Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 4: Kindergarten of the Foot-Stepping Tribe

After the family discussed it in the evening, they stopped letting the elder sister go to the clan school to study, and began to learn weaving and embroidery, and fully integrated into the life of the mortal world. Unlike what they expected, the elder sister was not unhappy, but began to seriously learn women's work with the little sisters in several nearby courtyards.

This made Yun Xiao, a little guy who wanted to take classes, anxious. He knew that those knowledge were what he had to master, and he had time, but he couldn't go to study because he was not old enough. It was really hateful.

Yun Xiao was less than four years old, so his parents did not allow him to run away. There were no children of the same age in the alley where his family lived, but there were a few of the same age as his sister. Although it was a mortal residential area, from time to time there would be evil cultivators who would capture mortals for blood sacrifice and practice, especially the children of the immortal cultivation family. The probability of spiritual roots appearing was greater than that of ordinary mortals, and they were even more of a key target area for evil cultivators.

In this case, Yun Xiao could only repeatedly review the ancient texts and ancient characters he had learned before. When several girls of the same age as my sister were learning weaving with their mother, they would also tease Yun Xiao in their free time. It was speechless for a soul with the thinking of a 30-year-old adult to play with a girl of seven or eight years old and act as the object of teasing. Therefore, he would hide if he could.

Yun Xiao considered that the mortal life in the world of immortal cultivation, especially the mortals of the immortal cultivation family, would definitely involve the knowledge of immortal cultivators in daily life, so he began to pay attention to the conversations of the adults around him, even gossip.

Sometimes, my father would drink a little wine with several uncles and grandchildren of the same age at night, and Yun Xiao would run and jump to eat openly, while paying attention to what they talked about. Disappointingly, there was only one piece of news summarized in the past six months, that is, mortals respect immortal cultivators very much, and this respect is more of respect and fear of power. Yun Xiao was even more irritated because he did not get any knowledge about immortal cultivators.

The turning point of the matter appeared in one of my sister's younger sisters. Because Yun Xiao's mother was very good at weaving, girls from several nearby courtyards who wanted to learn weaving came to her house to learn. To learn a craft, you have to hand in a bundle of silk, and the girls who came to her mother to learn weaving basically had to hand in two pieces of dried meat or ten buckets of millet grain. The mother was also very enthusiastic in educating them, letting them learn and work together with their sister.

This was hard for the sister. In order not to embarrass her mother, she was forced by her mother to practice extra at night, just to achieve the mastery level required by her mother when she demonstrated the next day. Then if the sister was unhappy, Yun Xiao would not be happy. No matter where he hid, he would be caught by his sister and ravaged.

Among the girls learning weaving, there was one named Qi Shufu. According to seniority, Yun Xiao should call her aunt. She and his father had the same grandfather, so they were close relatives.

Her family had a younger brother named Qi Shubo. Because he was good at arithmetic, her parents arranged for Qi Shubo to continue studying in the clan school, hoping that he could learn the skills of accounting and become an accountant in the family business when he grew up. This seems to be a very good career at present. Several families nearby are envious, and Yun Xiao's parents are no exception.

His mother had said to Yun Xiao, who was doing nothing, many times that she hoped her son would not have spiritual roots, and then learn a skill, even if it was farming and raising trees, so that he could accompany her. If his son went to cultivate immortality, he would basically be cut off from his family. These words also made Yun Xiao feel uncomfortable. Middle-aged people are afraid that their parents' kindness is difficult to repay and their children have not grown up.

After learning that Qi Shubo continued to study in the clan school, Yun Xiao did not hesitate and told his mother that he wanted to learn to read with Uncle Shubo. His mother was very happy. So he asked his sister Qi Yunyi to take him and Qi Shufu to find Uncle Shubo to learn to read. His sister was also happy to have a break, and she played with Aunt Shufu, who was the same age. In this way, Yun Xiao began to learn to read and count with his uncle.

Of course, the arithmetic that children learn is child's play for Yun Xiao, especially the practical arithmetic used in daily transactions, which does not exceed the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within a thousand, and is not difficult. What Yun Xiao really wants to learn is those ancient texts related to cultivation. He needs to understand the world of immortals in advance and lay a solid foundation for his future development.

Yun Xiao deliberately showed his stupidity in arithmetic, which made Shu Bo's uncle feel full of accomplishment. He always returned home normally every day and always taught his nephew the knowledge of characters and arithmetic he learned that day.

In this way, Yun Xiao followed his uncle to learn ancient texts, and at the same time, he found opportunities to praise his uncle for being a genius in arithmetic. He will definitely stand out in the future, become a big accountant, marry a good wife, and have a bunch of fat boys. This also caused a lot of teasing from his uncle's parents.

When his uncle encountered problems in learning arithmetic, Yun Xiao would reveal some ideas or guidance without leaving any trace, so that Uncle Shu Bo could successfully solve the homework assigned by the clan school teacher, and confirm the name of Qi Shu Bo's arithmetic genius.

In particular, Yun Xiao applied the basic knowledge of the abacus to the calculation, making the calculation process more concise and efficient, and making Uncle Shubo even more powerful, becoming a well-known prodigy among several nearby family branches.

