Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1407: Water and land farm

"Citizen, you deceive too much!"

Zhang Wusheng jumped up from the chair and angered: "I am also the head of the school. How can I do this kind of thing! You and Maoshan's kindness and resentment, what do you do, what do you do for me!"

The Taoist real person turned around and gave him a look: "Slightly safe."

Other heads also came up to persuade, to give Zhang Wusheng a step, Zhang Wusheng just roared, sitting in the last row of positions, no longer say a word.

She is very satisfied with her compassionate teacher. She is not afraid to turn her face with Zhang Wusheng. She is afraid that Zhang Wusheng will inform her. When she is so troubled, Zhang Wusheng will not be able to do it even if she is informed.

Promise Tianshi and so on, everyone sat down and started to talk about their plans...

Qingyunzi master and several people discussed for a long time, and could not find a way to achieve the best of both worlds.

"The only way now is to stop the wind from entering the Wan Yao Tower." Qingyun Zidao, "I can't do it in my life, but I can't help him get the Yuqing Fu, and deliberately release the niece and other evil things. I can't do anything."

Ye Shaoyang and others slowly nodded, and the same thought in my heart.

芮冷玉道: "Since we can't find the wind now, it's only to stop him at the scene tomorrow. Let's work together and push him back."

Qingyun Zidao: "It is best not to let him go up the mountain, especially if you can't enter the tower."

芮冷玉道: "I have a way, Shaoyang, is to sacrifice you, if you can't stop him, then you will die, I don't believe he can watch you die."

"This... I am doing this in public, and I am too shameful. Only the girl does it."

"In order to save the wind, what have you sacrificed? The wind is very concerned about you."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it seriously and waved his hand: "No, the wind knows that I will not really die - because I have not reached the point where I can't die. If he doesn't care about me, go on the mountain, my face is not Lost big, when the knife is crossed across the neck, it’s not dead, not dead..."

When I thought about it, I felt a little embarrassed.

At the end of the discussion, it was only helpless to determine a point: no matter what, you can't let the wind enter the tower.

Qingyunzi said that he should think about it and let them go back first.

Four treasures go back to their room. Ye Shaoyang went to sleep in his room with a cold jade.

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang let Xiao Leng go to bed, take a bed, lay it on the ground, put his hands behind his head, lie on it, thinking quietly.

The right eyelid suddenly jumped out of control, and the heart was also taken by a huge panic. This feeling was terrible. Ye Shaoyang was lying on the quilt and sucking hard.

"What's wrong?" Yan Lengyu heard that the rhythm of his breathing was somewhat wrong. He got up and asked.

"I am very panicked. I always feel that something is going to happen, and my eyelids are jumping. I am worried that the wind will be tomorrow..."

Yu Lengyu got out of bed, sat down beside him, reached out and stroked his face and said, "You are too nervous, nothing."

Ye Shaoyang grabbed her hand and looked up at him.

Under the candlelight, Ye Shaoyang had a deep fear on his face. This expression, Yan Lengyu almost never seen it from his face.

"One thousand winds are dead, I... what to do?" Ye Shaoyang murmured.

In the room of Qingyunzi not far away, he stood alone in front of the window, quietly looking at somewhere in the night sky... a star, flickering, and it seems to fall at any time.

"The sky is full of chaos, and it is a mortal who can penetrate. Against the sky, it is just a lie."

Silence for a long time, Qingyunzi spit out this sentence, gently shook his head, went back to the sofa to lie down, picked up the fried peanuts that had not been eaten before, and grabbed a handful of imports.

On August 27, it was dark, but it didn't rain.

Before going out, Qingyun Zizhen pointed out that today, Ziwei is volley, it is advisable to do rituals. I wonder if the Promise Master chose to practice today.

Su Qinzhang sent breakfast. When he was eating, Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu came together. Both of them were nervous and heavy, and did not know what would happen today.

Qingyunzi is okay, as always, he is not serious, jokingly asks when they will get married and give themselves a playmate.

The four people came together to the square in front of the hanging view.

The square is already full of people. The first row is the head of each martial art. It stands silently. Seeing the Qingyunzi mentoring, the kindness teacher reveals a sneer that is not easy to detect.

Zhang Wusheng had a sigh of expression and then lowered his head.

Waiting for a while, after the arrival of the people, under the leadership of Zhang Yun, went straight up the mountain.

In front of the hall of the hanging view, there are two huge incense burners, each corresponding to an altar, one for the Sanqing ancestor, is the moral celestial, Yuanshitianzun, Lingbao Tianzun.

Another altar is for three Buddhas, in the middle is Sakyamuni Buddha, on the left is the West Amitabha, and on the right is the Oriental Pharmacist Buddha.

On the edge of the two altars, there are two pairs of incense cases, with a number of long-burning incense sticks on the top of the bamboo pole. The two masters of Promise and Nothing are standing on the left and right sides of the incense burner, wearing a black and white. The color of the robe, the look is solemn.

After everyone was in place, waiting for the arrival of the double Jiuji, the Promise Tianshi announced that Longhua will begin, and the disciples with hanging views on both sides began to recite the scriptures. All the guests were divided into two groups, the two groups, according to the seniority, go to the incense I bowed, then painted my face with ointment, Ai Ye took a body, and so on.

Anyone who has been fragrant, will have a disciple who will come to send a futon, and then sit on the ground, waiting for everyone to finish the incense, and recite the prayers in the Taoist scriptures and Buddhist scriptures, pray for the magical world.

This is the theme of the Longhua Club.

There are chanting, ringing, approving, and fragrant, and dozens of disciples come and go, so busy.

The process of Longhuahui’s meeting lasted for an hour, and it ended. Everyone got up and walked through the middle of the two incense burners. The Promise Master used pine branches to smash the water and sprinkled three drops on each person’s forehead. Then go to stand by.

After the end of the meeting, the Promise Master did not hesitate, directly let the several heads and elders arranged yesterday go down the mountain, standing in the eyes of each other, the remaining second and third generation disciples divided into two, one wave went outside the mountain gate The guards were armed and the rest were taken to the entrance to the front of the Wan Yao Tower and kept outside.

Four treasures are naturally along with Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu, standing on the side of the nearest overlooking stone, from which you can overlook the entire mountain view.

Sibao stretched his head and looked down at the mountain for a while. He looked at the people around him and said, "This is not scientific. If you are guarding the line, shouldn’t you concentrate on the mountain? Why are there more people here? I rushed up and won the eye, what should I do?"

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