Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1131: Mu Qingfeng's choice 1

Ye Shaoyang simply talked about it. At this time, the voice of fighting was coming from above. The two just wanted to go up and watch, and suddenly there was a creaking sound behind them, as if something had crawled through the rocks.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart suddenly jumped into the eyes of the blind man.

Can make such a big move, there is only one possibility... snake!

This animal is really dead!

When this thought was just born, I heard a loud noise. The stones that blocked the caves fell to the ground and some were broken into powder.

A wind that scented to the extreme, blowing from the depths of the cave, needless to say, is also the taste of the snake.

At this time, a figure came through the rock, but it was Meihua.

"Boss, the snake is alive!" Meihua shouted in a panic.

"I know, how is it?"

"It was hurt and it might not hurt. After hitting the rocks, it sneaked under the deep well. It is estimated to be a wound."

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he suddenly said: "That four treasures!"

"Sibao Zen Master has swam to the lower reaches, and the underground river has exports. He has already gone out."

Ye Shaoyang was relieved.

Lin Sansheng said: "I said that the snake is not so easy to die, it is estimated that the injury is not very serious."

Ye Shaoyang glared at him and said: "You still say this now, think about it. If you let the snake escape, everything we do is in vain, and those people are also dead."

Lin Sansheng said: "Then what do you say, let's just say this person, it's not enough to go to the teeth."

He did not say anything wrong.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is clearer than him: before so many blood witches and big witches deal with the snakes, these are the elites of the wizards, but the result is just to send the heads...

The power of the ancient animals, it is almost impossible for humans to deal with, the horrible snakes... Ye Shaoyang is the knowledge, and the nine-tailed fox is on a level.

The last time I dealt with the nine-tailed fox, the magical world dispatched at least one-third of it, and it was arranged in advance. There were also people such as Daofeng and Yang Gongyu, and finally they managed to accept it into the Shanhe community.

This time, I rely on myself and two ghosts - Xiaoqing Xiaobai still does not know who to fight with, and wants to defeat the snake, it is a fantasy.

Is there really no way?

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sank a little.

"Shaoyang, I have a way!" Lin Sansheng pointed to the cave in front of him and said: "The size of this cave is just right for the Shanhe community. As long as the snake rushes over, it is easy to crash into the picture."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and shook his head: "The snake should not be such an idiot."

The snake is a strange animal with low intelligence, but it does not mean that there is no intelligence, at least not worse than the average animal.

"Once you are red-eyed and impulsive, nothing can be taken care of."

Ye Shaoyang said: "How to make it impulsive, people now go back to heal, and they will not come out at all. If we hit the door, it is a death."

Lin Sansheng shook a folding fan and smiled. "I have a way to let it take the initiative, and it will definitely be impulsive."

Ye Shaoyang heard something in his words and blinked and said: "If you have a way to say it, then sell it, I will hack you!"

Lin Sansheng pointed to the hole in the wall of the cave and said, "What do you think of?"

"Think of your sister, talk about it!" Ye Shaoyang is almost going crazy.

Lin Sansheng said: "There are coffins in the cave. There are cubs in the snakes. Animals have an instinct. We only need to hurt the cubs and let it know that it must be desperately with us..."

Ye Shaoyang heard this and finally understood his plan thoroughly. He thought about it briefly in his mind. This plan is reliable!

The snake has been entrenched in this cave. In the end, it is still for these young people. The animal's instinct can also be reflected in it. Once the baby is injured or even abused, it will be irritated.

At the most critical moment, open the mountain river community and let it crash into it...

"I can go ahead and inform my Master and Linlin. Whenever the snake advances his head, let my master practice it inside. With his mana, I am not afraid to get in it..."

"It sounds dangerous..." Meihua said with some concern.

Ye Shaoyang nodded. This matter is very dangerous. As long as there is a little accident in the middle, the snake is not taken in by the Shanhe Society. Then... a hairy mad snake, how horrible, Ye Shaoyang just think about it, then feel The back is cool.

At that time, several of them could not survive.

However, this is also the only chance to deal with the snake.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Lin Sansheng and looked at Meihua. He took a deep breath and said: "Dry!"

"But this plan has to be changed. I have thought about it. The safest way to get the snake to hook is to use my own bait..."

Simply say your plan.

Lin Sansheng and Meihua listened and were stunned.

"This is too dangerous." Lin Sansheng muttered.

"High pay, high return. If you want to be foolproof, you have to!"

Lin Sansheng nodded. "You take the world as your responsibility. If you sacrifice, you can rest assured. I will inform you of the deeds in your deeds and write them into the Taoist temple."

"go away!"

Ye Shaoyang angered, "Don't curse me, I haven't married my wife yet, I don't want to die!"

Hearing that the fighting sound above the cave was getting farther and farther, Ye Shaoyang didn't want to delay the time. He immediately drilled into a wall hole next to it, put a charm on the top and bottom, then nailed it on the ground, pulled out a red line, and wrapped it up. Then take out a sea bowl, pour two bottles of pure water into it, turn it into water, and mix it with lime and realgar.

Then take a bundle of yellow paper from the backpack -

For today's action, he carried a mountaineering bag and loaded enough implements and medicines.

After everything was arranged, Ye Shaoyang touched out two glass bottles filled with yellow liquid, opened one, and fell on the coffin in front of him.

"What is this?" Lin Sansheng asked.

"Gasoline." Ye Shaoyang is afraid that he does not understand, simply explained it.

Lin Sansheng said: "How come you bring this on your body?"

"I originally intended to seal the snake, and burned the embers in these coffins with gasoline. It just came in handy."

After Ye Shaoyang finished, he lit the coffin.

Although iron birch is as hard as steel, it is wood after all. Under the fire, it will soon become a pile of dead wood.

Ye Shaoyang and other coffins burned almost, jumped into the wall hole, and opened the lid with the hook of the soul. When you look inside, there is only a pair of black human bones, like the chicken paws that have been finished.

The black color on the bone is the corpse poison attached to the bone.

The zombie has been smashed, and the larvae of the snake have disappeared.

White one. Ye Shaoyang had to continue to try the nearby coffins, and finally found a cub inside. After the arrangement, the gasoline was burned.

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