The restaurant in the Pokémon Center is a

buffet style,

whether it is a trainer or a Pokémon, the cost per person is 50 yuan of elf coins.

However, for Pokémon, in terms of restaurants, there are other regulations, which are to price according to the amount of food.

In addition, only trainers are allowed to bring Pokémon under one meter to dine here.

The reason for this is also to prevent larger Pokémon from causing unnecessary trouble in restaurants.

In addition, there are clear rules for the restaurant.

That is, it is forbidden to enter greedy Pokémon such as Kirbymon.

It can't be helped, mainly like Kirbymon, Devourer, Greedy Chicks, etc., these Pokémon are too edible.

In particular, the little Kirbymon has to eat at least about 100 kilograms of food every day to be full.

If you let them into the restaurant, I'm afraid that other customers won't have to eat.


After Qin Xiao finished fetching food for the two Pokémon, he sat down to eat.

While eating, I watched the pedestrians passing by on the street below.

And the little fire dragon, when he saw the plate full of food brought to him by the master, his eyes were full of light and he was stuck in the plate.

Compared with the little fire dragon's unpromising appearance, the wrist strength to eat is much more gentle.

Although it is a little more than the little fire dragon Sven, the speed of eating is not slow at all.

"Eh, I said you two, can we not act like we haven't eaten for three days?"

"You two are like this, it's easy for people to misunderstand that I'm abusing you and not giving you food!" As

he spoke, he picked up the paper towel on the side and carefully wiped off the stains on the sticky face for the little fire dragon.

At this moment, Qin Xiao suddenly heard a pleasant female voice from his side: "Hello, can I share a table with you?"

Qin Xiao looked up and saw that it was the female nurse just now.

He didn't say yes right away, but turned his head to look around.

Seeing that the restaurant was full of people at this moment, he said a little nervously, "Oh... Hello... Okay, can you sit ......

" "Hehe, thank you" The female nurse smiled slightly when she saw Qin Xiao's agreement and sat opposite him.

At first, neither of them spoke, and they each ate slowly.

Just when Qin Xiao felt that the atmosphere was a little awkward, the little fire dragon on the side suddenly clubbed his arm.

Qin Xiao turned his head and saw that it had eaten a clean plate and pushed it in front of him.

It means that he hasn't eaten enough yet, so he wants Qin Xiao to give himself another one.

Qin Xiao asked in surprise: "Still eating, man, look at what your belly has become?"

The little fire dragon suddenly hugged his hands around his chest in displeasure, puffing out his cheeks, as if to say: "I don't understand the sophistication of the dragon again!" "

Hehe, this little guy is now in his infancy, when he grows his body, so the amount of food will increase." The female nurse opposite suddenly smiled and said, "It's okay to eat more." "

Oh, I understand, thank you!" Qin Xiao thanked him, and before he could get up, the little fire dragon on the side saw that someone was speaking for him, and he suddenly became energetic, and hurriedly pushed Qin Xiao to urge him to hurry up.

"Hehe~" The female nurse was also amused by the little fire dragon's mischievous appearance and covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Okay, I know, I'll go get it for you now!" Qin Xiao said helplessly.

Picking up the plate and just about to leave, he suddenly remembered something, so he said to the female nurse: "That, can you please help me take care of these two little guys?" "

No problem!" The female nurse's eyes curved up like a crescent moon, and she made an OK gesture to Qin Xiao.


When Qin Xiao finished taking the meal, he was about to turn around and go back, when he happened to see the female nurse distributing the tonkatsu on her plate to the greedy little fire dragon.

The sun shone on her delicate face, brightening up such a bright smile.

The corners of Qin Xiao's mouth slowly hooked.

Back at the table, he thanked the female nurse for helping to take care of the two Pokémon, and then handed the plate to the impatient little fire dragon.

As soon as I sat down, I heard the female nurse smile and say, "My name is Vera, what's your name?"

Through chatting, Qin Xiao not only learned Vera's name, but also knew that the other party was the same age as himself.

The family lives in Vladivostok, and since he was a child, he has loved Pokémon, but he doesn't like to see Pokémon fighting each other.

So as an adult, Vera enrolled in the Pokémon medical profession.

And when she came to the Pokémon Center in Oga Town, it had only been a month.

Also belongs to the newcomers.

Vera is very talkative, and her personality gives Qin Xiao a very sunny feeling.

And Qin Xiao himself belongs to the kind of person who is a little stuffy and not very good at communicating with girls.

Otherwise, he would not have run to this sparsely populated Siberia alone, willing to guard an abandoned farm and live with Pokémon.

The warm afternoon sun shines through the transparent glass and falls onto the dining table.

Two people with diametrically opposite personalities, accompanied by Pokémon, talk and laugh.

Vera: "By the way, Qin, have you heard

!" Qin Xiao: "What?"

Vera: "The Pokémon Big Stomach Contest held in Oga Town!".

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