Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 278: Mulan makes trouble in the world

First, the war between the Demon Flame Sect, the Imperial Spirit Sect, and the Blood Killing Sect to divide up the Kingdom of Yue has ended, and the two sides must not have any more disputes.

Yan Ruyan seemed dissatisfied, but under the watchful eyes of Yunxiao and Hehuan Old Demon, she did not dare to say a word.

Second, the Linghuang Island, which was originally managed by the Tiansha Sect, was handed over to the Taoist couple Qi Xin.

The handover must be completed within three months. The Tiansha Sect had already known this news from the Hehuan Sect, so it was not surprising and directly accepted the order.

Third, discuss the allocation of resources in the Demon Dao.

For high-level spiritual materials that can be used to refine magic weapons and ancient treasures, high-level spiritual herbs, spiritual trees, spiritual fruits, high-level spiritual mines, and other top resources that are more than a thousand years old.

The original allocation ratio was that the Hehuan Sect occupied 90% and the five major sects of the Demon Dao occupied 10%.

The adjusted allocation ratio is that the Hehuan Sect occupied 50%, the Demon Flame Sect occupied 40%, and the new five major sects of the Demon Dao occupied the remaining 10%.

For the second-class resources and benefits, the original distribution ratio is 60% for Hehuan Sect, 30% for the five major sects of the Demonic Path, and 10% for the other sects.

The adjusted distribution ratio is 30% for Hehuan Sect and Moyan Sect, 30% for the five major sects of the Demonic Path, and 10% for the other sects.

The sects present had no objection to this distribution plan. After all, their interests have not changed.

Moyan Sect took half of the benefits from Hehuan Sect.

Xuesha Sect only shared the benefits on behalf of Moyan Sect, and the shares of other sects have not changed.

Xuesha Sect was extremely excited about being recognized by major sects and becoming the seventh major sect of the Demonic Path.

Fei Youshuang said that Xuesha Sect would definitely cooperate with the various tasks of the Demonic Path and complete them with quality and quantity without delay.

After the meeting, Yunxiao Ruyin continued to retreat, and Hehuan Old Demon also went back to retreat.

As for the specific implementation, it was left to the masters of each sect to discuss on their own.

Yunxiao said that he would not interfere with power, and he would never intervene.

A lot of money, few things, close to home, this is the dream of cultivation life.

What's more, there is a beautiful wife with white skin, long legs, soft body and many postures. This life is too good!

Then this addictive life was disrupted by the Mulan people.

The Mulan people should have sent people to keep an eye on the Seven Spirits Island. Any slight movement can attract their attention.

This time, the Tiansha Sect and the Demon Flame Sect handed over the Linghuang Island, and actually attracted three Mulan God Masters.

Not only did they stop the cultivators of the Demon Flame Sect from settling in, but they also asked to redistribute the Seven Spirits Island according to their strength.

The three great masters of Mulan and the four great cultivators of Tiannan have exactly seven islands.

One island for each late Yuanying great cultivator, just right.

After receiving this news, Yunxiao directly informed the four major forces.

This is not a problem that the Demon Flame Sect can solve alone.

Now the Mulan people have occupied the Linghuang Island and demanded that Haoran Pavilion and Beiye Sect, which do not have late-stage Yuanying masters, give up the Lingdao.

The reasons given by the Mulan people seem to be sufficient and even very reasonable.

First, the Mulan people have always been on the front line against the Tuwu people. Without the bloody efforts of the Mulan people, the Tiannan area would have been occupied by the Tuwu people long ago.

When it comes to bloodshed and sacrifice, the Mulan people are the ones who fight for their lives, but when it comes to sharing the benefits of the Seven Spirits Island, the Mulan people have no share.

How can this be justified in the world?

Second, from the perspective of strength, how can Haoran Pavilion, Beiye Sect, and Tiansha Sect occupy the top-level spiritual veins without late-stage Yuanying masters?

And the Mulan people who live in the Tiannan area, who have three great masters, do not even have a top-level spiritual vein?

After hearing the reasons given by the Mulan people, Yunxiao cursed the Mulan people for being shameless.

Can such a confusing reason deceive the world?

In addition to inviting fellow Taoists from the four major forces in Tiannan to discuss the matter, Yunxiao also refuted the fallacies and heresies of the Mulan people.

Yunxiao didn't want to be in the limelight, but the Mulan people were looking for death.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Tiansha Sect's retreat, he directly sent three great divine masters to settle in Linghuang Island.

And specifically asked Yunxiao Ruyin to go and pay a visit.

