Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 272 Ruyin mid-term practice combined attack

The one with the least total resources, but one more high-level underground spiritual vein than the other two, is Yuling Sect.

However, the second largest benefit of the victory in the war, there is a gap between the three.

It is the distribution of the wealth accumulated by the various families of Yue State after the retreat of Guiling Sect.

If all the wealth collected in the war is divided into ten parts.

The army of Moyan Sect, under the decision-making and command of Yunxiao's steady progress in the early stage and the closing door to fight the dog in the later stage, successfully won nearly 70%.

Especially the last move of closing the door to fight the dog, one move won at least more than 40%.

The benefits of Yuling Sect and Xuesha Sect are similar, both more than 10%, less than 20%.

The key is that the "dogs" in the closing door to fight the dog were actively integrated by Yuling Sect and Xuesha Sect and delivered to Moyan Sect.

Killing people and destroying their hearts, but this is it!

If the losses of the three families are taken into account, the two sects will be even more heartbroken and cry on the ground.

Because the final loss ratio of the Demon Flame Sect was 1:8, that is, one person died from the Demon Flame Sect and eight died from the Ghost Spirit Sect, and this was the result of the Fu family's betrayal.

The loss ratio of the Yuling Sect was 1:6, and if the loss of spirit beasts was included, it was 1:4.

The Blood Killing Sect suffered the most, with an overall loss ratio of 1:3.

However, the Blood Killing Sect mobilized a large amount of the sect's foundation, and many talented young cultivators were buried, so it is not an exaggeration to say that the loss ratio was 1:2.

Overall, the Demon Flame Sect gained the most and suffered the least. Yunxiao became famous in one battle and established his title as the number one commander in the war.

Before this, this title had always been owned by fellow Daoist Long Yan of the Luanming Sect.

Yunxiao was worried about the six years of fighting, especially when facing pressure from all sides, he was exhausted and tired.

After the retreat, he finally had some time to relax and could discuss with Ruyin the long-range entanglement and short-range intertwining effects of the Jiaojin ribbon and Ruyin's limbs.

After the clouds dispersed and the rain stopped, Ruyin told Yunxiao that she had set up countless formations and broken countless formations in the six years of the war.

She saw countless monks die in the battle, and countless monks followed one after another, just to compete for a little military merit and exchange for some resources.

Facing such a tragic war, she was powerless.

It can even be said that in this great victory, the Demon Flame Sect gained the most and suffered the least, and the overall result was close to perfect.

But she could not forget those monks who rushed to fight and the wounded who retreated.

Especially those who had damaged their foundations and had no future but had to fight, which made Ruyin feel a lot.

Yunxiao just hugged Ruyin silently, listened to her talk about what she saw and heard, and saw her face full of sorrow and entanglement.

This is the perspective of war that Yunxiao has never paid attention to. One general's success is the result of the sacrifice of thousands of bones.

Especially Yunxiao really became famous, but the sacrifices were far more than thousands of bones.

Listening to Ruyin's slightly nagging confession, Yunxiao could only respond with gentle comfort.

Finally, Ruyin vented her anger and told Yunxiao that she was going to retreat to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

The six-year war and the separation of countless cultivators had given her a fierce shock, making her emotionally agitated and unable to tell.

Once she won, Yunxiao's company not only relieved her heart knot, but also relieved her bottleneck.

Although Ruyin did not admit it, she understood that the biggest credit for breaking through the bottleneck this time was of course the battlefield perception.

At the same time, the soul fusion and heart-to-heart communication between Yunxiao and Ruyin also played a huge role in helping.

Yunxiao happily sent Ruyin to retreat, while he continued his daily practice rhythm.

Practice Qingyang True Demon Art to improve his cultivation.

Open the furnace and light the fire every day to keep the feel of refining. Either refine a little metal essence or smelt some high-level spiritual materials.

Refining the green fire thunder of the middle stage of the Nascent Soul to enhance combat capability.

Comprehend the inheritance of refining the Five Elements Gold Yuanzhu to improve the level of refining.

Comprehend the Golden Sand True Demon Art to enhance life-saving ability.

Cultivate the God-Breaking Thorn to keep the trump card in battle.

Practicing the Quicksand Escape and the Burning Blood Escape to save your life is the first priority.