After the family discussed in the evening, they no longer let their sister go to the clan school to study, and began to learn weaving and embroidery, fully integrating into the life of the mortal world. Unlike expected, the sister was not unhappy, but began to seriously learn women's work with the little sisters in several nearby courtyards.

This made Yun Xiao, a little guy who wanted to take the class, anxious. He knew that the knowledge was what he had to master and he had time, but he couldn't go to study because he was not old enough. It was really hateful.

Yun Xiao was less than four years old, so his parents did not allow him to run away. There were no children of the same age in the alley where his family lived, but there were a few children of the same age as his sister. Although it was a residential area for mortals, from time to time there would be evil cultivators who would capture mortals for blood sacrifice and practice, especially children from immortal cultivation families, who were more likely to have spiritual roots than ordinary mortals, and were the key targets of evil cultivators.

In this case, Yun Xiao could only review the ancient Chinese characters he had learned before. When several girls of the same age as his sister were learning weaving with their mother, they would also take advantage of their free time to tease Yun Xiao. It was really speechless for a soul with the thinking of a 30-year-old adult to play with a 7 or 8-year-old girl and act as the object of teasing. Therefore, he would hide if he could.

Yun Xiao considered that the mortal life in the immortal cultivation world, especially the mortals from the immortal cultivation family, would definitely involve the knowledge of immortal cultivators in their daily lives, so he began to pay attention to the conversations of the adults around him, even gossip.

Sometimes, my father would drink a little wine with several uncles and grandchildren of the same age at night, and Yun Xiao would run and jump to eat openly, while paying attention to what they talked about. Disappointingly, there was only one piece of news summarized in the past six months, that is, mortals respect immortals very much, and this respect is more of respect and fear for power. Yun Xiao was even more irritated because he did not get any knowledge about immortals.

The turning point of things appeared in one of his sister's younger sisters. Because Yun Xiao's mother had a relatively high level of weaving, girls from several nearby courtyards who wanted to learn weaving came to her home to learn. To learn a craft, you have to hand in a bundle of silk, and the girls who came to her mother to learn weaving basically had 2 pieces of dried meat or ten buckets of millet grain. The mother was also very enthusiastic in educating them, letting them learn and work together with their sister.

This was hard for the sister. In order not to embarrass her mother, she was forced by her mother to practice more at night, just to achieve the mastery level required by her mother when she demonstrated the next day. Then if his sister is unhappy, Yun Xiao can't be happy. No matter where he hides, he will be caught by his sister and ravaged.

Among the girls who are learning weaving, there is a girl named Qi Shufu. According to seniority, Yun Xiao should call her aunt. She and his father have the same grandfather, so they are close relatives.

Her family has a younger brother named Qi Shubo. Because he is good at arithmetic, her parents arranged for Qi Shubo to continue studying in the clan school, hoping that he can learn the skills of accounting and become an accountant in the family business when he grows up. This seems to be a very good career at present. Several families nearby are envious, and Yun Xiao's parents are no exception.

The mother has said to Yun Xiao, who was doing nothing, many times that she hopes her son will not have spiritual roots, and then learn a skill, even if it is farming and raising trees, so that he can accompany her. If the son goes to cultivate immortals, it will basically cut off contact with the family. These words also made Yun Xiao feel uncomfortable. Middle-aged people are afraid that their parents' kindness is difficult to repay and their children have not grown up.

After learning that Qi Shubo continued to study in the clan school, Yun Xiao did not hesitate and told his mother that he wanted to learn to read from Uncle Shubo. His mother was very happy. So he asked his sister Qi Yunyi to take him and Qi Shufu to find Uncle Shubo to learn to read. His sister was also happy to have a break and played with Aunt Shufu, who was the same age. In this way, Yun Xiao began to learn to read and count from his uncle.

Of course, the arithmetic that children learn is child's play for Yun Xiao, especially the practical arithmetic used in daily transactions, which does not exceed the basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division within a thousand, and is not difficult. What Yun Xiao really wants to learn is those ancient texts related to cultivation. He needs to understand the world of this cultivator in advance and lay a good foundation for his future development.

Yun Xiao deliberately showed his stupidity in arithmetic, which made Uncle Shubo feel full of accomplishment. He always returned home normally every day and always taught his nephew the knowledge of characters and arithmetic he learned that day.

In this way, Yun Xiao followed his uncle to learn ancient Chinese, and at the same time, he would find opportunities to praise his uncle for being a mathematical genius, saying that he would definitely become a big accountant in the future, marry a good wife, and have a bunch of fat boys. This also caused some teasing from his uncle's parents.

When his uncle encountered problems in learning arithmetic, Yun Xiao would reveal some ideas or guidance without leaving any trace, so that Uncle Shubo could successfully solve the homework assigned by the clan teacher, and he was named Qi Shubo's mathematical genius.

In particular, Yun Xiao used the basic knowledge of the abacus in the calculation, making the calculation process more concise and efficient, which made Uncle Shubo even more powerful and became a well-known prodigy among several nearby family branches.

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