Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 1 Chaos Dream Thunder Electric

When he woke up, Yun Xiao, who should have opened his eyes naturally, realized that something was wrong with him. Unable to react, he tried to open his eyes again, but still failed. Yun Xiao felt that he had encountered the so-called "ghost on the bed" again. According to science, it is sleep paralysis.

While half awake, I could neither speak nor move, and felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. In fact, most of them have no effect. Generally speaking, if you take the initiative to think of something "exciting", you will be relieved quickly.

But when Yun Xiao started to choose a tutor based on his past experience in his mind, he suddenly realized the real problem and fell into great fear because he couldn't feel his eyes, or even his arms, legs and feet. and body. I feel more like, soft and shapeless. With my limited knowledge, it is really difficult to understand my current state.

He knew that what he encountered was definitely not a ghost on the bed, because he really couldn't feel his body at all. At present, he only has consciousness left, which reminds him of "vegetative people", that is, the "living dead" who only have consciousness or partial consciousness and have no independent response to the outside world. Did he encounter any misfortune while sleeping last night?

If I really become a vegetative state, what should my elderly parents and poor family do? How should parents live? Although he is not an only child in the family, and his elder brother is very filial to his parents, I am afraid that no one can comfort his parents' sadness. A feeling of powerlessness permeates my heart. No, I don't have a heart now, it pervades my consciousness.

After being sad for a while, Yun Xiao thought that he could not sink like this and should find a way to regain control of his body and recover as soon as possible. This was the fundamental solution to all problems.

However, after thinking about it, Yun Xiao really had no clue at all, and just wanted to sleep as he thought about it. Feeling sleepy, Yun Xiao suddenly felt hopeful. Could this be a dream? If it was a dream, that would be great. After waking up, everything will be restored and everything will be as usual. In this way, with that glimmer of hope, he fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, the situation was still the same as before. All he could feel was darkness and boredom, and there was no return to normal as expected. It seemed that all this was not a dream. In this way, Yun Xiao, who had been in a state of chaos and confusion, woke up and fell asleep. He could not feel the passage of time at all, but he still defined the time between sleeping and waking up as "day".

I also tried to explore how high the darkness was, raising my consciousness directly from waking up, but I didn't feel any change or touch the boundary until I fell asleep again. I also tried to explore how wide the area was, but still had no results until I went to bed.

I also tried to explore who I was. After some thinking, I firmly believed that I was still myself, just in a vegetative state. I have also tried to explore how I exist. People always have to eat, where does nutrition come from, and whether there is metabolism. The result of thinking can only be attributed to a vegetative state.

After an unknown number of days of tossing, Yun Xiao finally confirmed that he had truly become a vegetative state, unable to feel the outside world, but only a ball of consciousness existing in his mind. The reason why we use the quantifier "tuan" is because to compromise the consciousness that cannot perceive and describe shapes, we cannot use "tuo", although the latter may be more appropriate...

Yun Xiao slowly began to adapt to the current situation where he had become a ball of consciousness. It was not that he was unwilling to change, but that he was helpless and compromised with the status quo. He began to imagine that he could play each of the four members of Journey to the West to simulate the process of Journey to the West, but no one identity could complete the whole journey. The main reason was that although he had read a lot of Journey to the West, he could not watch it all in a row.

I also fantasize about becoming Ultraman, but it’s not about fighting monsters. Beasts are so cute, so why fight monsters? Shouldn't we get along well with the monsters, and then use the guidance of the light to play a small game of surging waves and submerging the four reefs?

I have also fantasized about becoming Iron Man, Yan Shuangying, a war between China and the United States, and so on. He could only use this almost boring fantasy to pass the boring time, immerse himself in his fantasy, and selectively forget about the lifeless and chaotic world outside.

I don't know if more than ten or dozens of days and nights passed, but one day, the surrounding chaos gradually changed. There was a slight fluctuation in the surroundings. It was only small at first, but it still attracted Yun Xiao's attention. Yun Xiao is very familiar with the space he is in. He carefully felt the small fluctuation. I just watched helplessly as that small fluctuation gradually split into multiple small fluctuations.

After this split lasted for several days, different fluctuations began to change regularly. Some fluctuations acted in a consistent manner and became more coordinated. Some fluctuations were chaotic and antagonistic. Some fluctuations even disappeared during the hedging process. . Seeing these fluctuations gradually getting stronger, Yun Xiao felt more and more hopeful that he could regain control of his body.

After about ten days, the fluctuations have become regular, rhythmic and charming. An electric current is also generated in the middle of this rhythm. That's right, it's electric current. The reason why it was determined to be electric current was because the first electric current produced made Yun Xiao's consciousness very excited. He kept touching these electric currents with the boundary of his consciousness, letting the slight over-electricity feeling spread throughout himself, like extremely I remember the feeling of accidentally grabbing the 380-volt wire of a three-phase welding machine when I was a child.

As the current increased, this self-torturing "electric shock" made him begin to realize his boundaries. Although the outside world was still in a state of emptiness and chaos, he truly realized his boundaries and that he was slowly growing stronger. He also began to turn his attention to perceiving his boundaries, and no longer obsessed with observing every change in the current.

