Spirit Fire Refiner? Fire Evil Container!

Chapter 93: Making a feint to the east and attacking in the west to escape from the siege

The Lian family team includes not only the direct descendants of the Lian family, but also many children of families or sects affiliated with the Lian family. There are even children of the Lian family who were promoted for various reasons, such as showing kindness, and are real Lian family members.

Now, Lian Feihua killed Lian Yuhe in front of all the children of the Lian family.

And the reason for the killing was actually for a close follower who had just been subdued for a few months.

The people of the Lian family felt that Qi Yunxiao was indeed valued by the young master, and they also wondered in their hearts that the young master would not really like this Qi Yunxiao.

Could it be that the young master wanted to find a Taoist partner because of his worldly desires?

That's not right. The young master rejected the marriage proposal of the children of the Tian family of the Hehuan Sect last year. Even the young man wanted to marry into the family, but the young master did not agree.

There are many people in the team who admire Lian Feihua, especially Lian Feihua has power, influence, and a future. Once the pursuit is successful, it will be a real road to success.

It's a pity that Qi Yunxiao got the upper hand. Although many people were hostile to Qi Yunxiao, no one dared to provoke him in person.

That was the young master's personal follower. What's the difference between provoking the young master's personal follower and slapping the young master in the face?

This team is the direct line of the Lian family. Those who can be selected are all smart people. There are very few fools without the influence of special auras.

Of course, there are also smart people who know the real reason why Lian Yuhe was killed.

I can only complain in my heart that Lian Yuhe and "Daoyou" really have a way to die. The cultivation methods of cultivators are private. Once known by others, they will be affected in battle and even be deliberately targeted.

This is not a trivial matter. When cultivators fight, any slight weakness will lead to unpredictable consequences.

This Lian Yuhe, as the young master's childhood playmate, actually told the young master's cultivation method to others, and also exposed the news that the young master's cultivation method went wrong. Isn't this kind of fool not beaten to death, but kept to pit himself?

But smart people know the reason, but can't tell it to others, otherwise they will become the second fool, right?

At most, he would remind his friends not to talk about it.

As a result, rumors spread among other teams that Lian Feihua had taken a fancy to Qi Yunxiao, and even killed his childhood playmate in front of Qi Yunxiao.

And the rumors were getting more and more outrageous.

There was even one time when the young master of the East Gate of the Yuling Sect and the young master of the Tiansha Sect, who were also participating in the training, came to tease him.

Lian Feihua was so angry that she took out her magic weapon and chased after the two of them. It was like the King of Qin circling the pillar.

Of course, Yunxiao was the pillar, and several people looked at Yunxiao for a long time, which made Yunxiao speechless.

With these minor episodes, the process of the Demon Flame Sect annexing the Yuanwu Kingdom was unexpectedly smooth.

Many Jindan cultivators chose to surrender when they saw that they could not win the battle and there was no hope of escaping.

The treatment of these Jindan cultivators was handled by the high-level leaders of the sect.

What Lian Feihua needed to deal with were those foundation-building clans and sects. As the battle line narrowed further, Lian Feihua had more and more people at hand.

So Lian Feihua began to arrange people to divide Yuanwu Kingdom into three circles with the three major sects as the center.

Divide the entire Yuanwu Kingdom, surround one by one, and eat it up bit by bit.

In this case, the top leaders of the three major sects were also targeted. With the combat power of the foundation-building level, the magic path was basically four against one, and there was no suspense at all.

At the beginning of the middle spring, the first encirclement circle surrounded the Tianxing Sect’s base camp.

Except for a few small families around the Tianxing Sect who vowed to never surrender, basically, as soon as the army arrived, they abandoned the city and surrendered.

Tianxing Sect is indeed famous for its formation. From the beginning of the middle spring, the magic army began to attack the Tianxing Sect’s protective formation. Until the end of the late spring, they attacked continuously for more than 50 days, but they did not break the formation.

You have to know that in order to break this formation, the magic path used real means. It is really eye-opening.

Have you ever seen an ancient seal as big as a hill fall from the sky and hit the formation? The formation was only slightly shaken, but failed to break.

Have you ever seen a hundred-foot-long spear spewing flames directly pierce the formation? It only made a dent in the formation, but failed to break it.

