Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 144: Refining Strength Refutes Rumors

Lian Yurou stayed in the practice room or in the wine cellar every day.

She didn't fight or fight, didn't cry or make a fuss. She practiced quietly and looked after the spirit wine quietly.

When Yunxiao brewed wine, she would go out with Xiaomei and would not come to steal his skills.

Yunxiao was quite satisfied with her. If she dared to steal or do anything else, Yunxiao would definitely kill her at the first time.

In the first month of the ninety-sixth year of Yunxiao, Yunxiao refined one tael of gold essence.

Looking at the only two taels of gold essence in his hand, Yunxiao wanted to know where he could exchange some gold essence?

All the iron essence and silver essence in the sect's warehouse had been exchanged.

It was useless to ask Master Yukai for help.

Lian Feihua didn't need to ask, she still wanted to snatch the gold essence from Yunxiao.

It seems that I can only wait slowly. I can refine one tael a year. It will take fourteen years to refine one pound of gold essence to make mountain-shaking bricks for Ruyin.

In the midsummer month, it was the time for the once-in-five-years competition among the four sects.

Lian Feihua led the team as usual, and Master Yukai was in charge of hosting the competition. The group went to the Ghost Spirit Sect to participate in the competition.

Every time the Ghost Spirit Sect hosted the competition, they would come up with something new. This time was no exception.

According to the information Yunxiao learned, the Ghost Spirit Sect held the competition at the original sect station of the Yue Kingdom Huadaowu, now called the Huadaowu Station.

In addition to the battle of breaking the formation and charging, the competition temporarily added a weapon refining competition.

As for the rewards for this competition, the Demon Flame Sect gave out the top-grade magic weapon Chijun Jingjian, the Ghost Spirit Sect gave out the brand-new Qingjian Fubao, the Tiansha Sect gave out the Heisha Brick, and the Jiang Kingdom Yuling Sect gave out the Bijiao Sword.

Except for the Ghost Spirit Sect, the other three sects were exactly the same as last time.

In Yunxiao's opinion, this should be the three sects' protest against the Ghost Spirit Sect's temporary addition of drama.

The rewards for the weapon refining competition were only elixirs and spirit stones, which further verified Yunxiao's guess.

The result of the small competition of the charge battle was that the Tiansha Sect won the first place, the Moyan Sect won the second place, and the Yuling Sect won the third and fourth places.

Among the top ten, there was only one person from the Guiling Sect, and he ranked ninth.

This result made the young master Wang Qiyao, who organized the small competition of the four sects for the first time, very angry.

It was just that the people of the four sects gathered together and he couldn't get angry.

In the temporary refining competition, the Guiling Sect won a big victory.

Except for the Moyan Sect, which won the third place, the other four of the top five were taken by the Guiling Sect.

This is not surprising. The Guiling Sect spent so much effort and so much money, and must have enough confidence in the refining level of its disciples.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be self-humiliation.

Yunxiao thought it was over, but Lian Feihua actually announced that due to the small number of participants and the small rewards in this refining competition, the purpose of friendly exchanges among the four sects could not be achieved.

Now I specially invite Qi Yunxiao to refine a black iron black gold shield from scratch for everyone, and exchange refining experience with everyone.

Yunxiao was stunned when he heard the news. Didn't you see that I was already packing up and preparing to return?

What's going on?

However, since it was Feihua Demon Lord who asked, Master Yukai would naturally not disobey.

He took out one or two iron essences directly, and borrowed a few carts of black iron ore and black gold ore from Young Master Wang Qiyao.

Since it was from scratch, it would of course start with refining the ore. This understanding is correct.

Then Yunxiao, who was forced to do business, had to take out his Hongluo refining furnace, put in the spirit wood, and ignite his innate true fire.

Start burning the ore.

Then a Taoist friend asked why Yunxiao didn't use the innate true fire to burn the ore directly, but ignited the spirit wood to calcine the ore in the refining furnace. Is there any particularity?

The Taoist friend who heard the question used the word "particularity" instead of "taking off pants to fart".

It seems that this Taoist friend has a high level of personal cultivation and is worth discussing.

Yunxiao brought out the reasons he had explained countless times.

That is, when I was a child, I was used to burning spirit wood and using the refining furnace. There was no special meaning.

Lian Feihua, who knew the truth, seemed to be trying to hold back a smile on her face. Yunxiao was also helpless.

He had a fire spirit body, but he could not cast fire spells. He must not tell anyone.

