Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1050: Double witchcraft

Ye Shaoyang trembled and almost couldn't stand, lost his voice: "Xiaohui?!"

A touch of blood, climbed into the eyes of the salt-free ghost girl, and the eyes immediately became numb and cold.

The salt-free ghost girl suddenly raised her hand and hit a palm in front of Ye Shaoyang's chest.

Ye Shaoyang’s face fell, and he refused to check the injury. He hurriedly climbed up and saw that the salt-free ghost girl had got up and rushed down the mountain.

I didn’t think about it now, and I chased it down in one breath.

"Shaoyang brother, Shaoyang brother!" The cry of Mu Qingyu came behind him, and he couldn’t care. There was only one thought in his mind: I must catch the salt-free ghost girl!

He believes that she must be Xiaohui, or at least related to her.

Going out from the woods, there is a sloppy face across the ground, and the salt-free ghost girl steps forward.

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and didn't want to chase it. When he found the danger, he had already fallen into the pool in half, and he could hardly move.

The salt-free ghost girl stopped at the opposite side, turned back and looked at him, slowly opened her mouth, coughed, spit out a small thing, rolled in a puddle, and the body unfolded, but it was a black bug, but with two Only huge eyes, covered in bloodshot eyes, look very strange.

It turned out to be a trap...

Ye Shaoyang tried to move his body, but wherever he could move, he saw the worm crawling to his side two or three times, his body arching and slamming up.

Ye Shaoyang, whatever it was doing, pinched a law, smashed it with a palm, and stained his hands, feeling a bit numb.

Looking up, the salt-free ghost girl squatted on the edge of the water, vomiting constantly, spit out all the worms, swiming along the water, and constantly jumped up and pounced on themselves.

Fortunately, the backpack was not flooded, and Ye Shaoyang grabbed a pack of realgar and sprinkled it in front of him.

These small bugs are low-level evil spirits. When the body touches the realgar, it immediately melts and melts.

Ye Shaoyang also knew that this could not last, trying to turn to the shore, to find that his legs were sucked by the mud, and there was no way to move.

Suddenly felt a back numb, backhand grabbed, pulled down two worms, just crushed, and there was a pain in the back, not a point.

There is no good way at the moment, only to reach out and pull.

With such a fallacy, the worms in front of them jumped up, and the mouthparts directly pierced the clothes, like grasshoppers, sucking on them.

At the beginning, Ye Shaoyang thought that they were going to **** blood, but they were not afraid. They were the blood of Heavenly Master. If they dare to suck, they would find themselves dead.

Later, they found that they were not blood-sucking, but the opposite: a liquid was spit out in the mouth, which made it soft.

More and more insects are sucking on the body, and the venom is sprayed. Ye Shaoyang feels that both arms are getting heavier and heavier. It is dangerous to know that this is going on, but there is no way.

"Shaoyang brother!"

A call came from behind, and when Ye Shaoyang looked back, a straw rope was lost and he hurriedly reached for it. One look is Mu Qingyu and Wu Yao.

The two men pulled the straw together and pulled it.

"Tied to the tree, I come by myself!" Ye Shaoyang shouted.

The two quickly pulled the straw rope and tied one end to a tree trunk.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and grabbed the straw rope hard and moved a little to the shore.

When the salt-free ghost girl looks at it, dragging the injured body, she will immediately come up.

Mu Qingyu stopped in front of him and said something in Miao language. He opened a mouth and spit out a red pounce. After landing, he turned into a big white moth and flew toward the salt-free ghost girl.

The salt-free ghost girl also opened her mouth, but spit out a white silkworm cocoon, broke open, and drilled a butterfly from it, and a golden light flashed on her wings.

At the first sight of Mu Qingyu, she was shocked and stunned. In her eyes, she flashed a ruthless color. She took out a bamboo-like thing from her bag, and her hands kept pinching, and she looked at the salt-free ghost girl, and she had words in her mouth. execration.

The white moth fanned two wings and turned into invisible, like a white mist, rolling over the golden-winged butterfly.

The salt-free ghost girl bent over her waist and hung her hands, as if the Taoist priests kept squeezing, and spit out a bunch of Hmong in the mouth, adding a few words such as "oh, ah, 哼" from time to time.

The golden-winged butterfly turns into a golden light, enters the fog formed by the white moth, and fights up and down...

"Ye Big Brother, you are here..."

Wu Yao looked at Ye Shaoyang's densely wormed worms, his scalp numb, standing aside, not knowing what to do.

Ye Shaoyang waved her hand to her, and she couldn’t take care of the locust bites on her body. She took the sea bowl from the bag, poured it into the mineral water, drew a bowl of water with the evil spirits, took a sip, and sprayed against the locusts on her body. Go on.

The locusts that were sprayed in the water immediately became stiff and fell from the body. After a while, they became blood.

Fortunately, the lower part of the body fell into the mud, there is no locust harassment, or 10,000, the half body was also smashed, then it is troublesome...

After disposing of the front, I couldn't reach it behind myself. I had to take off my shirt and kneel on the floor. I handed Fushui and Taiyi to Wu Yao, and I took off my clothes and asked him to pour water on his back.

The back is also quickly cleaned.

Wu Yao stared at Ye Shaoyang's ass, a little embarrassed to say: "Ye Big Brother, there are a few on your butt, do you want to take off your pants?"

"Hey, let me come." Ye Shaoyang grabbed a hand to the **** and grabbed a few, pulled the mites down, and let Wu Yao help check it again, surely cleaned up.

"Ye Big Brother, will you have a drill into your body?" Wu Yao did not feel relieved.

"This is not going to be, it is looking for death."

Ye Shaoyang stood up and felt a little dizzy on the spot. His limbs were weak. He knew that the locusts were poisoning in their own bodies. Fortunately, they were congenital spirits and strong in suffocation. They had strong immunity to these scorpions.

Looking up, Mu Qingyu and the salt-free ghost girl are fighting.

Among the two, a group of white air wrapped in golden light, white gas constantly changing shape, trying to trap the golden light, Jinguang broke through and was not taken.

"Ah!" The salt-free ghost girl shouted, and the golden light shook, and the white gas smashed.

Mu Qingyu trembled, sitting on the ground and spit out a big blood.

Jin Guangfei came and shot at the door of Mu Qingyu.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over with a stagger, holding a charm in his hand and grabbing the golden light.

Jinguang immediately turned into a golden-winged butterfly, releasing a demon power and wanting to break free.

Ye Shaoyang certainly did not allow, the left hand pinched a Taiyi Tianzhu, pinched the golden-winged butterfly, wrapped it with her suffocation, letting it resist, and could not rush out of the palm of his hand.

"Oh..." The face of the salt-free ghost girl immediately showed a grievous expression, looking at Ye Shaoyang, the period of Ai Ai screamed: "Shaoyang brother!"

This time Ye Shaoyang heard it clearly. It is the voice of Xiaohui, absolutely right!

"Xiaohui, really is you!"

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