As for the trickle of embers, Yunxiao and Ruyin do not need to comprehend it at all. Yunxiao and Ruyin's usual "homework" is much more difficult than this.

The mana, soul, and meridians between Yunxiao and Ruyin can be connected at any time and anywhere.

Including but not limited to the connection between hands, hands and feet, feet and feet, and even tried the connection between the Ren Meridian and the Du Meridian.

Moreover, Yunxiao also proposed to try to connect the body and the outside at the same time, but Ruyin was still shy and could not practice it.

Therefore, the two only learned about the spells and skills of the coordinated attack of the Qingyang True Demon Art and the Guishui True Demon Art, and they were considered to have learned them.

Yunxiao does not have long-range attack means, all attacks are controlled by Ruyin, and Yunxiao is responsible for protecting Ruyin, resisting damage, and observing the battle situation.

In this way, the two have a clear division of labor, and there will be no attack conflicts and offensive disorder.

In the spring when Yunxiao was 410 years old, he finished a day of practice and was preparing to feed his spirit beast.

It was the fire crow, which was still only level 4.

The bloodline dragon fell into a deep sleep for decades and still did not wake up.

The fire crow's temperament became more lively, but the improvement of cultivation was still slow.

Yunxiao even felt that the talent limit of this fire crow was just like this.

But after consulting a cultivator who specializes in cultivating spirit beasts, the answer he got was that this fire crow could at least advance to a level 6 monster.

It is very difficult to advance to a level 7 monster, and as for the transformation of a great monster, forget it.

Unless there is a great opportunity for the Fire Crow to break through the bloodline limit, it is impossible to cultivate to the transformation.

Yunxiao did not think of using the Fire Crow to enhance his combat effectiveness. He just had nothing to do, so he fed the Fire Crow and took it as a way to relax.

Yunxiao tore the meat of the spirit beast into strips and threw it out from different angles to train the Fire Crow's agility and combat skills.

Then Yunxiao was suddenly hugged from behind, and a pair of soft hands pressed against Yunxiao's back.

What is this? Ah? This is a provocation!

Is this just a provocation? This is also a humiliation!

As the first war commander in Tiannan, how can he bear this bad breath?

Of course, it was a counterattack, and the gun arrived before the person turned around, and the invading enemy was wiped out.

After a hearty battle of 300 rounds, Yunxiao finally won a complete victory in this battle.

Not only did he strip the enemy of his equipment, leaving only the original factory fur, but he also penetrated into the enemy and disintegrated the enemy's fighting will.

It can be said to be a comprehensive victory from the inside out.

With the help of the insights gained from the battle and Yunxiao's support, Ruyin successfully advanced to the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

Moreover, Yunxiao and Ruyin attacked in coordination according to the secret method of the stream of embers, and indeed launched an attack that shocked Yunxiao.

It seems that the record that two middle stage Nascent Soul cultivators can fight against late stage Nascent Soul cultivators is true.

Yunxiao and Ruyin finally stood at the top of Tiannan and had their own place in Tiannan.

However, if they really want to fight against the old demon Hehuan, they need to further enhance the offensive and defensive capabilities of the two people's combined attack.

As for Elder Han, the first person in Tiannan, Yunxiao has no intention of competing with him.

He didn't even have time to hide, and he still wanted to compete with Han Li. Yunxiao didn't want to suffer for himself.

Just look at those cultivators who have fought with Han Li since Han Li became famous, whether they were enemies or fellow Taoists, who didn't return injured.

The old demon Hehuan has been in seclusion to recuperate and has never come out since then.

Master Zhiyang went into seclusion, stopped caring about worldly affairs, and withdrew from the ranks of the top cultivators in Tiannan.

Wei Wuya should have passed away, but the news has not spread yet.

Han Li will not hold back. How can he let you retreat safely without getting hurt?

Yunxiao and Ruyin continued to retreat. The cultivation resources in their hands can support the two of them for seventy or eighty years, so they are not in a hurry to come out.

The three sects' war to destroy Yue under Yunxiao's command at least obtained the cultivation resources for the couple for fifty years.

Otherwise, Yunxiao and Ruyin would have to come out of seclusion and find a way to make money to maintain their daily cultivation.

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