For the sake of purity, spiders build their nests in high places.

Because at such a height, many monsters in the maze cannot climb up.

Spider looked at the corner of the lair. The earth dragon was covered in rocks, and it exuded an amazing aura. If the local dragon hatched again, its attributes would become extremely terrifying.

"So strong, he is worthy of being an earth dragon. Even in a deep sleep, he still has such a terrifying aura."

Zizhidao murmured to herself.

Speaking of which, she envied Zhong Chen. Why could he be reincarnated into an earth dragon while she was a spider?

"Besides me, I don’t know if anyone else has been reincarnated into a monster."

According to the general routine, when humans are reincarnated into another world, they must become humans, such as braves, priests, princes and princesses. It is impossible for someone to be reincarnated into Goblins and Chuqiu people, right?.

Spider Zi thought this way.

It’s a bit boring. She can’t do anything at the entrance of the cave.

And she’s a little hungry.

"Let's grab some food first."

After she evolved into a small spider, although her size did not change much, her appetite increased a lot. Just like yesterday, she ate a whole Elro Basilisk. You must know that an adult Ello The basilisk can be as big as several train cars.

Even so, it is only eight times full.

"Woohoo, after all, she is a beautiful girl in her prime, and she can actually eat it so well. If you continue to eat like this, I'm afraid you will evolve into a devilish figure."

"It seems that he has the figure of a devil now. Who would have thought that such a body contains the soul of a sixteen-year-old girl!"

Zizhidao looked down at his spider form and sighed with emotion.

Gu Gu Gu Gu......

She is hungry.

So hungry.

At this moment, a monkey emerged from a dark corner below.

Spider Zi remembered that this kind of monkey is a social creature, usually hundreds of them move and hunt together. But this one obviously got separated from the rest of the group.

Through the identification technique, Spiderzi perfectly mastered the attributes of this monkey.

"Hey, it's so weak, its basic attributes are incomparable to those of Earth Dragon!"

Subconsciously, she compared this demon monkey with an earth dragon.

Of course there is no comparison. The basic attributes of this monkey are not even a fraction of those of an earth dragon, and are even a little lower than a spider.

"Okay, today’s lunch decision is yours."

The spider jumped down from the nest, and a female spider stabbed directly!

The monkey did not expect that there was a predator above its head, and was directly tied tightly with the spider silk.

The prey was in hand, the spider was Opening his mouth:"I'm starting!"


Bite the monkey.


The monkey's blood volume dropped instantly.

"Vomiting, so sour, but I can barely eat it."

It's unpalatable, but Spiderzi adheres to the principle of not wasting food and not being picky about food, and then took another bite. The demon monkey directly entered the residual health state.

At this time, Spiderzi did not know that this kind of monkey living in groups has a deathrattle Skill!

The so-called deathrattle skill is a special skill that can only be triggered after dying or dying. It is precisely because of this deathrattle skill that this monkey is very difficult to mess with.

【Chirp]: Activates when near death, summoning all similar creatures within a five-kilometer range.

Every demon monkey has the same deathrattle technique, and this one is no exception.

When the monkey was bitten by the spider's fangs, it immediately activated this skill when its health was at the bottom.

"Ouch ouch——"

The strange cry was deafening.

Spider Zi covered his ears, looking confused.

"What, what's going on?"

She thought the monkey was going to fight desperately, and she was instantly ready to defend herself.

But she didn't expect that after the monkey roared about ten times, it seemed to have exhausted all its strength and died suddenly.

And her ears On the side, there was also a reminder to increase experience.

"What, it scared me to death. Spider Zi blinked,"Could it be that my fangs hurt so much that he couldn't stand it.""

I thought about it for a long time and couldn't figure out why.

"Forget it, it’s still important to have a full meal."

So the spider bit directly and ate the demon monkey until only the bones were left.

She turned over, kicked the monkey's head with her eight feet, and burped:"Hiccup~ Although it doesn't taste good, But I was still full, and now I had more strength."

However, at this moment, countless demon monkeys heard the screams of their companions' tragic death, their eyes suddenly turned red, and they began to walk in the direction of Zhong Chen's evolution.

They clearly felt that a companion was killed there.

Once any monkey activates the deathrattle technique, these monkeys will gather together regardless of the cost. Whether it is an earth dragon or a spider queen, they will dare to rush forward and fight.



Countless roars resounded throughout the Elro Labyrinth.

At the entrance to the upper cave, the humans who had obtained the earth dragon eggs suddenly heard this restless roar.

Captain Gordo frowned and immediately ordered:"All adventurers, retreat!"

The other team members were a little confused.

"Captain, we just got the Earth Dragon Egg, are we going to retreat now?"

"Yes, Captain, in addition to this earth dragon egg, there may be other places. Why don't you look for it again. Only

Gordo shook his head:"No, the cry just now is the deathrattle of the devil monkey. Once triggered, it can no longer stay here.""

"Magic monkey?"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

They had never seen this kind of monkey before. They looked very weak and not worth mentioning.

There were many adventurers in their twenties and thirties among them. Even if there were dozens of them, they would be right. They do no harm.

But Gordo went on to say:"Once this kind of demon monkey launches its death rattle, they will rush to the place where their companions died regardless of the consequences. One person is not scary, but the number of them is scary." There are thousands of them."

Hiss - everyone took a breath of cold air.

A few dozen of them are not dangerous, but what about thousands of them?

This number is probably comparable to the army.

Everyone couldn't help but trembled, and felt nervous for triggering the deathrattle. The monsters feel sad. With this number, even powerful monsters in the twenties will be torn into pieces by them.

"Let's go."Goldo waved his hand and left quickly.

On the other side, Spider, who had just eaten, patted her belly and planned to take a nap on the spot.

But then she heard an extremely noisy roar that resounded throughout the maze.

"Eh eh eh? ?"

"what happened!"

She quickly got up and looked out from the entrance of the cave.

Looking around, she saw a dense number of demon monkeys below the entrance of the cave, surrounding the entire entrance.

Their pupils were like blood, and each one looked like they were crazy.

The most terrifying thing was , their quantity......

Thousands of them!

(Originally, this book was just written casually. After seeing that the results were acceptable, I decided to continue writing, so I did not save the manuscript. The author is handicapped and may only write 10,000 words in a day, so the update time is usually in the evening. Of course, since the decision If you want to write, it will be written and put on the shelf, and updates will not be interrupted.)

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