Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 65: First Combat Plan

Leaving the coverage of the market formation, this is really entering an unknown world. Although it took Yunxiao half a year to escape from Zixiang County to Tianxingzong Market many years ago, that was twenty years ago.

Yunxiao has never left the market in the past twenty years, so he is very cautious.

Carefully check the various talismans on his body to ensure that they can be activated at any time. Then he took the black iron shield in his hand and played with it, looking like he was comprehending the way of refining.

First, he sacrificed his Xiaoyun Boat, and the two of them sat on the flying boat, and Yunxiao took control. Because the route had been planned before and various plans had been made, the two were not so panicked.

There were no accidents on the first day's journey. In the morning, Yunxiao drove the boat, and Ruyin continued to comprehend the formation. In the afternoon, Ruyin drove the boat, and Yunxiao calmly comprehended the way of refining.

When it was almost evening, they came to the planned place to stay, a city affiliated with a small family. Yunxiao and Ruyin were in disguise, and their cultivation only showed the initial stage of Qi Refining.

Stayed in the inn in the city, ate the food and drank the water he brought, and set up an early warning formation in the house.

Yunxiao kept watch in the first half of the night, Ruyin practiced, and in the second half of the night Ruyin kept watch, Yunxiao practiced and refined the hundred-year-old mushroom flower wine and Fushen wine.

Then Ruyin saw Yunxiao's dazed and weird behavior. When she thought that she would be like this, and still have sex in this situation, no wonder she felt pain all over, up and down, left and right, front and back, Ruyin felt her face red and hot, and quickly took a mouthful of hundred-year-old moon-watching grass wine to calm herself down.

A night passed, and there was no abnormality. In the morning, Yunxiao took the opportunity of checking out to ask the waiter if there was an alchemy master nearby, but the waiter said he didn't know. Although he was also a member of the Xiuxian family, he had no cultivation, so he didn't know.

Yunxiao gave the waiter a little reward and left. After leaving the city, he continued to set up the flying boat and move forward. It was quite peaceful along the way. After all, it was not far from the Tianxing Sect, and generally evil cultivators or robbery cultivators would not choose to take action here.

However, Yunxiao and his wife did not dare to be careless. They preferred to spend the night in the city or the market. If there was really no city or market and they had to spend the night in the wild, they would at least find a suitable place one hour in advance and set up the Four Symbols Formation.

Ten days later, the two approached the junction of Tianxing Sect and Shenbing Sect. This was the range of evil cultivators and robbery cultivators. Both sides were out of reach, and there were mountains everywhere.

Killing people and stealing treasures in the deep mountains, the king of heaven and the old man could not do anything to us.

Yunxiao and his wife were particularly careful. They would rather waste half a day than stay in the wild. But they were still blocked by a group of evil cultivators.

This group of evil cultivators obviously had a foundation left after the rapid improvement of their cultivation, and their magic power was unstable. Yunxiao signaled Ruyin to prepare for battle according to the plan prepared before.

The two almost simultaneously activated the Vajra Talisman to protect their bodies, sacrificed shields to protect their vitals, swallowed detoxification pills in their mouths, and then landed on Xiaoyunzhou.

Yunxiao first observed the enemy situation, five people in front and four people in the back, a total of nine people. Two are in the late stage of Qi training, one is in the tenth level, one is in the ninth level, and the rest are in the middle stage of Qi training.

Looking at the weapons in the hands of several people, they are all magic tools made of monster materials. Judging from the aura emitted by the monster materials themselves, only one is a high-level magic, four are mid-level magic tools, and the rest are low-level magic tools.

It is unknown whether there are other talismans, formations or ambushes. Although the strength is not strong on the surface, Yunxiao is afraid that someone is ambushing outside. This kind of hidden and sneak attack is the most terrifying.

Before activating the Vajra Talisman and shield was to prevent someone from sneaking in. Although Yunxiao was wearing inner armor, he still did not dare to take it lightly.

Seeing that Ruyin had already used the cold iron shield in one hand and sacrificed his Xiaoyun Boat in the other hand, he was ready to escape at any time. Yunxiao decided to strike first and disrupt the enemy's deployment before he had a chance to escape or kill.

Yunxiao did not ask questions or beg for mercy, but the evil cultivator who was in the tenth level of Qi training wanted to say something. But Yunxiao would not give him a chance. He directly cast a Fire Cloud Talisman, and a rain of fire fell from the sky. The evil cultivator retreated instantly.

