Lao Guo immediately said that there is no problem, anyway, the small fish is also on holiday.

The idea was decided, and everyone discussed some details. Then Lao Guo went out and asked if the fish would go to Mount Emei. The reason was also very justified: one was to take a trip to the road, and Ye Shaoyang took care of him. He was also relieved. When she is cold, she can use her girl’s identity to attack her side and help Ye Shaoyang to speak...

In this regard, the small fish does not doubt at all, very excited to agree, can go out to travel, it is naturally impossible.

Because it is with Ye Shaoyang, Guo Dazhao does not object.

Lao Guo immediately booked a ticket for Xiaoyu.

"Dad, give some money." The little fish reached out to Lao Guo and showed very poor performance.

To deal with this trick to the father who wants to see the wealth, she can only use the method of selling spoiled every time, in order to get a little money. I thought this time is no exception.

Lao Guo pulled her into the bedroom, not letting her wife see it, taking out a bank card and handing it to the fish.

"Don't fool me!" The fish threw the card back.

"There must be no money here. I want cash, a trip, at least two thousand. If I don't, I won't go!"

Lao Guo put the card back into her hands, clenched her hands and said: "There are 50,000 in this card, you spend on the road, want to buy what to buy, what to eat, what to eat, don't save, spend it Tell me again!"

The little fish stared at Lao Guo. "Dad, are you taking the wrong medicine?"

Lao Guo Xiaoqiang smiled. "Before you were small, Dad was afraid that you would develop the habit of losing the family. Now that you are big, it doesn't matter."

Lao Guo pinched deeply at his daughter and reached out and squeezed her cheek. "Grow up, you are really grown up."

Ye Shaoyang activates the soul print, recalls the melon that has been playing outside, and lets him follow the old Guo and go to Qingyunzi. Although Lao Guo should not be in danger, Ye Shaoyang is always worried about the opportunity of the fish. Threatening him to give up his daughter, there are melons and mesels around, encountering the general ghosts and ghosts, can guarantee innocent.

Besides, Guagua is a ghost after all. It is not safe to go to the holy place of Mount Emei in Emeishan, so it is still not good to take him.

"Boss, what happened." Guagua heard that he was going to find Qingyunzi, and he was shocked to say nothing.

"When you look back, you know how to ask Guo."

When the small fish packed up the luggage, the time to take off from the plane was almost the same. Lao Guo drove them to the airport and watched the small fish pass the case and entered the waiting room. Lao Guo felt that his heart was empty.

For everything that happened to her, the fish did not know, and she dressed up in a flowery show. After she got on the plane, she began to take this sudden journey and asked Ye Shaoyang about everything about Mount Emei.

After learning that Ye Shaoyang was also the first time to go, she took the plane and did not take off. She searched the Emeishan travel guide with her mobile phone and read it to Ye Shaoyang. She was excited to make a travel plan.

Ye Shaoyang sent a text message to Sibao, telling him that he was going to Emeishan and let him freely move.

He did not tell the four treasures of the fish, not that he did not suddenly become a brother. On the contrary, he did not want to let the four treasures roll up too early. If he could solve it peacefully, he would not want to drag anyone.

At the time of take-off, Ye Shaoyang temporarily put down the matter in front of him, and his thoughts flew to Yan Lengyu. I hope that it is not too late to go.

"Little teacher, if... I mean, if the cold rain sister is already a monk, you... what?"

"Then I will not leave, and I will stay in Emeishan to be a monk." Ye Shaoyang smiled. "The monk is a perfect match for the nun."

The fish looked around in a circle and stunned Ye Shaoyang. "If there is a monk who hears, you can't see you. Besides... Xiaoshu, you are not pursuing, you are a Taoist, how? Can go to be a monk."

"Yeah, I actually forgot, I am a Taoist." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head.

The little fish looked at him like this and couldn't help but smile.

The plane arrived in Chengdu, Sichuan. Ye Shaoyang once came once, but it was still very strange. From the airport, there was no way to touch the north and south.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang discovered the benefits of carrying small fish: the small fish used the map to find the location of the long-distance station, called a taxi with a drip taxi, and sent them to the long-distance station.

The driver was very enthusiastic and introduced them to all kinds of food, drink and fun in Chengdu along the way. Ye Shaoyang casually coped.

From the long-distance station, the two took the bus to Emeishan, got off the bus two hours later, and the small fish called the car to the scenic spot. After getting off the bus, they found a hotel near the scenic spot.

"Two standard rooms." Xiaoyu handed the ID card to the hotel front desk and said.

"No, just one." Ye Shaoyang suddenly reacted.

The front desk clerk and the little fish cast a strange look.

The little fish squinted at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Small teacher, don't take you to save money."

"Not to save money."

"That..." The little fish face was a bit red, but I heard Ye Shaoyang say to the front desk lady: "There is no such suite, there are two bedrooms."

Finally opened a suite, there are two bedrooms and a living room, the room is large, of course, the price is also very high.

Ye Shaoyang has no money, so it is natural for the fish to brush the card. Anyway, it is Lao Guo’s money. The old Guo people are extremely savage. In fact, they are local tyrants, and they can also do things for him. Spend his money, Ye Shaoyang does not feel bad.

"Little teacher, you said... I always feel that my dad is a bit wrong." The little fish squatted on Ye Shaoyang's bed, his hands on his chin, hesitantly said.

"He used to be so tricky. Why is this so generous, give me a card with 50,000 yuan?"

Ye Shaoyang touched her head and smiled: "Is it bad for you? Because you grow up, you can spend money, don't think too much."

The small fish shrugged and took out the tourist map of Mount Emei, which was bought on the road. I looked around and said: "The original Emei Mountain is so big. There are four mountains. What is the mountain? There seem to be hundreds. The cold rain sister did not say where?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You don't understand this. Although there are many Buddhist temples, they are all monks and temples. If you are a monk, you must be a monk. We only need to investigate the nunnery."

When the little fish heard it, he suddenly realized it and immediately asked: "But how do we know which one is a nunnery?"

"Ask." Ye Shaoyang took the tourist map from her hand and found the location of Erqi Mountain on it. She said: "There is a Taoist temple on this mountain. After all, it is a family. We can go there to inquire."

The fish looked at the map and was a bit far from the hotel. Now I can't get back on the day, so I decided to stay at the hotel that night and go tomorrow morning.

(First come two chapters)

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