Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1219: Computer celestial

"Well? You have nothing to do with me!" Ye Shaoyang is not able to touch the clue.

At that time, I was eating, and Leng Lengyu said to him with chopsticks: "Do you not say it yourself, unless your brain is a computer... Then why don't you use a computer?"

"Computer can?" Ye Shaoyang stunned. He didn't know much about computer office. He used to go to Internet cafes and like all the young people in the hanging bar. He only chats and watches movies, and plays a fool online game that doesn't require any control.

"Just write the program, make the calculation code, let them automatically deduct it, whether it is a complicated operation, the computer can be completed."

"Although I don't understand, but it sounds like... very tall," Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "Will you?"

"This kind of program is not complicated, as long as you can put the requirements forward."

So, in the afternoon, the two did not do anything, just sitting in front of the computer of the cold jade, Ye Shaoyang did not expect that the cold jade actually played the computer so slippery, and finally made a program, 芮冷玉 entered the instructions, the program The calculation started automatically.

"I don't know how to program. This program is too simple, it is slow to calculate, and there is more data. It takes a while to get it. Let's put it first."

Ye Shaoyang stared at the numbers that were constantly jumping on the computer screen, and then asked if he could not do it, and he got a definite answer.

"As long as the deduction plan you provided is ok, I will have no problem with this program." Yan Lengyu said with great confidence.

"Okay, just... I always feel that using this stuff to study Dao is a bit weird..."

Ye Shaoyang secretly took a breath, "I said that this congenital gossip, relying on the opportunity to comprehend, otherwise the human power can not be deduced, but now there is a computer to do the work, it can be regarded as a kind of manpower, this ... is not a chance? Still looking at the secret?"

"We can think of using computers, this is the opportunity." Yan Lengyu thought about it, "To say the secret, unless you are sure that the person who controls the celestial plane knows the computer."

The computer is still computing, the little fish called and said that they would come to them to eat. Unlike usual, she called Wang Lin today and said that she was coming from school.

People are coming, Ye Shaoyang is naturally not good to object, promised to put the computer, and go downstairs with Yan Lengyu.

From the long distance, I saw the small fish and Wang Lin pulled up and came over. Ye Shaoyang thought that the old Guo was not there, otherwise he would have been mad at seeing this scene.

The small fish saw him with the cold jade, and immediately released his hand. The four people met and said hello, took a taxi to the nearby Wanda Plaza and went to a hot pot restaurant to eat.

During the dinner, the little fish talked with the cold jade. Wang Lin was almost silent. Ye Shaoyang could see that he didn't want to eat with himself. It was the little fish who pulled him hard.

After dinner, four people went shopping together from Wanda, and Xiaoyu and Yan Lengyu saw the women's clothing store, and they couldn't move and went to try on clothes.

Ye Shaoyang and Wang Lin sat together on a bench outside.

"Ye Big Brother, I heard that you are a Taoist?"

Wang Lin suddenly came out with such a sentence.

Ye Shaoyang heard a hint of disdain in his tone, bowed his head and played with his mobile phone, and said nothing: "What happened?"

"Nothing, just listen to the little fish and say, you are a Taoist, you will catch ghosts. What kind of ghost is it? I haven't seen it yet. Can you catch me?"

"I am a Taoist, not a warlock."

Ye Shaoyang only said such a sentence, continue to watch the phone.

After waiting for a while, Wang Lin asked: "Ye Big Brother, the Taoist is not a daughter-in-law, why do you have a girlfriend, but also find such a beautiful girlfriend."

During the talk, I glanced at the cold jade that was trying on the clothes in the store.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered the stalk of "good cabbage was arched by the pig", put down the phone, looked up, stared at him, and looked not angry.

Wang Lin smiled and said: "I am just making a joke. Ye Big Brother is not angry, modern society, monks and children, it is normal."

What do you mean by saying that you are a **** stick?

Ye Shaoyang smiled lightly and was too lazy to defend.

However, Wang Lin is obviously a bit insatiable. Seeing the signs that the two fishmen did not come out for a short time, they said: "Ye Big Brother, are you not letting the fish out of school, not allowing me to date alone?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved. It turned out that he was hostile to himself because of this incident. He simply put his mobile phone away and asked him: “What do you want to say?”

Wang Lin spread his hand and said: "I am talking straight, Ye Dajie don't mind, I think, ghosts and other things, I dare not say no, but I want you to say that there are ghosts who want to harm her. This is also a bit...how to say, this is not a horror film, you can’t influence normal life for this, what do you say?”

Ye Shaoyang understood it as soon as he heard it. It seems that the little fish did not say too much to him, or said it, but he did not believe it.

"You don't believe, I can't do anything." Ye Shaoyang said casually, and he was not obligated to give him science.

Wang Lin smiled and said: "But it happened to my girlfriend. I can't leave it. I don't want to say anything. You and her... It seems that there is no kinship. If you are her dad, what do you want her? I can't say anything, but I am his boyfriend, she is listening to you now, don't date me... Oh, this feeling is very uncomfortable, you know?"

At the end of the day, the tone has become unhealthy.

Ye Shaoyang said: "What do you want?"

"Otherwise, you will catch a ghost and show it to me, otherwise I will ask you to stay away from her." Wang Lin looked at him provocatively.

"I just came to protect the small fish, I have no obligation to let you believe..." Ye Shaoyang quietly looked at him for a while and said, "Sorry, which green onion you are?"

Wang Lin was on the spot, a college student. It was a bit immature to deal with this kind of thing. He snorted and said: "You are a stone city person, my second uncle is the captain of the criminal police team..."

"Oh, so?"

"If you really want to touch me, I can ask him to find an excuse to say that you are engaged in feudal superstition activities and arrest you!"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. When the university was not up, he would play the word prison. In the future, he would not be a good person. It seems that he saw it from his face.

Ye Shaoyang indulged a bit, went up and patted his shoulder and said: "You have never seen a ghost, do not believe this, can understand, but you always love to believe in small fish, she is convinced that there must be a reason.

Your business, I don't care, I only protect her for 17 days, it has been ten days, and there is another week. After that, I leave. You love to do it, and you endure this week, how about? ”

(three more)

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