Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1045: Black cat scam

Ye Shaoyang knew that she would not be aimless. She turned and walked toward the bodies, and looked at them one by one. I didn't see any problems, as the real Mu Qingyu said.

After all, Mu Qingyu is rushing to the body once, and the feeling of being is not so sure. Listening to Ye Shaoyang said that he did not think much. Continue to ring now and drive the zombies forward.

Their destination is the town of Shizhai.

Because the body can never pass through the village, it can only be over the mountains.

Mu Qingyu let Wu Yao be a guide, try to find a place where the road is flat, so as not to cause an accident.

There was no one in the forest in the middle of the night. Only the three people of Mu Qingyu rushed to a dozen bodies and walked shallowly in the mountains.

When I went to the middle of the night, the three were tired, especially Mu Qingyu. I always needed to use the power of witchcraft to perceive and manipulate those zombies, and I was more mentally exhausted.

The three men sat down around an old tree and looked at three sides. The zombies were driven by no one, and they stood behind the tree and stood in a row.

"The first time I rushed the body, is it OK?" Mu Qingyu rushed Ye Shaoyang and spit out his tongue.

She wore a hat, wearing a black robe and grass shoes, and the people were a little more solemn. At this time, the expression did not consciously flow out the innocence of the girl.

Ye Shaoyang looked at it and just wanted to laugh. It was difficult to connect the person in front of him with the impression of the corpse.

Mu Qingyu had a dry smoke, but he did not smoke.

Ye Shaoyang smelled some smoke and smelled it. When he asked, he knew that the burning trifoliate powder, the so-called three leaves, is the leaves of the leaves, the camphor leaves, and the mint leaves. The three plants are extremely horrible, and they are used for smoking after drying. In addition to mosquitoes, there are also the effects of calming the soul and driving away evil spirits.

"Catch the corpse, in addition to let the body walk, can you let the body do something else?" Ye Shaoyang asked the question that has been entangled.

Mu Qingyu’s expression sinks and says: “Of course, the corpse is the earliest source of black witchcraft. It is the most basic one in the corpse. It can only do the simplest behavior, just because it matches the corpse. It was widely spread.

It is said that in the more savvy corpse, it is not difficult to make the body fly. ”

Mu Qingyu suppressed the sound and said: "The most terrible thing is not this, but there are some witchcraft, which will be made into scorpions, and the corpses are not used. They are looking for zombies.

The heavier the zombie's corpse, the more powerful the corpse is made and can be manipulated by the wizard. Just like cockroaches, there are many things that can be done. Fortunately, these things are much less. ”

After Ye Shaoyang listened, he still wanted to ask questions. Mu Qingyu suddenly shot his head and said: "I was the first time to rush the body, it was awful, forgot an important thing."

After that, I took out three incense burners from my backpack and took out three of them, which were exorcism. I lit them in the incense burner and placed them in different positions, wrapping my three people and a zombie in the middle.

This was a sigh of relief and said: "The zombie's corpse is very easy to attract dirty things. If you get in, you will be in trouble."

The words just fell, and suddenly a black shadow flashed over the eyes and rushed to the corpse.

The three people haven’t returned to God, they will hear a bang, cat!

Still a black cat, blinking and jumping to the shoulder of a zombie, the zombie trembled, the joints squeaked, and reached out to pick up the charm on his face, open his arms, and the nearest Wu Yao fluttered in the past.

"Ah!" Wu Yao screamed and hid behind Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and held the zombie's head, and went around to the back. He slammed his feet and kicked his foot on the joints of the zombies. A charm was attached to the door and fixed.

Turning around, Mu Qingyu is chasing black cats.

The black cat ran for a while in the corpse and turned and fled to the forest.

The body is most afraid of black cats, and it is inevitable to swindle.

The bodies gradually unveiled the charms on their faces. Three zombies were besieging the rain, and the rest were scattered around and they went up the mountain.

Ye Shaoyang was afraid of the rain and suffered losses. He helped the Muqing rain to drop three zombies and looked around. The remaining zombies were gone, and the dark road was bad.

"These bodies are driven by the spirits. There is no magic symbol. The corpse in the body will be scattered for a while. It must be running not far. Let's find it."

After Mu Qingyu finished, he took out the compass from his backpack, burned the prayer, and then used his own blood to make a quote. The compass could sense the corpse closest to it, and the three rushed to find the past.

“How come a black cat suddenly appears?”

Ye Shaoyang wondered, "Is it a wild cat in this mountain?"

"I ordered the exorcism, just to prevent these beasts from approaching, and said that they would not be disturbed."

Mu Qingyu thought for a moment and frowned. "Yangyang brother, do you think that black cat is interested in running a zombie?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sank and carefully recalled the action of the black cat: he was driven by the corpse and still rushed to the corpse until it caused all the corpses to escape. When he left, he seemed to have specifically looked at himself. a glance...

Is this black cat really manipulated to destroy it?

When they didn't come and think about it, they found the first lost body: they broke into a squatting ground and fell into a mud-deep mud pool. They couldn't move at all. Their hands were caught in the air and they choked in their mouths.

Ye Shaoyang cut a few tree shrews, threw them in the mud, carefully stepped on them, first set the zombies with the charms, and then tried their best to pull out the mire and get to the grass on the shore.

Mu Qingyu is guilty: the corpse is not always available, and many of the things used in the practice are in the camp. There is no way to take this corpse in front of you.

In desperation, Ye Shaoyang had to sacrifice himself, carrying the body on his body and rushing back to the camp.

The corpse is sinking than the living one. Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang has excellent physical strength. He casts a volley in the foothills of the mountain and sends the body to the camp quickly.

Mu Qingyu used the compass to determine the position of the next zombie: not far from here.

The trio rushed over and found the body in the grass that had been removed from the corpse and squatted in the grass. It was still Ye Shaoyang back to the camp...

This process lasted for two hours and Ye Shaoyang was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, after these dead bodies were swindled, they were driven by the instinct of the corpse, and they all wanted to go up the mountain. They didn’t go far. The body’s corpse dissipated and could not be moved again and returned to become a dead body. Not far from each other.

Ye Shaoyang successively transported the body back to the camp until the lost body was found back - plus four who had not lost and were arrested by Ye Shaoyang, a total of twelve.

The three men completely let go of their hearts, rested for a moment, Mu Qingyu re-does, the zombies are mobilized, and then the three follow the road.

Because of the lessons learned from the previous car, Ye Shaoyang was afraid that there would be another black cat and the like, and he folded a long lantern and put it in his hand and walked at the end of the team.

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