Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1210: Beauty save hero

There is her place, and once we enter the underworld, we will chase it, and hope is very embarrassing. ”

"What should I do?"

"The way is what people think, go back first." Qingyunzi got up and moved to the bones and bones. "I have to go back to take a bath and change clothes."

"I have to eat, I am hungry." Ye Shaoyang said.

Lao Guo picked up her daughter and went outside.

Everyone is behind, and they are coming out. Ye Shaoyang said a few words with Yan Lengyu, let her go first, came to Yang Gongzhen, and took a picture of her shoulder.

"Yang Damei, you are coming in time."

Yang Gongyi lowered his head and did not make a sound.

"Let's go, let me go back and talk."

Yang Gongyu turned into chaos and gas, and entered Ye Shaoyang hanging in the Yin Yang mirror on the waist.

After putting the small fish in the car, Lao Guo told Lin Yuxian to let him stay in the warehouse to pack things, and the rest returned to the "Golden Palace". Ma Cheng arranged the room for everyone.

Ye Shaoyang lay in bed for a while, feeling sore, before the fish with the mysterious machine to fight, but also suffered some internal injuries, so sitting cross-legged, spit for a week, opened his eyes, suddenly brightened:

Yang Gongyi sat on the edge of the bed, wearing a long skirt with white petals and petals on it. The neckline and cuffs were inlaid with dark gold clouds. It looked very temperament and charming. The flowery appearance of the moon makes people dare not look straight.

"Long time no see, you are still so beautiful." Ye Shaoyang sincerely praised.

Yang Gongyu bowed his head slightly and said: "Is there a good fish?"

"Hey..." Ye Shaoyang carefully recalled the appearance of Yu Xuanji, scratching the back of his head and saying, "The fish mystery is also very good. If the perfect score is very, she has 9:5, which can be arranged before the beauty I have seen. Third, no jokes."

Yang Gongyu raised his head and looked at him and said, "Who is the first and second?"

"The second does not know, the first is definitely you, the perfect score has no suspense."

Yang Gongyan smiled lightly and said: "You can evaluate me like this, it is worth it."

Ye Shaoyang said: "This time thanks to you, you and I are not polite, but how can you suddenly arrive?"

Yang Gong said: "You are in danger. I am helping you as a friend. Isn't it normal?"

"It's normal, but I heard that you haven't been in the chaos world. How come suddenly, how do you know that I am in danger?"

This is not a martial arts drama. When the protagonist hits the opponent, he will have a master halfway to kill. Ye Shaoyang’s heart is very clear. There is a reason for Yang Gong’s release.

"I came very early, always hiding around and watching. If you beat her, I don't have to shoot, but I still don't have a look."

Ye Shaoyang listened, his expression was awkward, and continued to ask: "You still haven't said, how do you know that I have difficulties?"

"Nature people tell me."

"The wind?"

Yang Gongyi looked at him and said faintly: "Why ask."

Sure enough, it is the wind...

Seeing Ye Shaoyang’s sinking, Yang Gongyu said: “It’s not the way the wind brought me. It’s my own inquiries about your situation. I know that you have trouble, so I’ll come to help you, it’s not related to the wind.”

Ye Shaoyang nodded and did not doubt her words. However, in this case, there may be a shadow of the wind. He may also want to help the little fish, but because of his own and Qingyunzi, he did not dare to show up.

After all, he is now a public enemy of the spell world. Master has chased him before. If he meets here, Master will be very difficult to do. In the future, Qingyunzi will not be able to share the same with the magical world--especially the Kunlun school. Account for.

"Shaoyang, I am leaving."

Yang Gongyi stood up and looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "In the future, I will probably not come to you again."

"Why!" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"There is no reason, but..." Yang Gong wanted to say something, but he finally sighed and said: "Let's talk about it in the future, I will go see Xueqi, then go."

I saw Ye Shaoyang and I got out of the crack in the door.

How have you been stunned recently?

Ye Shaoyang looked at the direction of the disappearance of Yang Gongyi. I thought that these people didn't know what happened. It seemed like how much secrets were hidden in my heart, and I didn't say one by one. The road was, Yang Gong was, even the master.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly and felt tired.

Before the fish woke up, Ye Shaoyang and others gathered in the conference hall of the hotel to discuss how to protect the small fish in the next step.

"Guo brother, is the fish a quick start?"

Already at the end of August, there are still a few days to start school. Ye Shaoyang heard that the small fish was admitted to the university, so he asked.

Lao Guo nodded and said: "Yes, I was going to sign up next Monday."


"Southern Anhui, Huizhou."

"That's not far from Stone City, you let her go to school."

Lao Guo smiled bitterly: "Little teacher, what kind of joke you are making, this time I still have to go to school, I still want a way to take time off with the school, wait for this robbery, then send her to school."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What do you know, let her go to school, but protect her."

Facing the suspicion of Lao Guo and everyone, Ye Shaoyang explained: "Thirteen days, not a very short time, we can't sleep for twenty-four hours to guard the little fish. After all, we are clear, the fish is dark, She can monitor us and she will definitely take the shot once she has the opportunity.

The little fish won't be a spell. Once she gets her hand and takes it to the ghost field, it's too late!

Therefore, we simply let her go to school, and live in school, so the fish Xuanji has no chance to start! ”

Lao Guo frowned and vaguely understood the meaning of Ye Shaoyang and said: "You mean --"

"Use the sea tactics!"

Ye Shaoyang said, "Yu Xuanji is a Yinshen, not a evil spirit. What she is most scrupulous about is not us, but the law of the underworld.

You also know some of the law of the law, there are clear rules, the Yin God can never show up in the human world, let ordinary people see, but can not fight in the face of ordinary people. Even if the fish Xuanji is not reconciled, he will never dare to overcome this rule. Otherwise, let alone the Shulu Road, that is, the human reincarnation does not have her share. ”

Everyone listened to him saying this, but also a little bit understand, Xie Yuqing thought the fastest, thought of a certain point, said: "But before she was not in our face, isn't we ordinary people?"

"You have to deal with people in advance, and you have shot the people with a killing gun. This has already fallen."

Ye Shaoyang explained: "The so-called can't show up. When the ordinary people don't know her existence, you have designed it to deal with him beforehand. This is of course abolished. It is hard to become a **** to come to work in the world. Didn't you fight back?"

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