If this were known to others, it would be a fatal flaw once the battle started.

From the observation on the scene, Lian Feihua asked Yunxiao to come out to refine the weapon, probably to vent his anger.

I just don't know if he was angry with the Ghost Spirit Sect or the result of the refining competition.

Yunxiao would normally refine a black iron black gold shield, a top-grade magic weapon with iron essence, and he would definitely be able to earn back his face in refining.

While refining, Yunxiao explained the precautions of refining, just like taking a class in the sect.

When all the ores were calcined into juice, the iron essence calcined in Yunxiao's other refining furnace was basically melted into liquid.

After Yunxiao mixed the two, he used his spiritual consciousness to mix the three evenly and shaped a dark red shield.

After the shaping was completed, Yunxiao then drew the forbidden magic array on the shield and polished the entire shield smooth.

When the forbidden magic array was drawn and the shield surface was polished, a black iron black gold shield was refined.

Because it was explained while refining, the whole process took ten hours.

The two different metals were integrated with each other, and then the melted iron essence was added. The three materials with different properties were integrated and shaped, and then the forbidden magic array was drawn.

Continued to refine for eight hours, without replenishing mana, without the help of calming incense, and succeeded in one go, fully demonstrating Yunxiao's level of refining, and also eliminating Lian Feihua's cold face.

Fortunately, everyone is a cultivator, and the night and lights will not affect everyone's spiritual sense exploration.

After the refining was completed, Lian Feihua picked up the shield, looked at it, and then threw it back to Yunxiao.

Then Feihua Demon Lord asked Master Yukai to say goodbye to Wang Qiyao, and this small competition could end.

On the way back to the branch sect, Yunxiao asked Lian Feihua very puzzled why she was so angry and asked Yunxiao to refine the black iron and black gold shield.

Lian Feihua's answer made Yunxiao very angry, and even felt that he did not pretend to be cool when refining, and he regretted it a little.

It turned out that when Lian Feihua was chatting with the Jindan cultivators led by the other three sects, Yan Ruyan seemed to be unintentional, but actually asked Lian Feihua intentionally:

"Why didn't you bring the young man who went to the banquet with you last time?"

Lian Yurou stayed in the practice room or in the wine kiln every day.

No fighting, no crying, no noise. Quietly practice, quietly guard the spirit wine.

When Yunxiao brewed wine, she would go out with Xiaomei and would not come to steal his skills.

Yunxiao was quite satisfied with her. If she dared to steal or do anything else, Yunxiao would definitely kill her at the first time.

In the first month of the ninety-sixth year of Yunxiao, Yunxiao refined one tael of gold essence.

Looking at the only two taels of gold essence in his hand, Yunxiao wanted to know where he could exchange some gold essence?

All the iron essence and silver essence in the sect storehouse had been exchanged.

It was useless to ask Master Yukai for help.

Needless to say, Lian Feihua wanted to snatch the gold essence from Yunxiao.

It seems that we can only wait slowly. We can refine one ounce a year, and it will take fourteen years to refine one pound of gold essence, so that we can refine the mountain-shaking brick for Ruyin.

In the midsummer month, it is time for the four sects to compete once every five years.

Lian Feihua led the team as usual, and Master Yukai was in charge of hosting. The group went to the Ghost Spirit Sect to participate in the competition.

Every time the Ghost Spirit Sect hosted the competition, they would do something new. This time was no exception.

According to the news that Yunxiao learned, the Ghost Spirit Sect moved the location of the competition to the original sect station of the Yue Kingdom Huadaowu, now called the Huadaowu Station.

In addition to breaking the formation and charging, the competition temporarily added a content of the weapon refining competition.

As for the battle rewards of this competition, the Demon Flame Sect gave out the top-grade magic weapon Chijun Jingjian, the Ghost Spirit Sect gave out the brand-new Qingjian Fubao, the Tiansha Sect gave out the Black Evil Brick, and the Jiang Kingdom Yuling Sect gave out the Green Dragon Sword.

Except for the Ghost Spirit Sect, the other three sects were exactly the same as last time.

In Yunxiao's opinion, this should be the three sects' protest against the Ghost Spirit Sect's temporary addition of the drama.

The rewards for the weapon refining competition were only elixirs and spirit stones, which further verified Yunxiao's guess.

The result of the small competition of the formation battle was that the Tiansha Sect won the first place, the Demon Flame Sect won the second place, and the Yuling Sect won the third and fourth places.

