Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 316 Han Li falls into the Demon Valley

Yun Xiao sorted out all the skills he got from Gui Ling Men and found that the Wan Ling Zhen Jing in his hand was the most core, classic and important original of Gui Ling Men.

Even the Wan Ling Zhen Jing enshrined in the top floor of the skills hall was a copy.

After sorting out, there was no secret method to supplement the qualifications of cultivating immortals.

For this reason, Yun Xiao lost two and a half hours.

After Ru Yin was free, she began to comprehend the Wan Mu Chang Chun Heaven and Earth Array. Now only the knowledge of the array can arouse Ru Yin's interest.

Ru Yin's cultivation has reached the peak of the early Nascent Soul stage, and she needs the complete corpse of a level 10 monster to advance.

Yun Xiao sent people to visit the southern part of the sky, but there was no information about the level 10 monster.

Even the information about the monsters in the sea of ​​Tianluo Country, Yun Xiao specially sent people to collect, but there was no useful rumor.

In three years, Gui Ling Men successfully transformed into a second-rate sect of the magic way, and the original interests were all taken over by various sects in a very peaceful way.

As for the last few melons and dates, let those small sects fight for them.

It is still very important to train the combat effectiveness of the lower-level cultivators.

In the early summer when Yunxiao was 590 years old, the disciples stationed in the Falling Demon Valley reported that a milky white mist suddenly appeared in the inner valley of the Falling Demon Valley.

Disciples were sent in to investigate and found that the white mist was non-toxic, non-hallucinogenic, and was not smoke, but ordinary white mist.

However, the consciousness of the disciples who entered was strongly suppressed, less than 10% of the usual.

If you stay for a long time, you will feel dizzy and have to withdraw.

If you force yourself to go deeper, you will completely lose your way.

Such a strange phenomenon has attracted a group of cultivators to gather in the Enchantment Valley.

When Yunxiao heard that there was an abnormal change in the inner valley of the Falling Demon Valley, it was still a milky white mist. His first reaction was that Han Li was in seclusion to impact the God Transformation Realm.

The inner valley of the Falling Demon Valley is extremely dangerous, and various forbidden dangerous places can be seen everywhere.

Visible and invisible space cracks are densely packed.

Ordinary cultivators who enter it will only die, there is no other way.

Han Li, who has a clear and bright mind, directly treats the Falling Demon Valley as his own backyard.

Yunxiao once ordered that disciples in the sect were forbidden to enter the inner valley for exploration without permission, so as not to disturb Han Li and be wiped out.

Those who forcibly enter will be responsible for their own life and death.

For so many years, the two sides have been living in peace.

Yunxiao went to investigate and confirmed that the fog was emitted by the artificially arranged formation.

There is no one else except Han Li who can come and go freely in such a place and arrange such a sophisticated formation.

Now Han Li has opened the formation and is in seclusion to impact the God Transformation Realm. Who dares to go in is not looking for death?

Yunxiao ordered that there are dangerous places in the fog, and the space cracks are not enough for cultivators in the late Nascent Soul stage to deal with.

All disciples of the Demon Flame Sect are not allowed to enter without permission.

Those who forcibly enter will be treated as leaving the Demon Flame Sect to avoid causing trouble for the sect.

At the same time, Yunxiao also notified the Demon Dao of the great danger in the fog, reducing their unnecessary deaths while preventing Han Lao Mo from being disturbed.

The An family ancestor, who was stationed at the Falling Demon Valley and guarding the high-level spiritual veins, asked if he should set up a large formation to seal the entrance of the inner valley?

Yun Xiao refused without even thinking about it. It was hard to persuade the damned ghost with good words. Respect the fate of others and do whatever you want.

Once the Demon Flame Sect sealed the inner valley, it would definitely arouse suspicion. The Demon Flame Sect wanted to embezzle the treasure, which might cause greater trouble at that time.

Only by dying some "smart people" who didn't listen to advice could others know Yun Xiao's "good intentions".

Yun Xiao stayed at the Falling Demon Valley for less than two months and returned to Linghuang Island to prepare to refine the exquisite ancient treasure Four-Elephant Sinking Pot.

