Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1226: Emperor's Day 2

Xiao Yiyun did not say a word, from the sleeves put forward a golden thing, is a green-green wooden pole, hanging a string of crescent-shaped things, non-Golden non-jade, can not see what material, give a clear and elegant, Put the above four words:

Passing yin and yang.

"The Emperor's Day!"

The four people screamed, as a secluded soldier, although they have not seen this thing, but I have heard that it should be said that no one in the entire Yin Shi does not know this thing.

The place where the emperor's temple is located, see the emperor's envoy, like Cui Fujun himself. Moreover, the weight of this emperor's envoy is higher than the status of Cui Fujun's **** card.

The **** card is used to do things, and all parties must cooperate. This day, when the embassy is out, it is not a matter of cooperation. Up to the seventy-two division chiefs - except the reincarnation division, down to the ghosts and sinister soldiers, Mo Gan Not from.

Xiao Yiyun shouted: "The emperor has orders, and the speed of Ye Shaoyang and others enter the city, who dares to violate the order!"

The four men hurried down and shivered, not looking up.

Xiao Yiyun made a look at Ye Shaoyang, turned and left, and Ye Shaoyang immediately followed.

"Thank you!"

Ye Shaoyang went to Xiao Yiyun and said.

This is how the two people have known each other for so long, and Ye Shaoyang thanked him for the first time.

Xiao Yiyun looked at him and showed a bitter smile.

Four people walked through the dead city and walked all the way back to the round.

Along the way, I encountered several squadrons and parade blocks, because they had the emperor's hand in hand, and no one dared to stop.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. He thought that there would be Xiao Yiyun to meet the loss. Otherwise, even if he entered the capital city, facing such a strict guard, it would be difficult to rush in the past. Even if he really killed all the way, the fish must have been sent. Into the cycle back.

Guagua and others entered the city early in the morning and secretly supervised the fish, so they did not have to go through these obstacles. Oranges, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai don't need to say that they are gloomy and have certain positions. These squadrons can't stop them naturally, but after today, they may have to be cut off.

Now that he can't manage so much, Ye Shaoyang sighs and says to Xiao Yiyun: "Thanks to the princes of the princes, I am grateful!"

"It doesn't matter to the adult of the government." Xiao Yiyun said coldly.

Ye Shaoyang stunned and suddenly stood still.

Xiao Yiyun pushed him and said: "Come on, can you save it, it depends on your creation, and I can only send you in the past!"

"What is the situation now?" Ye Shaoyang asked as he flew.

"The fish priest persuaded several masters, and the Buddha of the boundless world, things were taken over, and the sergeant had no attitude."

“No attitude?”

"There is no dimension in the town, the Yin Shi has no attitude." Xiao Yiyun looked at him. "This trip is dead, you should not come."

Ye Shaoyang smiled faintly. "Who I am afraid of, as long as I can save the little fish, it doesn't matter."

Lao Guo heard this sentence on the side, his eyes flashed and he bit his teeth.

Xiao Yiyun shouted: "From the reincarnation department, people, Ye Shaoyang, who do you think you are, really regard yourself as your ancestor Ye Zu Shi!"

"I am not who, I am myself, what I have to do, I will do it! I should do it, what I should do!" Ye Shaoyang said slowly, his tone was calm, and there was no excitement, but he was vocal.

Xiao Yiyun suddenly laughed, changed the usual elegance, and praised loudly: "Well, this is Ye Shaoyang I know, I don't want to be a one for you, worth it!"

Ye Shaoyang frowned, feeling that he was a little bit wrong, and there seemed to be a bit of sadness in his tone, but this time he had come to the reincarnation and had no time to ask.

Above the gate of the reincarnation, like the "ghost town" in the playground of the human world, it created a horrible grim face, which is daunting. In the mouth of the grimace, it is a swirl of breath, constantly rotating, six ups and downs, symbolizing Reincarnation.

The door is two opposites, with a cross on top of it, with four words: born and died.

These four words should be split into two.

The reincarnation is not in the yin and yang hall of the reincarnation division. Instead, there is a cloister on the side. There is a reincarnation. Ye Shaoyang used to save his father last time. He once came here and never came back today...

When he thought of his father, he was in the reincarnation department. Ye Shaoyang stood outside the door of the reincarnation and arched his hands.

If the father knows the reason for his trip, he will certainly support himself. Ye Shaoyang firmly believes.

Passing through the cloister, I came outside the reincarnation door. When I saw it, I suddenly remembered it: the entrance to the reincarnation road was always guarded by the yellow sorcerer. I used to take it one time. I didn’t expect to guard the door today, wearing a hyperthyroidism. One wearing a yellow four-legged crown, one wearing a blue three-leg method crown, a hand-held town demon tower, a hand-held guardian gold cymbal, prestige, is the second king and three kings.

"It's not good..." Xiao Yiyun walked quickly and the three men saluted at the same time.

"Following the life of Cui Fujun, with Ye Shaoyang three rounds back, also asked the two kings to release." Xiao Yiyun brightened the emperor's envoy.

The two kings saw the emperor's envoy, and there was a hesitant look on the surface. The two kings said, "The emperor's life is supposed to be obeyed, but he is not guilty. Xiao Langjun said that I was the guardian of the reincarnation. No one should let go, this is a revolving order."

Then he took out a red-red token, which was painted with a pattern of reincarnation and sent out a cold light.

The reel's order is a decree that is equal to the emperor's envoy, and it is also unobtrusive in the sinister.

Xiao Yiyun suddenly had a bad voice. If the two brothers didn't have a revolving order, they would use the emperor's envoy to make it, even if they were not happy, they had to let go, but now, the two sides are the same, and things are really difficult.

The three kings looked at the emperor's envoy, and did not want to stalemate, saying: "Xiao Langjun, the throne is now in the yin and yang hall, you hold the angel season, just go in and ask for an order, so that my brothers will not be embarrassed, we will release immediately. !"

Xiao Yiyun sighed: "There is no time. The two kings have let me go. After that, I have come to the throne to plead guilty, and never hurt you."

The two kings listened to each other and glanced at each other.

If you say this, if you insist on it, you will be offended by Cui Fujun. Although they are the king of the law, they are in the position of the Zhili Reincarnation Division. They have nothing to do with Cui Fujun, but they are not stupid enough to touch him. If Xiao Yiyun is really willing to take responsibility, they would like to buy a face.

Even after the event, the runners pursued them, because the other party took the emperor’s envoy, and they would not be overly blamed if they wanted to come...

However, the two are still a little hesitant.

At this time, Lao Guo suddenly appeared, and the three kings of the law smashed their knees and said, "I haven't seen you for many days. The three kings still recognize me."

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