Among the top ten, there was only one person from the Ghost Spirit Sect, and he ranked ninth.

This result made the young master Wang Qiyao, who organized the small competition of the four sects for the first time, very angry.

It's just that the people of the four sects gathered together and couldn't get angry.

In the temporary weapon refining competition, the Ghost Spirit Sect won a great victory.

Except for the Demon Flame Sect, which won the third place, the other four of the top five were taken by the Ghost Spirit Sect.

This is not surprising. The Ghost Spirit Sect spent so much effort and spent so much money, and it must have enough confidence in the weapon refining level of its own disciples.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be self-humiliation?

Yunxiao thought it was over, but Lian Feihua announced that due to the small number of participants and small rewards in this weapon refining competition, the purpose of friendly exchanges among the four sects could not be achieved.

Now, Qi Yunxiao is invited to refine a black iron and black gold shield from scratch for everyone and share weapon refining experience with everyone.

Yunxiao was stunned when he heard the news. Didn't you see that I was packing up and preparing to return?

What is going on?

However, since it was Feihua Demon Lord who asked, Master Yukai would naturally not disobey.

He took out one or two iron essences directly, and borrowed a few carts of black iron ore and black gold ore from Master Wang Qiyao.

Since it was from scratch, it would of course start with refining ore. There is nothing wrong with this understanding.

Then Yunxiao, who was forced to do business, had to take out his Hongluo weapon refining furnace, put in the spirit wood, and ignite his innate true fire.

Start burning the ore.

Then a fellow Taoist asked why Yunxiao didn't just use the innate true fire to burn the ore, but used the unnecessary effort of igniting the spirit wood to calcine the ore in the refining furnace. Is there any particularity?

The fellow Taoist who heard the question used the word "particularity" instead of "taking off pants to fart".

It seems that this fellow Taoist has a high level of personal cultivation and is worth discussing.

Yunxiao brought out the reason he had explained countless times.

That is, when he was a child refining tools, he was used to igniting spirit wood and using the refining furnace, and there was no special meaning.

Lian Feihua, who knew the truth, seemed to be trying to hold back a smile on his face, and Yunxiao was helpless.

He had a fire spirit body, but the defect of not being able to cast fire spells, must not be told to others.

If this is known to others, once the battle starts, it will be a dead end.

From the observation on the scene, Lian Feihua asked Yunxiao to come out to refine tools, probably to vent his anger.

I just don't know if he was angry with the Ghost Spirit Sect or the result of the refining competition.

Yunxiao would normally refine a black iron and black gold shield, a top-grade magical weapon made of iron essence, and he would definitely be able to earn back his face in weapon refining.

Yun Xiao was refining the weapon while explaining the precautions of refining the weapon, just like taking classes in the sect.

When all the ores were calcined into juice, the iron essence calcined in another refining furnace of Yun Xiao was basically melted into liquid.

After Yun Xiao mixed the two, he used his spiritual consciousness to mix the three evenly and shaped them into a dark red shield.

After the shaping was completed, Yun Xiao then drew the forbidden magic array on the shield and polished the entire shield.

After the forbidden magic array was drawn and the shield surface was polished, a black iron black gold shield was refined.

Because it was explained while refining, the whole process took ten hours.

The two different metals were integrated with each other, and then the melted iron essence was added. The three materials with different properties were integrated and shaped, and then the forbidden magic array was drawn.

Continuously refining for eight hours, without replenishing mana and using calming incense, it succeeded at one time, fully demonstrating Yun Xiao's refining level and eliminating Lian Feihua's cold face.

Fortunately, everyone is a cultivator, and the darkness and lights will not affect everyone's spiritual sense detection.

After the refining was completed, Lian Feihua picked up the shield, looked at it, and then threw it back to Yunxiao.

Then Feihua Demon Lord asked Master Yukai to say goodbye to Wang Qiyao, and this small competition could end.

On the way back to the branch sect, Yunxiao asked Lian Feihua very puzzledly why she was so angry and asked Yunxiao to refine the black iron and black gold shield.

Lian Feihua's answer made Yunxiao angry, and even felt that he did not pretend to be cool when refining, and regretted it a little.

It turned out that when Lian Feihua was chatting with the Jindan cultivators led by the other three sects, Yan Ruyan seemed to be unintentional, but actually asked Lian Feihua intentionally:

"Why didn't you bring the young man who went to the banquet with you last time?"

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