Have you ever seen a mid-level upper-level formation-breaking talisman, cast by a Jindan cultivator, hit the formation, and messed up the spiritual power of the formation.

At the same time, when several Jindan cultivators tried their best to break the outer formation directly, they found that there were at least three layers of formation inside.

What was even more desperate was that after stopping the attack, the outer formation recovered by itself in less than half an hour.

Have you ever seen a Jindan cultivator cast Qingyang Magic Thunder and bombarded from a distance? But the formation of Tianxing Sect was still intact.

It was not that they had not thought about cooperating with each other, but the people inside were found and killed one by one before they launched.

In these fifty days, Yunxiao really witnessed what personal power, mountain protection formation, and fighting were, and all kinds of means emerged one after another, and all kinds of ideas were strange.

It was unexpected that the Tianxing Sect's formation was so powerful.

Yunxiao asked Ruyin, and Ruyin said that according to Uncle Fang and her judgment, although the Tianxing Sect's protective formation was not a heaven and earth formation at the level of the God of Transformation, it was also a top-notch work among the late Nascent Soul stage.

The reason why it was determined not to be a heaven and earth formation was that, in the past few dozen days, no trace of heaven and earth power was felt to be mobilized.

The Qingyang Demon Thunder and the Breaking Formation Talisman at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul stage could not break this formation. Only the fine products of the late stage of the Nascent Soul stage, which were close to the heaven and earth formation, could do it.

This made Yunxiao's evaluation of the Tianxing Sect rise to another level.

The formation to attack the Tianxing Sect was presided over by the monk Jiedan. Lian Feihua and Uncle Liu and Uncle Fang Qi Yunxiao could only stand on the sidelines and listen.

However, because Lian Feihua is the only daughter of the sect leader, Uncle Lian Tianqing, who is in charge of the overall situation, will also symbolically seek Lian Feihua's opinion.

Lian Feihua is also very self-aware and just asks Uncle Tianqing to make the decision.

Especially in the last ten days, Master Tianqing concentrated his manpower and bombarded the formation all the time. Although the Tianxing Sect's sect-protecting formation was still not broken, the flow of the formation was obviously affected.

In the ranks of the Lian family, there are not only direct descendants of the Lian family, but also many children of families or sects affiliated with the Lian family. There are even children of the Lian family who have been promoted due to various reasons, such as kindness, etc., and they are the true members of the Lian family.

Now, Lian Feihua killed Lian Yuhe in front of all the Lian family disciples.

The reason for the killing was actually for a personal follower who had just been conquered for a few months.

Everyone in the Lian family felt that Qi Yunxiao was really valued by the young master. Secondly, they also murmured in their hearts that the young master would not really like Qi Yunxiao.

Could it be that Shao took the initiative to find a Taoist companion?

No, the young master rejected the proposal of marriage from a descendant of the Tian family of the Hehuan Sect last year. Even when the young man offered to marry into his wife, the young master refused.

There are many people in the team who admire Lian Feihua, especially Lian Feihua who is powerful, powerful and promising. Once you pursue success, you will truly embark on a prosperous road.

It's a pity that Qi Yunxiao took the lead. Although many people were hostile to Qi Yunxiao, they did not dare to provoke him face to face.

That's the young master's personal entourage. What's the difference between provoking the young master's personal entourage and slapping the young master's face?

This team is a direct descendant of the Lian family, and the people who can be selected are all smart people, without the influence of a special halo, and there are very few fools.

Of course, there are also smart people who know the real reason why Lian Yuhe was killed.

I can only complain in my heart. This Lianyu and "fellow Taoist" really have a right to death. The techniques practiced by monks are all private. If others know about them, they will be affected during the battle, and they may even be deliberately targeted.

This is not a trivial matter. In monk fighting, any slightest weakness will lead to unpredictable consequences.

This Lianyu and the young master's childhood playmate actually talked about the young master's cultivation techniques and exposed the news that there was something wrong with the young master's cultivation techniques. Wouldn't such a fool be beaten to death and left to deceive himself?

But smart people know the reason, but they can't tell others, otherwise wouldn't they become the second fool?

The most I can do is remind my few friends not to talk about it.

Due to such a strange combination of circumstances, there was a rumor among other teams that Lian Feihua fell in love with Qi Yunxiao, and even killed his childhood playmate in front of Qi Yunxiao.

