Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 389: Injured, Trapped, and Tail Cut Off

The two of them attacked each other, and they attacked for more than a hundred moves.

As the two sides exchanged sword moves, sword shadows flew and sword energy shot out. If Yunxiao had not used the Thousand Soul Liquid to launch the soul attack from time to time, he would have died in the hands of the demon king.

Even so, Yunxiao's Flame Pattern Sword had to be overhauled at least once after this battle. In serious cases, it was not impossible that the sword would break on the spot.

The demon king took advantage of Yunxiao's inability to return the sword and stabbed the sword in the middle. Yunxiao blocked it and then turned his wrist to lift the sword.

Then Yunxiao urged his magic power to slash four swords on the left and right, and then stabbed the head with a heavy sword.

The demon king seemed to be shocked by Yunxiao's four light and one heavy offensive sword technique.

Maybe he was surprised at Yunxiao's learning ability, or maybe he was surprised that Yunxiao actually abandoned his own sword technique and borrowed from his sword technique.

The demon king's hesitation gave Yunxiao a chance. He sent out a middle flat stab, and the demon king could not block it in time, so he could only use his left arm to force it open.

Yunxiao then discovered that the left hand of the two-headed black dragon was also covered with the same black scales as the back.

It seems that when the two-headed black dragon transformed, the scales on its body did not disappear, but remained.

There were scales on the abdomen, back, and even on the left arm, and it is estimated that there will be scales on the right arm as well.

Yunxiao's sword was blocked, and Yunxiao, who missed the opportunity, immediately retreated because the monster king's attack had already arrived.

Yunxiao did not have time to fly up, so he jumped up directly, stretched his legs backward, and just avoided the monster king's sweeping sword.

After avoiding it, Yunxiao's downward sweeping sword arrived at the same time, and a heavy sword chopped into the monster king's chest.

From the monster king's left shoulder to the right waist, the monster king's robe was directly cut open, but the sword attack was blocked by the scales on the abdomen.

Although the monster king's dozens of scales were knocked off in one blow, there was no further damage to its flesh and blood.

The demon king looked at the scales on the ground, then looked down at the wound on his abdomen, tore off his robes, exposed his upper body, and began to attack.

Unexpectedly, Yunxiao's sword was in front of him first, forcing the demon king to return his sword to block.

The demon king took advantage of the situation to attack, and Yunxiao retreated directly. This sword was to interrupt the demon king's attack and also to trick him.

The demon king attacked Yunxiao's abdomen with great force, seven groups of four light and one heavy, all of which were defended by Yunxiao.

Yunxiao took the initiative to retreat to distance himself and take a breath. The continuous high-intensity attack and defense battle made Yunxiao a little tired.

Yunxiao believed that the demon king's soul consumption must be greater than his own, otherwise it would be unfair to Yunxiao's Thousand Souls Quenching Needle.

After taking a breath, the demon king took the lead in attacking, but Yunxiao also found that the demon king's attack was getting more and more powerful, but the amplitude of the attack was also getting larger and larger.

It was quite like a big opening and closing.

Yunxiao, who had been fighting the demon king for more than two days, knew that the demon king was tired.

He could no longer control the long sword delicately, so he could only rely on his powerful strength to attack first with a wide range of moves.

After a period of attack and defense, Yunxiao saw that the attack of the two-headed black dragon had slowed down slightly, and suddenly stepped forward and stabbed.

The demon king returned his sword in time to block, but Yunxiao half turned around to prepare for the attack, which exposed the flaw on the left side.

The black dragon's attack took advantage of the opportunity, and Yunxiao saw that the trick was successful, so he directly used Su Qin's back sword to sweep away the demon king's stab.

He quickly turned around and followed the white cloud cover, causing the demon king to use his left arm to resist the sword again.

Attaching the flame pattern sword of the red shadow thunder devil, he cut off several pieces of black and brown scales with one sword.

The demon king ignored the situation of his left hand and stabbed directly with his right hand, seizing the opportunity when Yunxiao landed after jumping with the white cloud cover.

Yunxiao, whose spiritual sense locked onto the demon king, immediately stepped back and raised his right leg to evade. The demon king pierced Yunxiao's left leg robe with a sword.

