Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1423: Please the ancestors upper body 2

Qingyunzi slowly raised his head and his eyes burned with anger. The cold face made him look like a person.

"Zhao Si Deng Wu, I am deceiving my children and grandchildren!"

The bullhead horse was suddenly stunned. Zhao Si Dengwu was the name used by the last life before they got it. The experience of his life was very sad. Therefore, after death, he was very jealous of being called the name of his life. All the people in the Yinshi know.

Qingyunzi, the old cow's nose, actually dared to commit himself to this heavy taboo!

The bull's head walked over, just about to worry, suddenly realized that it was not right. It wasn't the voice of Qingyunzi, and at this moment, Qingyunzi was surrounded by a cold atmosphere, and as a Yinshen, Niutou became familiar with this breath.

This is the yin that is not in the living. However, there are still yang in Qingyunzi, which is intertwined with Yin.

When this happens, there is only one possibility:

Qingyunzi was taken to the body.

With his mana, if a ghost can force his body, it is really a ghost.

Thinking of this heavy, the bull's head immediately understood, frowning asked: "Who is so rude!"

Didn't wait for Qingyunzi to open, no thought that Tianshi had opened the eyes of the sky, and exclaimed: "Tao Xianshi!"

When the cow's head was heard, he suddenly caught it and was taken aback. The horse said with amazement: "Ziyun Guan Tao Guanzhu!"

The vast ghost field, like the human world, has many Taoist temples and Buddhist temples.

Some belong to the Yin Shi, some are neutral forces, and some belong to the Taiyin Mountain.

Ziyunguan is nominally a Taoist temple under the jurisdiction of the Yinshi, but in addition to the Emperor Yaodu, no one has the power to mobilize the Ziyunguan. Like Zhongyu Tianshi, the listener does not listen.

Because the owner is Tao Hongjing, the sixth generation Maoshan head, after the death did not enter the reincarnation, did not go to the Qing Dynasty to clear, but chose to establish a purple cloud in a place where there is no one in the ghost domain, clearing many years, crossing Ghosts around the ghosts.

The position of Ziyunguan is not far from the Yinshi, and it is not close to the Taiyin Mountain. Although it is a lonely Taoist temple, the Taiyin Mountain has always been compiled, but it cannot be sent to the army. Otherwise, it will cause the attention of the Yinshi and send troops to block. It will form a war and send fewer soldiers. It is not the opponent of Tao Hongjing and a group of disciples.

Ziyunguan has been standing in the ghost field for thousands of years. There are also some transactions between the company and the Yinsi. The Emperor will also go to the lectures. Therefore, the characters in the Yinsi have faces and they know each other.

The cow's head and the horse's face looked at each other and they were speechless. How did Qingyunzi bring this difficult god!

Please ask the ancestors to be the upper body. It is also one of the highest secrets of Daomen, and it is a kind of randomness. Take Maoshan, the generation that passed to Qingyunzi, a total of thirty-eight generations of heads, before those heads, after the death Most of them have entered six reincarnations, and some have entered the Qing Dynasty. Only a few have done the Yinshen, and they have remained in the ghost domain. Only they can receive the spiritual request of the contemporary head. Come and not, look at it all. mood.

Just like the yin and yang, please ask the ancestors to be a kind of spirit, but also pay a huge price. Qingyunzi has not asked the ancestors several times in his life. This time, he still has no idea to cheat beforehand. Please come to Niu Tau Ma, himself. I just did it.

"Nothing to read the old demon, you are first with the old man, don't blame me for playing really!" Qingyunzi said in his heart hate.

After the ancestors were on the upper body, the souls of the two shared a body, which is also the most difficult place to run. Although the ancestor will never give up, but after all, it is an outsider, the soul is too strong, and if you are not careful, the body will be damaged.

Only when the mana is really strong to a certain extent, can protect his own ecstasy when the body is occupied, because the two use a body, for the time being, the mind can communicate with each other, and it is equivalent to say that the two are The mana is screwed together and the natural strength doubles.

"You two are not in the yin to protect the city, what to do when you come to the world, why do you have to do the right thing with my disciples?"

"Tao Hongjing" controlled the body of Qingyunzi and frowned.

The cow head horse face is very helpless, so I have to express my own intentions.

Tao Hongjing immediately turned his gaze to the untitled Tianshi, and said: "White-haired old demon, Angan dare to bully me!"

There is no such thing as a cold-spoken singer: "The original is right and wrong, it is the tradition left by the heads of Maoshan."

Tao Hongjing laughed, and the handcuffs were too smashed, and the volley swept down.

Tao Hongjing’s mana and Qingyunzi’s own, it’s unstoppable. Without a hard look, Tianshi was immediately stunned. He was busy with the cow’s head and said: “There is nothing left, the two generals cannot retreat!”

The bull-headed horse was helpless, and he had to say "offended" and rushed up.

Although it seems to be a pair of three, the situation immediately equals the autumn. Tao Hongjing received the suggestion of Qingyunzi, mainly for the unintentional Tianshi, and it was difficult to understand at a time.

Another battlefield has also entered a fever.

The **** sea magic scorpion covers the sky, and Ye Shaoyang and others are among them, almost as usual at night.

Yang Gongyi, Ye Shaoyang, Yan Lengyu, and Sibao, each in the four directions, each sacrificed the strongest means. The wind stood in the middle, manipulating the blood and the sea, and watching the situation with cold eyes. The ancient evil spirits sneaked at their own speed, attacked everywhere, did not ask to hurt their opponents, only sought to disturb their offense, and constantly audibly warning the road.

This combination of five people, if you are defensive, even if you face the siege of the eight masters, you can fully cope.

It’s just that the Crystal Sword of the Promise Master is too embarrassing, and there are three real fires attached to it, which must be handled with care.

"Shaoyang, Lengyu, you can't be obsessed with..."

After an attack, Jing Hui Shi was too close to the two, and once again tried to persuade.

Yan Lengyu saw her, a little embarrassed, but did not shake her mind.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "I thank you too much. You and I have different positions. You don't have to persuade them any more. In the future, I will go to Mount Emei and thank you."

What Jing Jingshi still wants to say, was stopped by Ye Shaoyang with the Qixing Longquan sword.

"This is not the way to go." Daofeng said in the ears of several people, "If you are a thief, if you come back, we will go together and fight the whip. he!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "You said that the light, so many Masters, can not free their hands to deal with, how can work hard to set fire."

Daofengdao: "You are a little less, just do what I said! I have my own ideas!"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "If you really can suppress these wizards, we really have a chance to win!"

What he thinks is that the Promise Master is strong, and it is not generally strong, but the five of them are not weak, especially the Taoist style, and the Promise Master has a battle, plus four of them. There is a set of fires, and the instruments in the hands, even if they are the Promise Master, they can't resist it.

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