Spider demons have attributes

Chapter 118 Ghoul Army

"Everyone stand still."

Horn captured a group of monsters,

Use parasitic infection spider silk to infect these monsters and make them into ghoul servants.

"Stand in line."

Horn gave the orders;

The ghoul servants obeyed the command and the world stood still,

Horn shouted again: "Make a cross and let me see."

Cross-crossing is a bit difficult, mainly because the skeleton structure of the ghoul does not support the cross-crossing action.

But Master Horn's orders cannot be disobeyed,

The ghoul slaves tried their best to make cracking movements, and the bones creaked until they broke,

The ghoul slaves had expressionless faces, holding on to the broken bones and making crooked postures.

It crackles in all sorts of strange ways,

But after all, he fulfilled his master's orders.


Horn was interested and naughty,

Then he used parasitic infected spider silk to repair the bodies of these ghouls, and said: "Listen up, you must keep moving in different directions!"

Horn wants to test whether the slave imp mentioned by the Corpse Puppet is really that magical.

What if it's a bluff?

His true form will definitely not try it easily.

So let the ghoul slave try first. If the slave fails, it will be even more impossible for the main body to try to stay away from the scope of Sonny's Colossus.

If the ghoul servant succeeds,

That's equivalent to having a clone in the outside world. It's not a big problem if you don't leave.

Horn thought so,

Under his command, the ghoul servants began to set off, moving tirelessly in different directions,

Horn can sense the location of these ghouls.

The range of influence of the slave imp is still very large. Even if the servants have been moving for a whole day, they still have not gone out of the range specified by the slave imp.

Horn tried to sense it,

The twelve ghoul slaves are still there,

Remotely order these guys to move forward,

Horn turned around and went hunting and caught hundreds of monsters, all of which were transformed into ghouls.

Formed his first ghoul army,

"This awareness is long overdue."

"I am the last pure-blooded ghoul. It's enough to relive the feeling of hunting. The rest of the time will not let the ghoul king hunt in person."

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Build an army of ghouls,

From now on, the blood food will be left to the ghoul army.

Horn was thinking this way, looking at the hundreds of ghouls with different strengths.

The most powerful pursuer of the golden-named monster,

There are four seeker ghouls;

The highest level among them is lv50, which is stronger than the ghoul leader Horn.

Horn called out the pursuer's lv50 servant, "You! Get out of the queue!"

The guy who was obviously bigger than the other ghouls climbed out of the queue.

Horn: "What's your name?"

"Ah ah ah ah" the ghoul had something unclear in his mouth,

The stronger the strength, the greater the potential of the transformed ghoul, but strength is not the only factor that affects the quality of the ghoul servants.

The challenger ghouls that were transformed back then had long since died. Those ghouls at that time were able to speak words after a little training.

It is still difficult for the seeker in front of me to speak words, but it is enough to be able to understand the instructions.

"Yes, very good, the voice is very loud." Horn shouted: "From now on, you will be the leader of this ghoul army. Let me see what name you can give me."

Horn looked at the ghoul,

Thinking about how difficult it was to come up with a name, he said, "Let's just call him Commander No. 1."

The name is just a code name,

Just pick whatever you want.

Anyway, if you encounter a stronger monster in the future, just let him replace him and become the new commander.

Commander No. 1 made a series of snorts to express what he meant.

Although he cannot speak words, this behavior is enough to show that this seeker ghoul can understand Horn's meaning.

If the commander can't even understand the ghoul leader's words, then this legion should be disbanded as soon as possible.


"These are your men, take them hunting."

"Send the prey you find to this king."

Horn issued the first order,

The purpose of the Legion is to serve the ghoul leader.

Commander No. 1 received the order and led the smoky ghoul army to spread out and start looking for all the monsters that could be hunted.

With the Ghoul Army, the food problem will become much simpler.

Horn no longer participates in hunting,

He only needs to do a few things in the next few days,

The first thing is to take the time to return to the Tomb of the Sunset. Transform into a giant panda and devour the flesh and blood of Titans in the Tomb of the Sunset.

During this period, we encountered many zombie patrol teams.

When he was in a good mood, Horn would only say a few greetings to the patrol, then he would self-destruct and return to the ground.

If you are in a bad mood, beat up the patrol and leave.

After more than ten days in a row,

The legend of the [Terrible Black and White Bear] has begun to spread among the Corpse Puppet Patrol.

The members of the Corpse Puppet Patrol who were beaten or scolded described Monokuma as extremely cruel and did not dare to report it to the Corpse Puppet senior management.

It often happens that people eat Titan flesh and blood privately in non-eating areas.

It’s not just once or twice that foreign monsters break into the Tomb of the Sunset to steal food.

If they report it every time, it will appear that their patrol team is incompetent.

Back and forth,

The corpse puppets of the patrol described the monster [Monokuma] in increasingly outrageous ways.

There are even corpse puppets who call [Black and White Bear] the wraith of the first generation of Fu Bai, who was summoned by Lord Sonny in order to punish the descendants of the corpse puppets who were not loyal enough.

The bizarre legend of the black and white bear in the ancient tomb is spread among the lower-level corpses.

Horn had no idea about this. Anyway, he enjoyed eating Titan flesh and blood, and accumulated a lot of thunder attributes in his body.

In addition to eating Titan flesh,

After Horn is full, he will also eat some fresh monsters to keep his strength growing.

And then do the second thing he does on the ground,

That is to observe the pile of rocks,

The stone man I thought about so much didn’t appear again.

Being illuminated by the moonlight for many days in a row,

The stone man did not appear,

Horn felt like he was turning into stone;

Ghoul slaves came and went, holding the monsters they hunted in their mouths, piling them respectfully next to their master Horn,

Then go back and continue hunting,

Ghouls do not need to eat. They devour just to satisfy their desire to "devour". Their body repair ability is extremely strong, coupled with the assistance of infected parasitic threads,

The ghoul servants are even more difficult to die. Even if their heads explode during hunting, the remaining bodies can still hunt down the prey and use their claws to kill, so the elimination rate of the current members of the legion is relatively low.

More than a hundred ghouls hunted day and night, but only three were "humanely eliminated" because they were so damaged that they could not be repaired with parasitic threads, which seriously affected the hunting efficiency.

During Horn's reign, he expanded the size of the ghoul army, increasing the number of ghouls in the army to two hundred.

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