After waking up, Yun Xiao, who should have opened his eyes naturally, found that something was wrong with him. He tried to open his eyes again without reacting for a while, but still failed. Yun Xiao felt that he had encountered the so-called "ghost pressing on the bed" again, which is scientifically speaking, sleep paralysis.

Between half awake and half awake, he could neither speak nor move, and felt chest tightness, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing. In fact, most of them have no effect. Generally speaking, if you take the initiative to think of something "stimulating", it will soon be relieved.

But when Yun Xiao began to select tutors in his mind according to past experience, he suddenly realized the real problem, and therefore fell into great fear, because he could not feel his eyes, or even his arms, legs, feet, and body. I felt more like a soft and shapeless body. With my limited knowledge, it was really difficult to understand my current state.

He knew that what he encountered was definitely not a ghost pressing on the bed, because he really couldn't feel his body at all. At present, he only had consciousness left, which reminded him of "vegetative people", that is, "living dead" who only had consciousness or partial consciousness and had no autonomous reaction to the outside world. Did he encounter any misfortune when he slept last night?

If I really became a vegetative person, what should I do with my elderly parents and poor family? How should my parents live? Although I am not the only son in the family and my brother is very filial to his parents, I am afraid that no one can comfort my parents' sadness. A feeling of powerlessness filled my heart. No, I have no heart now, but it is filled in my consciousness.

After a long time of sadness, Yun Xiao thought that he couldn't sink like this. He should find a way to restore control of his body and let himself recover as soon as possible. This is the fundamental solution to all problems.

However, after thinking about it, Yun Xiao really had no clue at all. He wanted to sleep as he thought about it. Feeling sleepy, Yun Xiao suddenly felt hopeful. Was he dreaming? If it was a dream, that would be great. After waking up, everything would be restored and everything would be normal. So, with that glimmer of hope, he fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, the situation was still the same as before. He could only feel darkness and boredom, and he did not return to normal as expected. It seemed that all this was not a dream. Yun Xiao, who had been in a chaotic and ignorant state, slept and woke up, and woke up and slept, without any perception of the passage of time, but he still defined the time he slept and woke up as "days".

He also tried to explore how high the darkness was, and raised his consciousness directly from waking up, but he did not feel any changes or touch the boundary until he fell asleep again. He also tried to explore how wide the land was, but there was still no result until he fell asleep.

He also tried to explore who he was. After some thinking, he firmly believed that he was still himself, but he was in a vegetative state. He also tried to explore how he existed. People always have to eat, where does nutrition come from, and can there be metabolism? The result of thinking can only be attributed to vegetative state.

After many days of tossing and turning, Yun Xiao finally confirmed that he really became a vegetable. He could not feel the outside world, but just a ball of consciousness in his mind. The reason why the quantifier "ball" is used is because it is a compromise for the consciousness that cannot perceive or describe the shape. It is impossible to use "lump", although the latter may be more appropriate...

Yun Xiao slowly began to adapt to the current situation of becoming a ball of consciousness. It was not that he was unwilling to change, but he was helpless and compromised with the current situation. He began to imagine that he played each of the four people in Journey to the West to simulate the journey to the West, but no identity could complete the whole journey. The main reason was that although he had watched Journey to the West a lot, he could not finish it once in a row.

I also imagined myself becoming Ultraman, but not fighting monsters. The beasts are so cute, why fight monsters? Shouldn't we get along with monsters in a friendly way, and then play a small game of turbulent waves submerging the four reefs under the guidance of light?

I also imagined myself becoming Iron Man, Yan Shuangying, the Sino-US war, and so on. He could only use this almost boring fantasy to kill time, immersing himself in his own fantasy, and selectively forgetting the lifeless and chaotic world outside.

After dozens of days and nights, one day, the chaos around him gradually changed. There were slight fluctuations around him, which were very small at first, but still attracted Yun Xiao's attention. Yun Xiao was too familiar with the space he was in. He carefully sensed the small fluctuations. He watched the small fluctuations gradually split into multiple small fluctuations.

After this split lasted for several days, different fluctuations began to change regularly. Some fluctuations moved in unison and their coordination increased, while some fluctuations were messy and their antagonism weakened. Some fluctuations even disappeared in the process of hedging. Watching these fluctuations gradually become stronger, Yun Xiao felt that he had regained control of his body and was getting more and more hopeful.

After about ten days, the fluctuations have become regular, rhythmic, and charming. Electric current is also generated in the middle of this rhythm. Yes, it is electric current. The reason why it is determined to be electric current is that the first electric current generated makes Yun Xiao's consciousness very excited. He keeps touching these electric currents with the boundaries of his consciousness, letting the feeling of slight electric shock spread throughout himself, just like the feeling of accidentally grabbing the 380-volt wire of a three-phase welding machine when he was a child.

As the current increases, this self-abuse "electric shock" makes him begin to realize his boundaries. Although the outside world is still empty and chaotic, he is truly aware of his boundaries and that he is slowly growing. He also began to turn his attention to perceiving his boundaries, and no longer obsessed with observing every change in the current.

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