Resign yourself to fate. This is the last days.

Looking at Shui Mei's slender and plump back, Xuanyuan Dynasty couldn't help feeling thirsty.

I am so happy to finally get the prey I have been thinking about for so many days!

"Go, exchange supplies, and go home immediately!"

Xuanyuan Dynasty waved his hand, and the eight bodyguards and the beautiful woman immediately followed Xuanyuan Dynasty and walked out.

The Xuanyuan Dynasty could not wait any longer.

Tonight, fight till dawn!

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