Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 257: Great Harvest of Killing and Shattering Souls

Broken Soul Master didn't want to cause trouble at this time, and planned to wait until the war was over before dealing with this ignorant family.

Even with the protection of Yunxiao, for a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, there are still several or even a dozen ways for the whole family to go to the soul flag to seek the truth.

Unexpectedly, the Broken Soul Master received news from the inside of the Demon Flame Sect.

Yunxiao has severed ties with the Qi family, and they are willing to provide detailed information about the Qi family to Master Broken Soul.

Seeing that Master Broken Soul still had no intention of taking action, he passed Yun Xiao's training information since he had joined the Demon Flame Sect to him in detail for free.

Shattered Soul Master carefully studied Yunxiao's training career, especially the Soul Cultivation Technique, and finally concluded that Yunxiao was nothing more than a tool.

Now that Lian Feihua has successfully given birth to a baby, Yun Xiao has become dispensable, and the old devil Hehuan is in retreat to heal his wounds.

This is a good opportunity to get rid of Qi Jia and Qi Yunxiao.

Then, with the help of insiders, Master Broken Soul quietly appeared at the Qi family's residence in Luping County.

The Ten Thousand Souls Banner unfolded and shattered the mountain guarding formation with one palm. In less than half an hour, all the living souls of the Qi family were refined and included in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

When Yunxiao heard this, he started searching for souls again. After failing again, he arranged a secret soul-extracting method to lower the sanity of Soul-Shattering Master Nascent Soul.

Master Broken Soul became anxious and shouted:

"Fellow Taoist, don't you want to know who sent me the message? He wants to kill you. Don't you want to take revenge?"

Yunxiao ignored it and continued to set up the soul-drawing array.

If it weren't for the fact that this magic circle could only be set up when Nascent Soul was awake, Yunxiao would have wanted to ban the Soul-Shattering Master again.

Mainly, the Nascent Soul of the Broken Soul Master is too noisy.

"Do you really have no courage to resist at all? How did you cultivate to the Nascent Soul stage? Do you dare not object even if you are being used by others?"

"I have sworn a great oath and will never betray you. Let me go and let's fight them together."

"Fellow Taoist is so powerful, and I am not weak either. If we join forces, we will definitely win."

"Do you think of the Soul Extraction Formation as a monster? What's the use of soul extraction? How can you understand the power of the Nine Transformation Soul Technique?"

"Fellow Daoist Qi, you must believe me. I can really help you. If you were caught by mistake, it was because you were too strong, not because I was weak."

"As long as you let me go, I'm willing to open up your soul, let you plant a soul restriction, and let people control life and death. Aren't you sincere enough?"

"I don't want my soul to be sucked out. How about you let me live? As long as you let me live, I am willing to tell everything I know."

"Who is the insider who can tell you everything about the Ghost Spirit Sect, and can teach you the Ten Thousand Spirits Manual and the Nine Transformation Soul Technique."

"I would rather die than be humiliated. If you dare to twitch, I will blow myself up and we will die together."

"Practice the Nine Transformation Soul Skill to the extreme, and you are not afraid of taking away the body or searching for the soul. Once you encounter it, you will directly self-destruct and die together. You have to think carefully before making a decision!"

"Don't you want your right arm to recover? I have a way. The Ghost Spirit Sect has a secret method for quickly recovering limbs, which I can pass on to you."

"There are no treasures to restore the limbs and no treasures to nourish the soul. They are all in my private cave. Just take me there and I will give them all to you. Just let me go!"

"I really admire my Taoist friend for actually practicing the Soul-Shattering Thorn. I think that I, the Soul-Shattering Master, have been playing eagle all my life, but in the end I was pecked out by an eagle and was blinded. It's really sad."

"My fellow Taoist's soul-shattering thorn is not strong enough, and he probably doesn't have a complete technique. If you can let me go, I'm willing to teach you all the nine-turn soul skills."

"I am willing to swear an oath to the Tao, promising to give everything to you and never hide anything. My Taoist friends only need to be put on the next horse, how about it?"


Yunxiao listened to the nonsense of the Broken Soul Master, and directly picked up the Nascent Soul of the Broken Soul Master, and sent it to the Soul Extraction Array.

Seeing Yun Xiao's lack of energy and salt, Master Broken Soul couldn't stop praising or scolding him. He completely gave up the idea of ​​​​survival and directly urged Yuanying to self-destruct.

Yun Xiao had no choice but to smash and kill the Nascent Soul of the Broken Soul Master.