This sword was really dangerous. If he hadn't retreated in time and retracted his right leg quickly, he would have been seriously injured.

Yunxiao's sword cut from top to bottom and also cut the demon king's right wrist.

Unfortunately, the demon king's dark brown scales had a good defensive ability. Although a few pieces fell off, they successfully blocked Yunxiao's attack.

The sword was swung up, and Yunxiao followed up with another move and chopped down, killing the demon king's left arm.

The demon king raised his left arm to block, and swept his right long sword horizontally. Yunxiao returned his sword to block it.

Both sides continued to attack and defend. Yunxiao failed to seize such a good opportunity and severely injured his opponent. He secretly said it was a pity.

However, as the demon king became more and more tired, Yunxiao would definitely have more and more opportunities.

As expected, two quarters of an hour later, Yunxiao found another opportunity, and a heavy sword thrust pierced through the scales, leaving a through wound on the demon king's left arm.

The demon king, whose left arm was stabbed, was obviously furious, and he forced his long sword to attack left and right with all his strength.

Yunxiao then realized the true beauty of the demon king's swordsmanship, which was open and closed, yet airtight.

Yunxiao's several attacks were fruitless, so he had to return his sword to defend and stabilize the situation.

However, this open and closed swordsmanship also has problems, that is, it is too focused on the attack in the middle, and not enough attention is paid to the left and right sides.

Yunxiao seized the opportunity and used a rhinoceros looking at the moon, directly hitting the demon king's right wrist.

Although he failed to pierce the demon king's right wrist, he also penetrated more than an inch into the flesh.

The frightened demon king hurriedly retreated, put away his long sword, and revealed his true form.

He avoided Yunxiao's sword that swept towards his lower abdomen.

A two-headed black dragon about a hundred feet long and two feet thick was not far from Yunxiao, staring at Yunxiao intently, guarding against Yunxiao's sudden attack.

The reason why Yunxiao attacked with all his strength and injured the two-headed black dragon was that he received Ruyin's message that the three-layer restriction of trapping and killing had been set up.

Yunxiao also gave Ruyin time to hurry, so he stabbed the demon king.

Yunxiao did not attack, but turned around and left.

The demon king, who was obviously a little confused, suddenly became furious and let out a long, deafening roar.

Then he flew towards his cave.

Yunxiao followed behind with the advantage of his spiritual sense.

Yunxiao then discovered that after the sword-back demon king turned into a two-headed black dragon, his escape speed increased by more than double.

Is this the talent of the demon beast?

The water escape talent of a level 10 water-attributed demon beast is really amazing.

The two-headed black dragon, who was in a hurry to get on the road, was extremely angry when he saw the door of his cave was broken.

The two heads went straight forward, and the long tail kept swinging.

Xuesha Ruyin's Nine Revolutions Soul Skill has been cultivated to the seventh revolution, so Ruyin's spiritual sense range in the early stage of the Nascent Soul is larger than that of the tenth-level black dragon.

The unprepared two-headed black dragon crashed into the restriction set up by Ruyin.

Looking at Ruyin who was doing her best to maintain the ban, if the two-headed black dragon didn't know that he was fooled, it would be unworthy of its identity as the master of the ice sea.

He forcibly hit the ban three times, but failed to break it.

Especially the last time, Yunxiao clearly felt that the vitality of heaven and earth within a radius of one mile was affected.

Yunxiao was shocked to feel that the vitality of heaven and earth was affected.

The three-level restriction of the killing ban only has the power of the peak of the late Nascent Soul. If the Sword Spine Demon King can launch a god-transforming level attack, it really can't trap him.

Fortunately, the demon king's attack only affected the vitality of heaven and earth, and could not mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

Seeing Yunxiao appear, the two-headed black dragon turned into a human form and said:

"Since fellow Daoist needs the thousand-year companion demon grass, Wu is willing to take it, and nourish it with his own blood and essence, and then give it to fellow Daoist."

"Can fellow Daoist leave it and go back to get the spiritual grass?"

"What do you think?" Yunxiao asked back.

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