Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1154: Emotional expert Lao Guo 1

"Of course I am coming back! Brother, you mistake me too deep!!!"

If you go there and explain it clearly, you can probably catch it back. Now, if the cold jade has already become a monk...

Ye Shaoyang’s hard work was very hysterical. Even Guo Dawei was awakened, got out of bed, wanted to comfort him, sighed and went back to bed.

Ye Shaoyang's current situation, what is needed is not comfort at all.

"Little teacher..."

The little fish wants to defend his father. When he just opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Lao Guo and told her not to talk.

Sure enough, Ye Shaoyang vented a pass, unable to fall on the sofa, took a deep breath and said: "Sorry, brother, you are right, even if you tell me the truth, I will not come back..."

At that time, he was responsible for the life of Xiaorui, and he didn't know too much at that time. He pressed his hopes on Mu Qingfeng. Even if he knew everything at the time, he would not turn his face.

Take a step back and say, even if you don’t hold back, then you will not catch up with Mount Emei. After you calm down, you will continue to look for ways to save the little ones, and push the search for cold jade to the back. go with.

He never thought he was noble, but his style of doing things has always been like this.

Lao Guo nodded and said: "I want you to go, but what about Xiaorui? Although the 18th needle can temporarily save her life, but in case of an accident, and she is getting thinner, she looks at the fallacy. Can't afford it.

The most important thing is, the younger brother, I know that you will not come back, because you are carrying the responsibility, what do you do then? Knowing the truth, you can't come back, you will only be more painful, so I simply stare at you and want to wait for you to come back and tell you..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "Understood, thank you, brother. You quickly helped me check the train ticket to Emeishan... No, the plane ticket, the latest class!"

Lao Guo said: "I know you must go, just set a ticket for you at the hospital. At noon tomorrow, at 12 o'clock, you are sleeping here, I will send you!"

Ye Shaoyang promised to come down and sit on the sofa and start to stay.

The little fish still couldn't help but ask: "Small teacher, is this really a misunderstanding?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I believe in me, it is a misunderstanding. If I am chaotic with others, I will have been chaotic, and I will wait until now."

The fish immediately smiled and said: "It is easy to misunderstand. You explain to the cold rain sister. When you need to call the girl, you can say it clearly... Yes, what about the girl?" She did not know the incident. The heroine is Mu Qingyu.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Dead."

The little fish caught.

"How come... otherwise I am looking for a photo person."

"It is also dead." Ye Shaoyang sighed.

"Amount, this is awkward." The little fish squatted.

Lao Guo took a shot of Ye Shaoyang's shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry too much. As long as it is a misunderstanding, there will be a time to solve it. Moreover, Lengyu still has feelings for you, waiting for you to explain."

Ye Shaoyang stopped on the spot and looked at him and said, "How come?"

Lao Guo showed a tall smile and said: "You calm down and think about it. If she really wants to leave, and never contact you again, then she will go straight, why should she say she went? Mount Emei?"

Ye Shaoyang said, "Is this not telling the little fish?"

"Tell the little fish, the little fish will still tell you, if it is completely desperate, then it will not leave you hope to find her."

Ye Shaoyang’s spirit rose and he nodded slowly.

"And, why should she tell the story to the little fish?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head.

"Stupid, she is telling the news that the little fish will take her away, and let you know why she is going, so go find her explanation!" Lao Guoxiao smiled. "Reversely, if the fish don't know why she is." When you leave, you don't even know, and how come back to find her?"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him for such an analysis, and suddenly there was a feeling of suddenness and openness.

"But why didn't she ask me directly, but instead turned around?"

"Rely, this is a woman, indirectly telling you, you will be nervous, afraid to lose her, will not make similar mistakes later, if you tell you, then it will fall, as if to explain, Will you repent from your heart?"

When Lao Guo finished, he felt very proud of himself. He took the noodles of Ye Shaoyang and pulled two of them. He put down the bowl and found that Ye Shaoyang and the small fish were looking at themselves with a very shocked look.

"Dad, you have simply refreshed my understanding of you..." The fish muttered to himself.

Ye Shaoyang looked at him stupidly. "I said, Brother Guo, what is your special talent? When did you develop this ability?"

"What to develop!" Lao Guo patted the thigh, and his heart was very proud. He lowered his voice and said, "I told you, I am a real person, but I know love more than your young people..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded silently. "You are more than a cow, teach me a little experience."

Lao Guo immediately waved his hand and laughed happily: "Teaching is not coming, I tell you, these are the experiences that have been summarized from practice. You can't summarize what you have learned ten times in eight times."

The little fish said, "Dad, can't see it."

"Hey, don't look at your father's old bacon. I was a little meat that year. Before I met your mom, I said... Do you know how many girls chased me at the time?"

The fish looked at his eyes and said slowly: "How many people chased you in the past, I don't know, anyway, you will soon be chased."

"Catch? Who?" Old Guo suddenly became alert and suddenly changed the color. "Actually, I am bragging. When I was young, I didn't look good. I opened the coffin shop. Most people don't look at me. Losing your mother to see me, actually, I am very grateful."

Speaking of this, Lao Guo’s face showed a happy expression. "Small fish, I told you, you said that your mother is fierce every day. Actually, you don't know how good your mother is. The most important thing is that when she was young, she was very beautiful..."

Looking at the two people who were shocked and addicted, Lao Guo got up and said, "I am going to pour a glass of water."

Turning around, I saw my wife standing at the door of the bedroom, looking at herself with a complex expression on her face.

"Hey, wife, when are you awake!"

"You are too old to tell the children what to do."

Guo Da took a look at him, but his mouth was with a smile, "Sleep early!"

Turned into the bedroom.

Ye Shaoyang and Xiaoyu finally understand why Lao Guo said half of it, why the mouth is abrupt, and say your part of the numbness.

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