Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1417: No cause and effect

"The son-in-law must have been let go of him in advance, or colluded with him, deliberately playing this scene, so that he can take him away!"

The compassionate teacher’s gaze glared over Ye Shaoyang and said: “And you, Ye Shaoyang, actually an enemy with the magical world, assisting the Taoist style, letting go of the niece. You can’t do anything with Qingyunzi, you are all colluding, This matter, you must give a statement to Maoshan."

Qingyunzi snorted two times in his nostrils and said: "I am too lazy to waste your saliva with you. If you want to say anything, you will only want to go to Maoshan in the future."

Ye Shaoyang also wanted to counter a few words, and suddenly he heard the voice of Promise Tianshi: "This thing Maoshan is not responsible, the road is not lying, the son-in-law, really not in the line."

When this statement came out, everyone was stunned.

Ye Shaoyang had known this for a long time. He was not surprised. What he was most concerned about was that the Promise Tianshi was not trapped by Yang Gongyi and the Twelve Apostles of the Valley of the Winds. How come out so soon?

I hurriedly turned and went into the Wan Yao Tower. I quickly progressed and came to the main hall. Under the light of the candlelight, I saw an amazing scene:

On the top of the dome that lost the charm, there was a huge crack. The evil things were drilled one by one from the inside. After landing, they immediately screamed to the nearest disciple of the Valley of the Winds.

Yang Gongyi, who has been surrounded by four horrible demon corpses, has a thick skin and thick flesh, goes up to be a meat shield, and the other three squat on the ground like a donkey, constantly squirting the corpse of Yang Gongyu, killing Her cultivation is.

In front of this form, Ye Shaoyang knew at a glance that it was definitely the Promise Master who used the golden scorpion to take the shell out of the house. When he smashed the evil spirits in the tower and laid out the siege of Yang Gong, he took the opportunity to leave.

Anyway, this Wan Yao Tower has only one exit. For the Promise Heavenly Master, they are all evil things. It doesn't matter who killed them. It just consumes each other.

Ye Shaoyang stepped forward and stalked the neck of a demon corpse and threw it out. He grabbed Yang Gong’s hand and flew outwards. He said, “What do you do with them, go to help the wind. ”

Yang Gong’s hand was pulled by him and he couldn’t pull it out. As long as he followed him, Ye Shaoyang suddenly stopped and turned around. The two men bumped into one another. Ye Shaoyang pressed her shoulders and said: “We try our best to make the way. Go, if you can't walk, you will drill in my yin and yang mirror, no one can tell you how!"

Yang Gongyi hesitated, saying: "Like the past?"

"Yeah, remember, there is no chance to take care of you!"

After saying that he turned back to the twelve disciples, he said, "Don't die with these guys. Come out and create confusion, so that your boss can escape!"

From the Wan Yao Tower, Ye Shaoyang saw the eight masters and the disciples of Su Mo and Zhang Yun, who have surrounded the Taoist regiment, surrounded by the Taoist priests, gathered spiritual power, recruited thunder and fire, and went crazy. Indiscriminate bombing.

The road wind used the strength of the Five Dynasties to resist.

"Not good, the evil things in the Wan Yao Tower have come out, come over and help a few people!" Ye Shaoyang yelled at the scorpion.

The sound of the sound just fell, the twelve disciples of the Valley of the Wind rushed out, pounced on the eight masters, behind them... are hundreds of evil things, ghosts, demons, zombies and evil spirits, all kinds of, the brilliance of the body is also shallow Deep. Ye Shaoyang looked at it, the weakest of them are the devils, the demon spirit level, the powerful corpse king, the demon fairy, and even the first and second ghosts!

It’s no wonder that it’s no wonder that if it’s too weak, it’s met by the Promise Master, and it’s overtaken. It’s qualified to be pressed by the Promise Master in the Wan Yao Tower.

These evil things have been held for a long time. I don’t know how many years have passed. I still haven’t been over-examined. Instead, I have a grievance. I don’t know what the other side is. I will see people.

The eight masters and the disciples had to split their hands to deal with these evils.

The eight great masters, the twelve disciples of the Valley of the Winds, and these seemingly endless evils, the three-way fighting, as long as they hit, they can't separate each other. The scene looks extremely confusing.

"Hey, I saw this scene for the first time, it was chaotic." Ye Shaoyang looked at the bustle with his eyes on his side.

"What do we do, we can't always stand up." asked Leng Yuyu.

"Then, get the evils in these towers!"

After saying that Ye Shaoyang took the lead and rushed up, the sword fell, no mercy, and killed a lot of evils.

The eight masters and the twelve disciples also killed a lot of evils in the tower. At one time, they were fine, and they went north instead of the scene.

"Millennium practice, destroyed once." Promise Tianshi stood by and looked and sighed, he also knows that the situation is critical now, it is impossible to grasp these evils all over, it is too time-consuming, in case there is evil When you get rid of it and return to the world, every bad thing you do is to create a karma for yourself.

"If you know that they have this day, I should have sent them directly to the yin, and I have saved hundreds of years of imprisonment."

Qingyunzi stood by his side and heard this and said: "The cause and effect of life and death, even if you can really count five hundred years before and after, there are always things you can't count, when you do, follow the heart, What will happen in the future, but it is a matter of conscience."

The Promise Master slowly nodded and said: "This is a reasonable statement. I don't know what happened today. What is the difference between the Qingyun ancestors?"

"There is no cause and effect, only the heart."

Promise Tianshi said: "Great good."

At this time, Zhang Wusheng and Longyang lived from the direction of the main hall, and saw so many people in a group, suddenly stayed.

Qingyunzi and others saw him and also stunned and asked: "What about Daoyuan?"

"Uncle Shi feared to destroy the foundation of Lingshan and went to the ghost field with the Prince Ashura."

Qingyunzi heard it and met with Ye Shaoyang and others. Qingyunzi said helplessly: "In this way, Daoyuan's ancestor is playing a real fire. He used to have a bad temper. When he accidentally killed someone because he missed it, he locked himself in the exquisite tower and could not stay for decades. If he is fully committed, it is also a Thunder."

Zhang Wusheng said: "Yes, Shishu said that this battle should be a sigh of relief for the world of magical circles, and look at those Buddhas who are boundless."

Turning to look at the people in the melee, he said with amazement: "What is going on?"

Qingyunzi sighed and turned to look at the Promise Master, saying: "Does the brother really not let go of the wind?"

Promise Tianshi said: "The road is right, the son-in-law is indeed not under the Lingshi. The matter will be investigated again in the future, but the road is a reincarnated ghost boy. I can't let him go. I only promise you. After holding him back, he pressed into the Wan Yao Tower, and he did not hurt him. This matter does not have to be said."

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