A pair of large sky-blue eyes began to look around, as if looking for some tool to vent their frustration.

Inadvertently, it saw the pen falling out of Qin Xiao's pocket.

Suddenly I had an idea.

Dangling the pink round body, running to his side, the moment he grabbed the pen, it was like a lonely swordsman in the world.

Under the moonlight, its sword was as elegant as a meteor, as sharp as a lightning flash!

"Bo Li!" Looking at the masterpiece in front of him, Fat Ding nodded with satisfaction.

Without saying a word, he left in style.

As Mr. Xu wrote in the poem, "Quietly I go, just as I came quietly, I waved my sleeves and did not take away a cloud." "

Uh... Fat Ding waved his short hand and walked a pen ......

The next morning, Qin Xiao woke up lazy.

When I found out that I was forced to sleep outdoors last night because of Fat Ding's singing, the corners of my mouth couldn't help but pull out a wry smile.

"Hehe~ I really didn't expect that there was a fat ding living near this farm.

"In the future, it seems that I don't have to worry about insomnia anymore.

After talking to himself, Qin Xiao was just about to stand up and go get some water to wash.

When he officially started working on the farm, he saw a little fire dragon sleeping next to him, who had also just woken up, with saliva on the corner of his mouth, and looked a little cute.

I was stunned.

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as the plot in the anime......"

Hearing Qin Xiao's words, the little fire dragon rubbed his eyes, and just when he wanted to open a pair of small claws to ask for love from his master, he saw the big flower face in front of him.

Frightened, it jumped up at the speed of light, and pulled away enough from the big flower face, and it screamed angrily.

It's like saying, "Retreat, retreat!"


Early in the morning, at the edge of the forest.

The Flying Mantis suddenly attacked a pine tree with a thick bowl mouth.

I saw that its body shook and turned into an afterimage.

Then I heard a "click".

"Boom!" The thick pine tree was cut off in an instant.

Qin Xiao, who was standing behind it, clapped his hands and praised: "Good job Flying Mantis, continue to use the continuous chopping to clean up all the pine branches of this pine tree

!" "Bang!!"

The Flying Mantis nodded in response.

In less than a moment, all the branches of the pine tree were cut off.

Then he and Qin Xiao carried it back to the wooden house one after another.

As Qin Xiao put down the pine wood, he walked back to the cabin, found tools such as handsaws and hammers, and began to devote himself to work.

He plans to use this pine tree to build a small cart with his own hands.

This way, you can push it yourself and go into the forest to collect as many fruit as you can.

After a morning of banging and beating.

Qin Xiao finally made the small cart.

For the sake of this small cart, Qin Xiao even dismantled and scrapped the old bicycle left by his second master.

The main reason why the bicycle was dismantled was to get those two wheels.

In his opinion, the distance between the farm and the town is not too far, and it is not a waste of time to walk.

And this bicycle is really a bit too old, not to mention crunching when riding, and a bit of a butt, it is better to waste it.

In another form, let it continue to work on the farm.

As for the means of transportation, he is not worried.

Anyway, in this world, there are also cars, and it's a big deal that after the farm makes money, it's better to buy a car for yourself.

Or take in a rideable Pokémon like the Flaming Horse, Wind Speed Dog, or Motorcycle Lizard.

Thinking of riding on the back of a flaming horse and galloping on a horse, Qin Xiao couldn't help but yearn for it in his heart.

I just don't know if riding on the back of a flaming horse will burn my butt.

In order to make this little cart look more beautiful, Qin Xiao also asked the little fire dragon to use sparks to carbonize the surface of the small cart.

This can not only improve the beauty of the trolley, but also play a role in insect prevention and corrosion, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

With the help of the small cart, Qin Xiao's efficiency in entering the forest to collect tree fruits was obviously much faster.

For the next afternoon, he kept pushing a cart back and forth between the farm and the forest to buy goods.


Towards evening, Ivan, who came to receive the goods, was completely shocked when he saw the stacked tree fruits as high as a hill in front of the shipping hut.

But shock is shock, and we can't forget about business.

After Ivan came back to his senses, he began to weigh and settle the accounts for the tree fruits collected by Qin Xiao with Haoli.

After careful weighing, such a large number of tree fruits, calculated together, earned a total of more than 10,000 elf coins for Qin Xiao.

Counting the wad of cash in his hand, Qin Xiao was excited.

Unexpectedly, after only three or two days of coming to the farm, he relied on the tree fruit and earned the first pot of gold.

With this money, the initial funds for the reconstruction of the farm are also available.


At night, in order to prevent Fat Ding from appearing again and letting himself sleep outdoors, Qin Xiao returned to the wooden house early after dinner and lay down.

At the same time, lying on the bed, he still remembered a cave he accidentally discovered during the day when he was collecting tree fruits.

That cave is deep.

At that time, Qin Xiao was standing at the entrance of the cave, and he could vaguely hear the roar of Pokémon coming from the cave from time to time.

He wanted to go in and explore, but when he saw the time, it was almost five o'clock in the evening.

He had no choice but to exit from the cave and return to the farm with a small cart and two Pokémon.

At this time, lying on the bed, he thought to himself, tomorrow is just fine, why not go to the cave and explore.

Just when he was thinking about it, he heard the singing of the fat ding in his ears again.

The song seemed to remind him that it was late, and you should be awake.

Young people, staying up late will be bald.


It's another day in the blink of an eye.

Qin Xiao came to the entrance of the cave early in the morning with two Pokémon.

Looking at the dark cave, Qin Xiao "cooed" and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

He turned his gaze to the little fire dragon and the flying mantis beside him, with a determined look on his face.

Pick up a pre-made torch and light it with the help of the flame on the tail of the little dragon.

Carefully walk into the cave with the two Pokémon.

The cave was pitch black, unfathomable

Qin Xiao held a torch, and boldly went deeper and deeper, and the little fire dragon followed closely behind him with a timid face.

And the flying mantis on the side showed a relaxed face.

As I walked, I heard a sudden "click" sound in the silent cave.

The sudden sound frightened the little fire dragon to jump up instantly.

Qin Xiao was also frightened by this voice.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he had stepped on a stone under his feet.

Subconsciously took the torch and shone it under his feet, and in the next second, Qin Xiao's eyes suddenly widened, and his eyes were full of surprise.

Then he quickly picked up the stone and looked at it carefully.

The stone itself is orange-yellow, slightly transparent, and under the light of the fire, you can faintly see that there are flame-like lines in it.

When you grasp it in your hand, you can feel a trace of warmth.

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