Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1093: Secret in the coffin 1

In less than ten seconds, it turned out that the good end of a person, was sucked into a person, only a layer of skin on the bones, this time fell down and fell to the ground.

"Heaven!" Mu Qingyu covered his mouth with his hands and fell to the ground.

Shi Lei stepped back and forth again, leaning against the rock wall, and stayed for a while, suddenly bent over and spit.

Ye Shaoyang looked down at Luo Zehao who became a man. He was not only sucked up by blood, but even the meat was sucked!

The only wound on the face is the right eye, the eyeball burst, with a finger-sized hole in the middle, and a circle of blood around it.

The left eye is still there. Because of the skinny bones left in the whole body, this eyeball is particularly huge, licking Ye Shaoyang, as if with a question.

Wherein Yu Yangyang goes down, and a note is attached to him.

A touch of spiritual power, infiltrated from the spirits, into the body of Luo Zehao, searched, and the result... nothing.

"Even the souls are sucked away!" Ye Shaoyang clenched his fists in anger.

Mu Qing Clo heard this, and it was a tremor:

It is already horrifying to **** up the flesh and blood of people in extreme times, and even the souls are sucking dry. What is this horrible evil?

Ye Shaoyang pulled Luo Zehao's body out of the cave and moved it into the corner of the cave. Looking at the person who was still alive and kicking in the past, this time became such a horrible appearance, Ye Shaoyang was also a slap in the face.

"I will avenge you."

Ye Shaoyang reached out and wiped his eyes from his eyelids to help him close his eyes. I got up and went back to the cave, and I used the flashlight to shine through the hole.

The hole is very deep, can not see the end, Ye Shaoyang mentally counted, this length, has been calculated beyond the thickness of the rock between the two caves, so there is only one possibility:

This hole is always open to the coffin. The floor of the coffin and the part close to the hole should be without the coffin board.

Ye Shaoyang stroked the diameter of the hole and then extended one arm.

This move scared Mu Qingyu and Shi Lei, and yelled at him carefully. Only then was the horror of Luo Zehao's horror. They worried that Ye Shaoyang would become the same as him.

Although Mu Qingyu believes in Ye Shaoyang's mana, he feels that what he is doing at the moment is still too risky.

The hand stuck into the rock wall and passed through a gap. The surrounding air was cold and the feeling of touching it was completely different.

Ye Shaoyang believes that he is reaching into the coffin.

I touched it around, and at the point of the coffin, I touched something. I just caught it in my hand. Suddenly I felt a pain in my back and was stabbed by something. It turned out to be like a leeches sucking up.

The next second, a suction, sucking his blood out.

But only took a sip, Ye Shaoyang heard a crisp boring, feeling that something trembled, then left his hand and disappeared.

Ye Shaoyang took out his hand and looked at the flashlight. He saw a small piece of broken skin on his back and slowly bleed outward.

Mu Qingyu did not avoid the suspicion of holding his hand and sticking his mouth. Ye Shaoyang felt a soft thing in the wound, certainly not her tongue.

It should be the golden silkworm in her body.

On the back of the hand, a few times, Mu Qingyu released his mouth, Ye Shaoyang looked down, the wound had stopped bleeding, and began to heal the rhythm, thank you, and talked about the experience of his hand in the coffin, You are the blood of Heaven, and any evil thing will be countered if you dare to suck.

If there is no such special skill, Ye Shaoyang dares to reach into the nest to find death.

"This is what I touched from the coffin." Ye Shaoyang unfolded his fist, and the headlights shone toward the palm of his hand, only to see a piece of debris.

Mu Qingyu and Shi Lei joined together to observe.

Mu Qingyu carefully picked up the biggest piece, pondered it and muttered: "It looks like an eggshell."

"It's an eggshell." Shi Lei also looked down at the piece and said: "It's much thicker than the average egg shell, and the outer shell is black. It is speculated by the thickness that the egg should be large."

a big egg...

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the hole above the cave and wondered. The coffin is packed with dead people. How can there be eggs?

Shi Lei also expressed strong curiosity and said: "Although this is a cultural relic, in order to clarify the truth and remove the evil, Mr. Ye, I suggest you look at it!"

“How to open it?” Ye Shaoyang was entrusted to his chin and said: “You don’t say this iron birch, is it harder than steel? I am not Iron Man. Is there any way to open it?”

Shi Lei said: "There is always a way. Hard wood is also wood. If you burn it with fire, you must burn it."

Ye Shaoyang had a heart in his heart, but then he thought that there was no fuel like gasoline. It was not easy to ignite the coffin. Besides, when a coffin was burned, the evil inside did not know what it was like. Give up, then think of a way:

Drew a charm, attached to the cave, deliberately left a gap.

Then take a bunch of tri-color incense from the bag, ignite, and then penetrate through the gap, one hand fanned down, and put more smoke into it.


The three-colored cigarettes can make all evil things feel uncomfortable, so they are often used to exorcise ghosts.

Ye Shaoyang's method is: since the coffin is sealed, the three-color incense smoke is not exported, it will only be collected in the coffin.

Even if the evil thing inside is repaired deeper, as the smog becomes thicker, it will not be able to withstand it sooner or later. At that time, it can only come out through this hole. The result can only be a collision with the charm... Curse the receiver, you have a certain grasp to hold this thing.

Ye Shaoyang fanned and waited quietly. After a few minutes, smoke began to overflow from the hole, indicating that the smoke in the coffin was thick enough.

But the thing that **** human blood has not yet moved.

"I can really bear it! OK, I am spending it with you today!"

Seeing that a bunch of incense was burning, Ye Shaoyang simply ordered three bunches and reached into the hole. After a while, I heard a coffin coming from a chop.

Ye Shaoyang sneered in his heart, and there was a thrill of catching shackles.

Be more careful now, be on the lookout for something to rush out from inside.

"Hey!" A loud bang, followed by a loud bang, came from the coffin.

Mu Qingyu and Shi Lei face each other, instinctively standing behind Ye Shaoyang, the inner tension is extremely extreme.

The smoke in the cave is getting thicker and thicker, and the rain clears the nose and licks Ye Shaoyang. "Too much smoke, not right!"

"Reversely, I will endure for a while."

"No, you look over there!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at the direction of her flashlight, outside the cave, actually smoked, and slammed, thinking of something.

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