Then Yunxiao crushed another smoke bag. This was the various poison powders that Yunxiao had collected over the years of refining tools. He collected them by sewing a leather bag with monster skins and hid them in his sleeves. When he needed it, he crushed it and threw it out. The poison smoke and powder flew all over the place. Yunxiao attacked the four people behind him, and Ruyin also sacrificed the flying boat and flew back.

According to the previously planned battle plan, the first step was to get out of the battlefield preset by the enemy. The enemy's ambush and the array formation would lose their effect once they were out of the preset battlefield. This alone could avoid half of the trouble.

The second step was for Yunxiao to create chaos, and Ruyin took the opportunity to run away with all her strength, while Yunxiao stopped the people chasing Ruyin. Ruyin had the Xiaoyun Boat, and she drove it with all her strength and ran very fast.

After running a distance, she found a suitable place on the road for array formation, quickly laid out the Four Symbols Array, and then turned back to meet Yunxiao's arrival.

This is also the reason why Yunxiao and his wife walked a little slowly along the way. After a certain distance, they found a place suitable for setting up the formation and marked it on the map as the place for counterattack.

The third step is for Yunxiao to hold the enemy back and retreat while fighting. If the enemy is weak, Yunxiao can directly kill and drive the enemy away.

If Yunxiao and the enemy are equally strong, he will fight and retreat, lead the enemy into the formation arranged by Ruyin, and kill the enemy. If the enemy is stronger than Yunxiao, then Yunxiao will use the fire crow to protect himself and retreat.

Anyway, try not to fight with the enemy in the enemy's home field, pull the enemy into your own formation, and try to make yourself more advantageous.

If Yunxiao and Fire Crow are no match for him, then what else can we say? Everyone is dead, and there is no more trouble.

Step 4: If Ruyin has not returned after more than a quarter of an hour, then there is a problem with the formation. It is likely that there are enemies on Ruyin's side and she is too busy to take care of herself.

In this case, Ruyin should not care about Yunxiao anymore and directly use the earth escape talisman and other methods to escape. At this time, Yunxiao has to find a way to get out by himself, and various means of saving his life and escaping can come into play.

Leaving the coverage of the market formation, this is really entering an unknown world. Although it took Yunxiao half a year to escape from Zixiang County to Tianxingzong Market many years ago, it was twenty years ago.

Yunxiao has never left the market in the past twenty years, so he is very cautious.

Carefully check the various talismans on his body to ensure that they can be activated at any time. Then he took the black iron shield in his hand and played with it, looking like he was comprehending the way of refining.

First, he sacrificed his Xiaoyun Boat, and the two of them sat on the flying boat, and Yunxiao took control. Because the route had been planned and various contingency plans had been made, the two were not so panicked.

There were no accidents on the first day. In the morning, Yunxiao sailed the boat while Ruyin continued to comprehend the formation. In the afternoon, Ruyin sailed the boat while Yunxiao quietly comprehended the method of refining the weapon.

When it was almost evening, they arrived at the planned place to stay, a city affiliated with a small family. Yunxiao and Ruyin were in disguise, and their cultivation only showed the initial stage of Qi Refining.

They stayed in the inn in the city, ate the food they brought with them, drank the water they brought with them, and set up early warning formations in the house.

In the first half of the night, Yunxiao kept watch while Ruyin practiced. In the second half of the night, Ruyin kept watch while Yunxiao practiced and refined the hundred-year-old mushroom flower wine and Fushen wine.

Then Ruyin saw Yunxiao's dazed and strange behavior. When she thought that she would be like this and still have sex in this situation, no wonder she felt pain all over her body. Ruyin felt her face flushed and hot, and quickly took a sip of 100-year-old moon-watching grass wine to calm herself down.

A night passed without any abnormality. In the morning, when Yunxiao took the opportunity to check out and asked the waiter if there was an alchemy master nearby, the waiter said he didn't know. Although he was also a member of the Xiuxian family, he had no cultivation, so he didn't know.

Yunxiao gave the waiter some money and left. After leaving the city, he continued to set up the flying boat and move forward. The journey was quite peaceful. After all, it was not far from the Tianxing Sect, and ordinary evil cultivators or robbery cultivators would not choose to start here.