Yun Xiao has determined that the soul that practices the nine-turn soul skill cannot search for the soul or seize the body.

Even spells like Soul Extraction will trigger the self-destruction protection of the technique.

Only when Yunxiao calmed down did he realize that sentence deeply:

"A dead enemy is a good enemy"

After dealing with Soul Broken Master's Nascent Soul, Yunxiao easily erased the soul restriction on Soul Broken Master's storage bag.

And dump the items in the storage bag on the ground and check them one by one.

First of all, what flashed with spiritual light were two high-level spiritual stones and more than 10,000 mid-level spiritual stones. As for the low-level spiritual stones, there were just a bunch of them.

Yunxiao asked Ruyin to collect all these spiritual stones and store them in the formation.

Next came several magic weapons. The first one was the top-quality magic weapon Thousand Soul Quenching Needle. Yun Xiao was very satisfied with this needle.

There are not many ways for the Yuan Shen to attack, and there are even fewer magic weapons to assist the Yuan Shen in attacking.

The ordinary soul impact plus the blessing of the Thousand Soul Quenching Needle is not weaker than the God-Shattering Thorn. It is really a rare and good treasure.

The second item is the soul-shattering master's natal magic weapon, a bloody flying sword.

It should be a top-quality magic weapon, but unfortunately it was blown to pieces by Yunxiao's twenty green fire thunders.

Now that Soul Broken Master is dead, the quality has dropped again, so it can only be used as a magic weapon of ordinary quality.

Since it is a natal magic weapon, Yunxiao cannot even repair it, which is a pity.

The third piece is a small shield, a metal shield of ordinary ancient treasure level.

Yunxiao inputted his mana and found that the shield's defense was better than the blue cloud copper round shield that Young Master Lan had exchanged with Yunxiao.

Yunxiao gave the shield to Ruyin for refining, but Ruyin refused on the grounds that Yunxiao had no defensive magic weapon.

If they really had to fight, she would only be responsible for long-range output, and Yunxiao would need this shield even more for close combat.

Yunxiao was not polite and directly refined it and named it the Golden Ancient Shield.

The only pity was that the ancient treasure shield was of gold attribute.

Yunxiao had fire and earth attribute mana. Ruyin had water attribute mana. They couldn't fit perfectly.

The fourth item was the flying shuttle magic weapon, which turned out to be a rare flying magic weapon.

After inputting mana to check, it was found to be an ordinary ancient treasure of wood attribute, and it could only carry one person.

After controlling it, it seemed to have the effect of accelerating flight and hiding the body.

Yunxiao gave the flying shuttle to Ruyin for refining and use, and took the wind and fire boat in Ruyin's hand for himself.

After refining it, Ruyin named it the long willow shuttle.

The fifth item is the infamous Ten Thousand Souls Banner.

After Yun Xiao inputted his magic power, the souls in the Ten Thousand Souls Banner still wanted to bite back.

Yun Xiao directly held the Ten Thousand Souls Banner with one hand, urged his magic power, and attached the Qingyang Magic Fire containing the jumping magic lightning wire to the banner.

As the lightning jumped, all the souls immediately retracted into the banner and behaved obediently.

After inspection, it was found that the souls in the Soul Banner had basically lost their intelligence, and only had the instinct to bite.

Even the Qi family members who were received in the banner a year ago had lost their intelligence.

Yun Xiao did not like this evil magic weapon, so he directly cut off the connection between the Soul Banner and the ghosts, allowing them to re-enter the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnate.

As for the Soul Banner, keep it for the time being.

After all, it is a top-grade magic weapon. It is a pity to damage it.

The remaining ones are seven or eight ordinary quality magic weapons and three exquisite quality flying swords.

Yun Xiao and Ruyin can't use them, so they decided to exchange all these magic weapons for cultivation resources.

Next, there was a pile of jade slips and books.

Yunxiao first checked the dangers in the jade slips and books to avoid encountering the crisis of possession when reading.

Then he began to check these jade slips one by one.

As the real leader of the Ghost Spirit Sect, the Soul-Breaking Immortal has a lot of skills passed down in his hands.

The most precious one is the Ten Thousand Spirits Sutra.

The Ten Thousand Spirits Sutra is so famous that it is said to be the number one magic skill in Tiannan. Yunxiao couldn't help but study it carefully.

Then he found that this Ten Thousand Spirits Sutra or the Ten Thousand Spirits True Magic Skill is just a kind of skill concept, which does contain several rare and top-grade magic skills.

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