Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1063: Terrible curse 2

Ye Shaoyang took this mantra again.

This sentence is actually the original style.

When I was young, every time Master told me that there was something that you couldn't do, the wind would say this, then do it, and then it would succeed.

Anything you don't try will never succeed.

"The head snake is always a snake, and I am a river dragon."

Ye Shaoyang added another sentence.

Forced to install, walked out of the umbrella, drenched in the rain, and walked into the courtyard of Su Jie's home.

Through the yard, Ye Shaoyang came to the door of the hall and found that the door was locked, and his heart was awkward. Could it be that people were not at home?

If you are not at home, can you still die here?

Suddenly I saw that the window of a room was open, walked over, looked up and looked inside, dark, and turned in without hesitation.

The handle was turned on and the surroundings were illuminated. It seemed to be a bedroom, but it seemed that no one lived, and the room was dirty and messy.

Ye Shaoyang walked outside the door with his flashlight.

Just arrived at the door, suddenly felt the flow of the brain, hurriedly flashed back, saw a black shadow, carrying a stick and smashed down.

"I am dying you!"

It is a man's voice.

The stick then hit.


Ye Shaoyang was worried about accidental injury, did not dare to fight back, and did not dare to dodge. He wanted to explain and found that the explanation was unclear: You turned over the windows of the house in the middle of the night, what do you want to do?

Simply do not speak, one to hide.

He has Maoshan body skills in his body, where ordinary people can get it.

The other party chased for a long time, and did not hit it at all. Instead, he was tired enough to squat and squat on the ground.

"Don't fight, I am not a bad person." Ye Shaoyang explained with a hand, guessing that the other party is mostly the son of Su Jie, after all, he is looking through the window, there is a dim sum.

I knew someone in the house and knocked on the door directly.

Look closely, it is a man in his twenties, the Miao dress up.

The man also looked at him and suddenly touched the phone and said: "I want to call the police."

Ye Shaoyang’s glimpse, if the 110 is coming, he is good at the house, this is not a joke, the key is that he can’t tell the motive.

"Don't be, big brother, I am not a bad person. If I am a bad person, I have this skill. I have already done it for you. Have you seen me still holding it?"

The man snorted and thought about it, frowning and looking at him.

In order to show sincerity, Ye Shaoyang simply throws his hand into his arms and let him take care of himself.

This behavior allowed the other party to put aside their vigilance and took a photo of Ye Shaoyang’s face for a while. “You are not a local?”

"No, I am a Han Chinese."

"Why are you breaking into my house?"

"This..." Ye Shaoyang spread his hand. "Speak long, anyway, you believe me, there is no hostility, let's talk."

The man hesitated for a moment, and turned on the lights in the past.

The dim light shone on the two.

Ye Shaoyang stood motionless and looked at each other sincerely.

The man looked at him for a while, believing that he was indeed not a bad person. He went to the bed and sat down, pointing his finger. "There is no bench in the house, so you can sit in bed."

When Ye Shaoyang sat down, the man rushed to raise his mobile phone and said: "You better tell me what to expect, or I will call the police."

Ye Shaoyang first asked him about his relationship with Su Jie, determined to be his son, and then thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

Once I had to ask Su Jie to ask questions, the man must be present, and he couldn’t do anything. Second, he came in by jumping out of the window. If there is no suitable reason, he will definitely not be fooled.

Ye Shaoyang said what he could say, and he said it from beginning to end.

After listening to the man, he was shocked and looked at Ye Shaoyang. "You are a Han Chinese mage?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "Maoshan disciple, such as a fake."

The man was silent for a long time, and he said with a bite: "The slut, the soul is still in the world..."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Wen Huajiao! It is her mother who has become so bad!" The man was angry and threw the stick in his hand on the ground.

"She is dead, my mother has become a madman, for several years, more uncomfortable than death!"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and talked with him. He gradually let him completely let go of his heart and put the phone down.

Ye Shaoyang learned that he was called Cheng Jun. He should be the Han name and said: "Chengdu brother, about Wenhuajiao's death, do you know what is inside?"

Cheng Jun glanced at him and said slowly: "All of them have passed. I don't want to mention anything now. You are an outsider. If you know what to do, even if Wenhua Jiao is really lyrical, I don't want to help her. I can't wait. She goes to **** and never lives!"

Ye Shaoyang saw how he gritted his teeth and knew that he wouldn’t say it when he asked him. After thinking about it, he tried to test: "Can you let me see your mother?"

"A madman, what is good to see."

Cheng Jun paused for a moment, then his attitude slowed down and said: "She is crazy, she doesn't know anything, and you see it."

Ye Shaoyang indulged for a moment and said: "I want to see if I can cure her."

Cheng Jun suddenly turned his head and cast a cold look. He said: "Don't make fun of my mother. I am desperate and don't want to experience disappointment again."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I am not kidding, your mother is suddenly mad, there must be reasons, I guess ... maybe it is a magical law like witchcraft, I am a Taoist. Maybe there is a way."

In the eyes of Cheng Jun, the light came out, and then it went dark again, shaking his head: "It’s useless, even the high priests of Lion are not cured, don’t say you."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is moving, and he is tempted: “I’m not sure, but my mana is not under him. Try it. Wan and his line, she is crazy anyway, and the situation will not be worse than it is now?”

Cheng Jun was silent, half awkward, sighed and said: "Come with me."

Get up and walk to another room.

Ye Shaoyang immediately followed.

Su Jie lay on the bed in the bedroom next door, squinting, under the light, Ye Shaoyang saw a white film in her eyes, like a cataract, the hair was unkempt and described as dry.

Ye Shaoyang counts that she is at most forty years old and can look like an old man.

For Ye Shaoyang's arrival, she turned a blind eye.

Ye Shaoyang sat down at the bed, grabbed her hand, and perceive her body with her suffocation, and immediately took a breath:

She couldn’t feel a trace of anger in her body, but she didn’t have a corpse, indicating that she was not a corpse. In the heart, there seems to be a layer of barriers that wrap something.


If it is awkward, it is not a general embarrassment. I don’t really understand the art of sorcerer, and I don’t know if I’m wearing it.

Cheng Jun looked at his face and sighed secretly. "Is there no way?"

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