And there is a tendency for it to become more and more outrageous as it spreads.

Even once, Young Master Dongmen of Yuling Sect and Young Master Jie of Tiansha Sect, who were also participating in the training, came to tease him.

Lian Feihua sacrificed his magical weapon and chased the two to chop them. It was a good time for the King of Qin to circle the pillar.

Of course, Yunxiao was the pillar. Several people looked at Yunxiao for a while, leaving Yunxiao extremely speechless.

With all these hiccups, the process of the Demon Flame Sect's annexation of the Yuanwu Kingdom was unexpectedly smooth.

Many Danjie monks saw that they could not win the battle and had no hope of escaping, so they chose to surrender.

The senior officials of the sect will handle the handling of these alchemy monks.

What Lian Feihua needs to deal with are the foundation-building clans and sects. As the battle line further narrowed, Lian Feihua had more and more manpower.

So Lian Feihua arranged for people to divide the Yuanwu Kingdom into three circles with the three major sects as the center.

Divide the entire Yuanwu Kingdom, surround them one by one, and eat them bit by bit.

In this case, the top leaders of the three major sects are also being targeted. The combat power of the foundation-building level, the Demonic Path is basically four against one, and there is no suspense at all.

At the beginning of February, the first encirclement surrounded the Tianxing Sect's base camp.

Except for a few small families around Tianxing Sect who refused to surrender, they basically abandoned the city and surrendered as soon as the army arrived.

The Tianxing Sect is indeed world-famous for its formations. Starting from the beginning of February, the demonic army began to attack the Tianxing Sect's protective formation. Until the end of Ji Chun, they continued to attack for more than fifty days without breaking through the formation.

You must know that in order to break this formation, the devil used all real methods. What an eye-opener.

Have you ever seen an ancient seal as big as a hill fall from the sky and hit the formation hard? The formation only shook slightly and failed to break the formation.

Have you ever seen a fire-breathing spear hundreds of feet long pierced directly into the formation? It only makes a dent in the formation, but cannot break it.

You have seen the intermediate and advanced formation-breaking talisman, which was sacrificed by the pill-forming monks and hit the formation, causing chaos in the formation's spiritual power.

At the same time, several pill-forming monks tried their best to directly break the outer formation. Did they find that there were at least three levels of despair inside?

What was even more desperate was that less than half an hour after the attack was stopped, the outer formation recovered on its own.

Have you ever seen the scene where the Danjie monk used the Qingyang Demonic Thunder for long-range bombing? But the Tianxing Sect's formation was still intact.

It's not that I didn't think about the internal and external cooperation, but the people inside were found and killed one by one before they could take action.

In the past fifty days, Yunxiao has truly witnessed what it means to be a powerful person, what it means to protect a mountain, what it means to fight. Various means emerge in an endless stream, and all kinds of strange ideas come to mind.

It is really unexpected that the Tianxing Sect's formation is so powerful.

Yunxiao asked Ruyin, and Ruyin said that according to Uncle Fang and her judgment, although the protective formation of the Tianxing Sect was not a heaven and earth formation at the level of the God of Transformation, it was also a top-notch work among the late Nascent Soul.

The reason why it was judged not to be a heaven and earth formation was that in the past few dozen days, no trace of heaven and earth power was mobilized.

The Qingyang Demon Thunder and the Breaking Array Talisman at the middle stage of the Nascent Soul could not break this formation. Only the fine products of the late stage of the Nascent Soul, which were close to the heaven and earth formation, could do it.

This made Yunxiao's evaluation of the Tianxing Sect rise to another level.

The attack on the Tianxing Sect formation was presided over by the Jindan cultivators, and Lian Feihua, Uncle Liu, Uncle Fang, and Qi Yunxiao could only stand by and listen.

However, because Lian Feihua was the only daughter of the sect leader, Uncle Lian Tianqing, who was in charge of the overall situation, would also symbolically ask for Lian Feihua's opinion.

Lian Feihua was also very self-aware and asked Uncle Tianqing to make the decision.

Especially in the last ten days, Uncle Tianqing concentrated his manpower and bombarded the formation without stopping. Although the Tianxing Sect's protective formation had not been breached, the flow of the formation was obviously affected.

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