Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1039: 斩河伯1

"Hey, still you can talk!" Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and I was very happy. I couldn't help but stretch my hand and scraped her nose. I thought that Meihua is good. I have helped myself at critical moments. It is a super nurse.

And people are okay, warm and amiable, will comfort people, if they are replaced by white and orange, they must dig their own.

Meihua took them, and soon overtook the speedy ferry, came to the shore, did not wait to go ashore, suddenly bursting a gust of wind, with a strong smell in the middle.

The two looked back and saw a wave hit.

Meihua mentions Ye Shaoyang, who rides the wind and waves, directly stands at the highest point of the wave, flies up, and rushes to the shore in a few steps, throwing the two on the beach, looking back, the still calm river, suddenly cloudy monstrous.

The ferry was swayed in the river, and the passengers were all crowded together and shivering.

"Then after the birth of the gods, the **** of the river is angry!"

A group of people picked up.

I saw a huge wave of two or three meters high in the center of the river, and smashed into the ferry.

With a bang, the ferry was picked up and several people were caught in the water on the spot.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "Meihua, you are going to save them!"

Although he can't wait for these people to fall into the water one by one, but after all, people can't really watch them die.

Meihua took the lead, a fierce plunged into the water, and a few times he swam to the ferry boat, grabbed a few drowners, and swam toward the shore.

The wind is over the river, and the waves are tumbling.

If you look at your eyes and don't look at the two sides, you will feel like you are in the sea.

What is it that is making waves?

This is a valley stream, but the water period is only a little wider, according to whether there should be something big?

Meihua raised four waterers in his hand. The two long legs under the cheongsam were flying on the water. They rushed to the shore and dropped people. Ye Shaoyang said: "Boss, there is a strange in the water, I Got it out!"

"First, don't be busy, you go to the berth to board the ferry. If someone falls into the water, remember to save it!" Ye Shaoyang looked at the ferry that was swaying in the wind and waves. It seemed that he would be sunk at any time. It was really unbearable, and Mu Qingyu was still on board. .

Meihua took the lead.

"It's you, we are all harming us! My wife is still on the boat. If there are three long and two short, I buried you!"

The man who was rescued jumped up and pointed to Ye Shaoyang’s nose.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed his wrist and slammed it out and threw it directly into the river.

The man hurriedly swam to the shore, and Ye Shaoyang stepped on his shoulder with a foot on his shoulder. The man struggled for a moment and could not move.

"You, what are you doing!" The man saw the eyes of Ye Shaoyang's haze, and the face was scared.

"What is this in the water?"

"Heaven... no one knows what it is."

Ye Shaoyang continued to ask and learned about the so-called river god. I don’t know how many years existed. It is said that in the early years, floods will occur every year, and several people will be drowned every year. Later, every year, the tribes will be held in the tribes. A few cows raise pigs to worship the river god. This tradition has been maintained until today.

Even so, every year someone has drowned in the stream.

There was a person on a fishing boat who fell and the boat was salvaged. As a result, the boat sank and the family was drowned, and even the body could not be found.

This kind of thing has happened several times, so there is a tradition in the local area. Some people fall into the water and cannot be saved.

Ye Shaoyang knows why the people on board have such indifferent reactions, but still don't think they are right to do so.

At this time, Meihua had already swam to the ferry, and the whole person stood on the wave, and did not know what spells had been made. Once the surrounding waves were near the ferry, they immediately seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier.

Meihua escorts the ferry, all the way to the shore, when the shore is approaching, the stream suddenly turns up an undercurrent, a black shadow appears below, three or four meters long, and the fast Meimeihua swims past.

Meihua also dive into the water and greeted him.

The shadow also immediately dive.

A white mist rose above the shadow and gradually spread.


Ye Shaoyang recognized it at a glance. This is called “Fish Mist” in the folk. Many people who have been fishing in the rivers for many years have seen this kind of fog. They are generally considered to be the breath of the big fish.

When an experienced fishing boat sees this fish mist, it will immediately open the boat far away from the collision.

Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes and saw that the enchanting circling rose, three or five meters high, indicating that there is a certain magical power, guessing that the water ghost before, may be just this guy's pawn.

Suddenly, the enchanting faintly gave a golden light.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is tight, can’t this guy become a demon? How can a cult of the evil spirits, which is cultivated by eating people, be cultivated into a fairy?

"Shaoyang brother, are you okay?" After Mu Qingyu got off the boat, he quickly ran over and handed the backpack and belt to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and stared at the place where Meihua and the water demon struggled. The surrounding waves were soaring, and there was enchanting on the water, which hindered the line of sight and could not be seen clearly. But looking at the situation before, the two still did not divide. Winning and losing.

"The girl, where did you come from, who are you?"

"My ghost servant."

Mu Qingyu was shocked. The melon and melon were powerful enough. How come a water ghost?

"Can she fight the river demon? The river demon is a squid into a fine, is a demon fairy, I don't know how many years of cultivation. At first, there are also wizards who want to surrender it. They are all harmed by it. The tribe is a last resort. Come up."

Really demon?

Ye Shaoyang took a breath of cold air and was completely relieved of the strength of Meihua in the water, but she was also a ghost after all. There is no way to deal with the demon.

"You come to take care of her, let me go!" Ye Shaoyang finished, walked toward the water.

"The water is not flat, you go to die!" Mu Qingyu immediately stepped forward to stop him.

"Before I was unprepared, I am ready now, rest assured."

Ye Shaoyang smirked at her, and she found out from the backpack that she was in the import. This red lotus is built by the best bloodstone. It is named after the red dan, filled with suffocating gas, can drive cold, and can also avoid water.

When I first took the water and conquered Meihua, I relied on this, but before I got into the water, I gave the backpack to Mu Qingyu, and Red Lian Dan was inside.

Ye Shaoyang handed the backpack and belt to Mu Qingyu again, and read the water curse:

"The power of a thousand pounds, nothing, not the five lakes and four seas, avoiding the wind like the wind! Hurry as a law!"

Then the mouth contains red lotus, jumping into the water.

The water surface immediately separated, forming a gap of one or two meters with Ye Shaoyang, and the people who were in the air and the people on the shore were scared and could not speak.

(It’s late, it’s over twelve o’clock, it’s still yesterday’s)

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