The reason why he chose to refine the Four-Elephant Sinking Pot was because when he divided the Ghost Spirit Sect this time, he got a ten-thousand-year-old water willow wood, a sixth-level water-attributed fish monster essence and blood, and a demon pill from the Ghost Spirit Sect's treasure house.

Such a suitable spiritual material must be refined into an ancient treasure to play a real role.

Fifteen years have passed, but there is still no news about the tenth-level monster.

During this period, Yun Xiao first successfully refined the Four-Elephant Sinking Water Pot, and then refined two Xuanyang Earth Fire Beads.

This fine ancient treasure with both offensive and defensive functions is the best choice for both trading and personal use.

During the rest time after refining the ancient treasure, Yun Xiao took Ruyin to travel around Panlong River, and then searched within the Tianluo Kingdom, but failed to find any news about the tenth-level monster.

Two years ago, Yun Xiao successfully cultivated the eighth turn of the Nine-Turn Soul Art. Yun Xiao's soul strength and range of consciousness are about four times stronger than those of a normal late-stage Yuanying cultivator.

And the accuracy and sensitivity of consciousness are more than eight and a half times that of a normal late-stage Yuanying cultivator.

It can be said that Yun Xiao's soul strength has reached the peak level of a late-stage Yuanying cultivator.

With the help of his powerful soul strength, wide range of consciousness, and extreme soul accuracy and sensitivity, Yun Xiao is at ease in both fighting and refining.

However, this also greatly increased Yunxiao's dependence on the Yuanshen, so that Yunxiao had to put away his consciousness regularly.

The purpose was to train himself to fight and respond to emergencies when his consciousness was limited.

Yunxiao, who had just finished refining the Xuanyang Earth Fire Pearl and was still considering where to take Ruyin to travel, received an invitation from Feng Bing Fairy of the Luanming Sect of the Tiandao League.

The invitation invited Yunxiao to attend the consultation meeting of the four major forces on the venue of the Tiannan First Trade Fair at the end of the year in Luoyun Sect.

When Yunxiao saw the invitation, he knew that the old demon Hehuan had started to retreat and be lazy again.

Yunxiao had exhausted all his tricks to be lazy over the years, and almost all the activities representing the Demonic Path were pushed to the old demon Hehuan.

Then the old demon Hehuan would go into seclusion from time to time, pushing these trivial matters to Yunxiao.

However, no matter how they pushed and pushed, the two of them basically took care of the trivial matters for more than ten years, which was a tacit understanding.

It was already the beginning of winter, not far from the end of the year.

Yunxiao took Ruyin to Linghuang Island for a short stay, and when the time came, they could go directly to the Luoyun Sect of Yunmeng Mountain to attend the meeting.

This was the first time Yunxiao attended such a meeting.

Yunxiao thought about the venues of the previous Tiannan First Trade Fair.

The first Tiannan First Trade Fair that Yunxiao attended was held in Tiantian City when he was in the Jindan period.

It was also that time that Yunxiao was stationed in Tiantai Valley. When the Mulan people broke the formation, he was hit by the Yuanying cultivator and blew up his left calf to save his life.

In the entire border war, Yunxiao was beaten to a pulp by the Mulan people and fled everywhere.

Yunxiao's second participation in the Tiannan First Trade Fair was held in Qiankun City, the sect market of Hehuan Sect, after Yunxiao and Ruyin's baby-making celebration.

It was also at that trade fair that Yunxiao bought two corpses of heavenly spiritual roots and refined them into blood evil clones.

Now, Ruyin's blood evil clone has replaced the main body and become the new Ruyin.

Yunxiao's blood evil clone was locked in the formation by Yunxiao to guard Yunxiao and Ruyin's magic fire lamp.

It was also at this trade fair that Yunxiao knew that ancient treasures can be refined, and it requires the cooperation of time, terrain, and spiritual power.

Yunxiao officially embarked on the journey of refining ancient treasures from then on, and achieved the reputation of Tiannan's first weapon refining grandmaster.

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