However, Yunxiao and his wife did not dare to be careless. They preferred to spend the night in the city or the market. If there was really no city or market and they had to spend the night in the wild, they would find a suitable place at least one hour in advance to arrange the Four Symbols Formation.

Ten days passed, and the two approached the border between Tianxing Sect and Shenbing Sect. This place was the range of evil cultivators and robbery cultivators. Both sides were out of reach, and there were mountains everywhere.

Killing people and stealing treasures in the mountains, even the gods and the gods could not do anything to us.

Yunxiao and his wife were extremely careful, and would rather waste half a day than stay in the wild. But they were still blocked by a group of evil cultivators.

This group of evil cultivators obviously had a weak foundation and unstable magic power left after a rapid improvement in their cultivation. Yunxiao signaled Ruyin to prepare for battle according to the plan prepared before.

The two almost simultaneously activated the Vajra Talisman to protect their bodies, sacrificed shields to protect their vital points, swallowed detoxification pills in their mouths, and then landed on Xiaoyunzhou.

Yunxiao first observed the enemy situation, five people in front, four people in the back, a total of nine people. Two were in the late stage of Qi training, one was on the tenth level, one was on the ninth level, and the rest were in the middle stage of Qi training.

Looking at the weapons in the hands of several people, they are all magical instruments made from monster materials. From the breath of the monster materials themselves, only one is a high-level magic, four are mid-level magic instruments, and the rest are low-level magic instruments.

It is unknown whether there are other talismans, formations or ambushes. Although the strength is not strong on the surface, Yunxiao is afraid that someone is ambushing outside. This kind of hidden sneak attack is the most terrifying.

The Vajra Talisman and shield were activated before to prevent someone from sneaking in. Although Yunxiao was wearing inner armor, he still did not dare to take it lightly.

Seeing that Ruyin had already used the cold iron shield in one hand and his Xiaoyun Boat in the other hand, he was ready to escape at any time. Yunxiao decided to strike first and disrupt the enemy's deployment before he had a chance to escape or counterattack.

Yunxiao did not ask questions or beg for mercy. The evil cultivator who was in the tenth level of Qi Refining wanted to say something. But Yunxiao would not give him a chance. He directly cast a fire cloud talisman, and the sky rained fire, and the evil cultivator retreated instantly.

Then Yunxiao crushed another smoke bag. This was the various poison powders that Yunxiao had collected over the years of refining weapons. He collected them by sewing a leather bag with monster skin and hid them in his sleeves. When he needed it, he crushed it and threw it out. The poison smoke and powder flew all over the place. Yunxiao attacked the four people behind him, and Ruyin also sacrificed the flying boat and flew back.

According to the previously planned battle plan, the first step was to get out of the enemy's preset battlefield. The enemy's ambush and the array formation would lose their effect once they got out of the preset battlefield. This alone could avoid half of the trouble.

The second step was for Yunxiao to create chaos, and Ruyin took the opportunity to run away with all her strength, while Yunxiao stopped the people chasing Ruyin. Ruyin had the Xiaoyun Boat, and she drove it with all her strength and ran very fast.

After running a distance, she found a suitable place on the road to set up the array, quickly set up the Four Symbols Array, and then turned back to meet Yunxiao's arrival.

This was also the reason why Yunxiao and his wife walked a little slowly along the way. After a distance, they found a suitable place to set up the array and marked it on the map as the location for counterattack.

Step 3: Yunxiao will hold back the enemy, fighting and retreating. If the enemy is weak, Yunxiao can kill them directly and drive them away.

If Yunxiao is equal to the enemy, he will fight and retreat, lead the enemy to the formation set up by Ruyin, and kill him. If the enemy is stronger than Yunxiao, Yunxiao will use the Fire Crow to protect himself and retreat.

Anyway, try not to fight the enemy in the enemy's home field, pull the enemy into your own formation, and try to make yourself more advantageous.

If Yunxiao and the Fire Crow are still defeated, then what else can be said? Everyone is dead, and there is no more trouble.

Step 4: If Ruyin has not returned for more than a quarter of an hour, then there is a problem with the formation. It is likely that there are enemies on Ruyin's side and she is too busy to take care of herself.

In this case, Ruyin should not care about Yunxiao anymore, and directly use the earth escape talisman and other methods to escape. At this time, Yunxiao has to find a way to get out by himself, and various means of saving his life and escaping can come into play.

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