Divine Master Zhong also made a big statement: "If Qi Xin Daolu can defeat me, then this island will be returned to you."

"But if I win, then this Linghuang Island can only be occupied by those with virtue."

And Divine Master Zhong specifically emphasized that set of rhetoric.

"The Mulan people shed blood for the people of Tiannan, how can we let the Mulan people suffer again?"

Yunxiao had no choice but to expose the Mulan people's verbal deception.

"The Mulan people were not originally from Tiannan. Two hundred years ago, the Mulan people launched a massive attack on Tiannan. How many monks from Tiannan died at the hands of the Mulan people? Have the people of Tiannan forgotten all the family feuds and clan hatreds?"

"The Mulan people were beaten to a pulp by the Tuwu people, and even their own doghouses were demolished."

"The monks of Tiannan were kind-hearted, so they divided the land between the two countries and let the Mulan people live here temporarily."

"At the same time, in order to prevent the Mulan people from being exterminated by the Tuwu people, they contributed manpower, money and effort to help the Mulan people fight against the Tuwu people."

"When did the Mulan people fight against the Tuwu people alone? Have you resisted?"

"In the border areas, whenever there is a little disturbance, they ask the Tiannan forces for money, food and resources. Aren't there enough cases of embezzlement?"

"The Tiannan monks kindly took you in, did they let you show off your power in the Tiannan area, rob and kill people?"

"The Seven Spirits Island is the Seven Spirits Island of the Tiannan monks. When there is a problem, the Mulan people run away. What does the Demon Abyss under the Seven Spirits Island have to do with the Mulan people?"

"The three great monks, together with Elder Han of the Luoyun Sect, used all the power of Tiannan to repair the formation and maintain the stability of the Seven Spirits Island."

"You Mulan people are jumping out to fight now? Where were you when the problem occurred? Where were you when the formation was repaired?"

"You still have the nerve to say that the Mulan people fought hard for Tiannan and shed blood? Should they enjoy Tiannan's support?"

"On ordinary days, we robbed Tiannan monks, but we didn't bother with you because you wanted to fight against the Tuwu people."

"Now you are boasting about your merits shamelessly? Do you want Tiannan people to be grateful to you for robbing Tiannan people?"

Yunxiao asked people to spread these words, and put the evidence of the monks, resources, and families robbed by the Mulan people in Tiannan for nearly two hundred years on the table.

Let everyone know the crimes committed by the Mulan people against the Tiannan people.

In this way, the Mulan people's sophistry was directly shattered, and they were disliked by everyone.

Although this kind of air-to-air taunting has little impact on the actual interest disputes, Yunxiao is unwilling to bear a bad reputation.

Two days later, the old demon Hehuan, the couple Long Han Feng Bing, and the Taoist couple Qi Xin came to Linghuang Island.

The three great masters of Mulan immediately flew high into the sky, forming a confrontation.

Master Bi faced the old demon Hehuan.

Master Zhong faced the couple Qi Xin.

Master Tian Zhong faced the couple Long Han Feng Bing.

Both sides were just on guard, but did not directly attack.

Yunxiao saw Master Zhong coming towards him, and a nameless anger rushed to his heart.

Back then, when I didn't have a baby, you, Master Zhong, chased me all the way from Tiantian City to Tianyi City.

Now that I have a baby, I have become the top combat force in Tiannan, and you still invite me to fight and force me.

Isn't my cultivation in vain?

Yunxiao actually felt that the idea of ​​cultivation was not working, grass! It's a plant.

The old demon Hehuan asked the Mulan people to leave this place and apologize to the Demon Flame Sect.

The three great masters of Mulan demanded that the Seven Spirit Islands be redistributed according to their strength, otherwise the Mulan people would let the Tuwu people march straight into the heart of Tiannan.

Yunxiao sneered secretly, it was really a case of the ugly imitating the ugly.

Back then, the Nine-Nation Alliance threatened to let the Mulan people enter the heart of Tiannan, and asked the Righteous Alliance, the Heavenly Alliance, and the Demonic Alliance to send people to the front line to support and jointly fight against the Mulan people.

Now the Mulan people want to repeat the old tricks and control the four major forces in Tiannan.

What are you thinking?

Can the Mulan people compare with the Nine-Nation Alliance?

The Nine-Nation Alliance is Tiannan’s own people, and you Mulan people are foreigners.

And to put it bluntly, the four major forces in Tiannan took in the Mulan people, wasn’t it just to find a good dog for Tiannan to guard the door?

What’s the matter? The dog is too full and wants to bite the owner?

You don’t think the four major forces in Tiannan have no backup.

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