"Plop" sound.

Splashing the sky.

The salty sea water instantly poured into his mouth and nose.

Although Qin Xiao could swim, as his Pokémon, the Golden Carp King still dived into the water for the first time to hold him up.

Qin Xiao, who was lying on its back, gritted his teeth and looked at the gloating guy not far away.

"Little Saw Crocodile, Labor and Management are not done with you today!!"

With that, he ordered the Golden Carp King to rush towards the Little Saw Crocodile at full speed.

The little saw crocodile laughed when he saw that Qin Xiao's eyes were filled with angry flames.

Thinking that he was going to play a game of cat and mouse with himself, he turned around and swam towards the depths of the ocean.

The speed is so fast that it is like a martial arts master performing Ling Bo micro-steps on the sea.

Compared to it, the speed of the Golden Carp King is slightly inferior.

Qin Xiao lay firmly on the back of the Golden Carp King, and the fierce sea breeze whirred in his ears.

That is, you chased me to catch up, and Qin Xiao accidentally broke into the territory of the light cod.

When he and the Golden Carp King found out, they had already been surrounded by a school of light cod.

Looking at a school of lightweight cod that was very difficult to mess with, Qin Xiao only felt a tingling of his scalp.

I was so careless that I forgot that the ocean was full of dangers.

And the most fatal of them is encountering a school of light cod.

The light cod, about two meters in length, looks somewhat similar to the bluefin tuna in the previous life, and the fins are triangular purple-pink.

From its large mouth full of sharp fangs, it can be seen that the bluefin tuna is a younger brother in the eyes of this guy.

This fish-shaped Pokémon has a powerful regenerative ability.

It will make itself lighter by sacrificing the fat on its body before attacking its prey.

Giving up unnecessary flesh can sharpen its mind and improve its spiritual strength.

It is a Pokémon with water + superpower attributes.

The fat that falls off the body of the light cod has a light taste and is very delicious.

It is a delicacy comparable to bluefin tuna meat, and the price of one kilogram is very high.

At the same time, it is also one of the few Pokémon ingredients that can be legally consumed.

Facing such a group of lightweight cod, Qin Xiao couldn't cry or laugh.

To be honest, when he first saw this group of light cod, the first thought that came to his mind was to subdue them all.

It is then stocked in the sea near the farm's beach.

Create yourself a marine ranch dedicated to lept cod.

But the idea is good, but it's too difficult.

First, he had to make sure he could escape safely from the maws of the ferocious lightweight cod.

After surrounding Qin Xiao, the group of light cod did not attack immediately, but approached him little by little.

In the face of danger, not only Qin Xiao panicked, but even the Golden Carp King became restless.

One of the things that Qin Xiao regrets most now is that he didn't wait for the Golden Carp King to evolve and took the risk of coming to the sea.

He who owes nothing must chase after that hateful little sawy crocodile.

But now, it is useless to regret it, and you can only come up with a solution as soon as possible.

At this time, a light cod suddenly jumped out of the water, opened its mouth and attacked Qin Xiao directly.

Qin Xiao hurriedly leaned down and was able to dodge.

The attack of this light cod was like a signal for its companions to attack.

Immediately after, two more light cod began to bite towards the belly of the golden carp king.

"Carp King, get out of the way!" Qin Xiao shouted desperately.

The Golden Carp King fled frantically.

Desperately trying to avoid the attack of the school of light cod.

At this critical juncture, Qin Xiao suddenly heard the cry of the little saw crocodile.

"Wow, wow,

wow, wow!" Then I saw the little light blue body treading water.

It opened its mouth and shot down a light cod that had just jumped out of the water.

Facing the sudden appearance of the little saw crocodile, at this moment, Qin Xiao's mood can be said to be quite complicated.

He really couldn't figure out why the little saw crocodile would turn back to help him.

But now was not the time for him to think about these useless questions, and after seeing the little saw crocodile crash into a light cod, he leaped out of the water.

Qin Xiao opened his hands, wanting to catch this small body.

But who knows, in the face of Qin Xiao's arms, the little saw crocodile ignored it, and landed on the head of the Golden Carp King.

Turning his head, his eyes looking at Qin Xiao were full of disdain.

The expression seemed to say, "You can't do this, this little fish will trap you, it's better to look at me!"

and then turned his face and frantically fired a water gun at the school of light cod in the sea.

Although he behaves bravely, it is useless.

After all, it is a Pokémon with the same attributes as the group of light cod, and the strength of the small saw crocodile is limited, so it alone is not enough to deal with so many light cod.

The situation is once again in crisis.

The school of light cod is like a piranha, frantically attacking the golden carp king.

At this time, the Golden Carp King already had several wounds on his body.

It struggled in agony in the water.

Blood splattered everywhere like goose feathers.

Spread out on the surface of the sea, the scene was extremely cruel.

While Qin Xiao was very anxious, he was even more distressed in his heart.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled out two Poké Balls from his waist.

He plans to take the King Carp back to the Poké Ball, and by the way, let the little Saw Crocodile hide in the Poké Ball for a while.

As for himself, he chose to stay and face this group of hideous-looking light cod alone.

Looking at the Golden Carp King who was still insisting on taking himself out of this place, a relieved smile appeared on the corner of Qin Xiao's mouth.

"Come back, Carp King, you've done a good job...... A

white light flashed, and the Golden Carp King didn't return to the Poké Ball as Qin Xiao thought, but stared at Qin Xiao on his back with his eyes.

Looking at the smiling Qin Xiao, the golden carp's eyes were firm.

At this moment, it wants to become stronger, and only by becoming strong can it return to the farm safely with Qin Xiao.

The heart that desperately wants to become stronger makes the carp king's body burst out with a dazzling white light in an instant!

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