Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1425: The battle of the end of the battle 1

Sibao looked at Xiao Yaofei and murmured: "The Buddha's door about closed mouth, there is a proverb: dumb speaks, Buddha is coming to the world, you say fierce!"

Suddenly, I sighed again. "The uncle has been repairing for twenty-three years. It would have been ten years, and it will be thirty-three days. It will be a big success, but it will be broken at this time..."

"Wind volcanic forest, thunder and lightning, Tianyin fire, burning devil!"

Xiao Yaofei read it, and the beads in his hand turned, and each one was dialed, and the word "卐" on it was lit up, turned into a golden Buddha light, and put into the sea of ​​fire.

"In all directions, Kaye Bodhi, in addition to the magic guardian road, immediately descend, Dawei Tianlong, the world respects the Tibetan, the prajna buddha, the prajna is empty! The prajna is empty!"

Xiao Yaofei did not speak for more than 20 years, and his language ability did not degenerate, and the faster he said, the more he screamed and screamed, splashing like a god.

Because of the obstacles of the flame, I couldn't see the inside at all, but Ye Shaoyang believed that the wind must have been uncomfortable inside, so he said to everyone: "I am going to knock a sap!"

"Shaoyang, after all, it is my uncle, I am not convenient to him." Four treasures are a bit embarrassing.

"Know, you can do it with the Promise Master, and I will go by myself." Ye Shaoyang finished, and flew past Xiao Yao.

Together with the cold jade, Yang Gongyu, Sibao and the ancient evil spirits, they surrounded the Promise Heavenly Master and continued to attack the enchantment of the Promise Heavenly Master with a suffocating arrangement.

The **** seas of the konjac continue to release the ghosts of resentment, entangled the rest of the people.

The Promise Tianshi consumes and repairs, resists the attack of the four people, and looks at the fineness of his own doorman.

"In this case, I have nothing to keep..."

Promise Tianshi slowly opened his mouth.

A violent wave of energy trembled between Qingyunzi and Wushang Tianshi.

Qingyunzi finally opened the bull's head horse face, forcing the Tianshi to fight with himself.

The mana of the two generations of Maoshan’s head is how strong it is. It will directly fly out of the Tianshi, and after landing, even spit three blood, turned into a white mouse, and fell into the grass.

However, Qingyunzi defeated the Tianshi, and sold the flaws to the bullhead. The two men attacked together, and the two souls were twisted together. They hit the back of Qingyunzi and directly attacked Tao Hongjing’s soul from Qingyunzi. . Qingyunzi rolled a circle on the ground and spit out a blood.

"I will leave." Tao Hongjing looked at Qingyunzi, and some said unwillingly.

He is also a **** of yin. He was invited by Qingyunzi to use the spirit of the spirit. Once he left the body, once he asked God to end, his soul could not fight alone.

"The ancestors walked slowly." Qingyunzi climbed up and avoided the attack of the bullhead horse face, and thanked Tao Hongjing.

"I am waiting for two in the Yin Shi!" Tao Hongjing finished, directly broke through the void and drilled down from the crack.

The cow's head and the horse looked at each other, but they smiled bitterly. They hated the culprits of all these things, but there was no way. Tao Hongjing was finished and he had to continue on his own side...

The two turned their heads to look for Qingyunzi, only to find that he had already flew away.


The two immediately set off to catch up.

Qingyunzi ran to the nearby waterwheel and suddenly stood still, shaking his body and holding the waterwheel.

The cow's head horse fell behind him.

General Niutou said: "You are not hurt when you are old, don't fight, you let us live, and if the road is really a reincarnation, this is a different matter."

After waiting for a long time, Qingyunzi did not move. The cowheads made a color to each other and walked over together, intending to hold him.

"Laoqing, are you okay?"

The bullhead tried to push him up.

"Too a lifetime of water, the water is aura, the spirits are non-stop, and the waves are born!"

Qingyunzi took the handle of Taiyi's dust and slammed it, and pulled it out from the spring below the waterwheel. He took a water column and couldn't help but hit the cowhead.

The two were taken aback. They thought that there was something to hide in the water, and they hurriedly defended the defense. After waiting for a while, the strength of the water column passed and nothing happened. The two could not help but be a little surprised.

"Laoqing, what are you doing!"

The two generals looked at the past inexplicably. Qingyunzi held the waterwheel with one hand and gasped.

Since it’s okay, it’s time to fight, and the two of them are eager to catch up. Qingyun Zi casts a step in the sky and runs around the waterwheel.

After chasing a few laps, the two men remembered to chase after each other, and spent a lot of effort, finally blocking him, picking up the soul and squatting down.

Qingyunzi did not hide, clasped his hands and said: "Two, the end is gone."

"What is the end?" The two are unknown.

Qingyunzi pointed to the body of the two. "This time, the spirit of the spirit is gone."

The two were shocked, look at each other, and look at themselves, only to find that there is a constant drop of mud on the body, and suddenly everything understands.

Qingyunzi sprayed them with water. The purpose was nothing else. It was destroying their temporary body. This statue was muddy. After being washed by water, Qingyunzi’s old fox ran with them for several laps, waiting for them to discover. The body has been broken.

The yin **** is still yang, just like reviving the corpse, you must use the humanoid body to regain the soul. Therefore, when the human master asks God, he must use paper to tie people or scarecrows.

All acts and means of the Yin God in the Yang must be realized by relying on this body. Once the body is broken, it can no longer be used. This time, God is over.

This is also the rule set by Emperor Yaodu in order to limit the yin of the Yin God.

"Old Green, have yours, I serve!" The horse face rushed Qingyunzi with a thumbs up, but his heart was relieved.

Wherein they can get away from the lower eye of the small slanting from the lower eye, which is so good that it is pleasing to the bottom.

The road is not a reincarnation ghost child, they do not Panel, even if it is, there is no relationship with them at present, it is the whole sinister thing, if the Yin Shi sent them to catch the wind in the future, and then say.

However, Qingyunzi has a wide range of friends in the Yin, and he is an old friend who has been with him for decades. It is better to not start with him.

Qingyunzi arched the archer: "You can bear with the little beast, let's go two, and go to find you to play cards."

"The paper that owes me burns first!" The horse's face turned white, and the hollowed out head with the bull's head, the body shrunk.

When Qingyunzi watched the two disappear, he also breathed a sigh of relief and muttered: "I finally sent these two gods away..."

The left leg stretched forward, the left hand clenched, the right hand was in front, and the **** was erected in the direction in which the two disappeared.

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