Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1449: Say goodbye to Xiaohui 1

Ye Shaoyang said: "Of course. But since there is such a magical witchcraft, it should be reasonable. I don't understand witchcraft. It's not good to comment. Anyway, Xiaohui will not hurt after the resurrection."

芮冷玉道: "I heard you said that she is resurrected, is it necessary to inherit the position of the great sorcerer?"

"It's not a big witch, what is it... Wu Ling believes in a woman, is the leader of the Great Wuxian family, high is a big witch, like the high priest of Egypt, Xiaohui is the Pharaoh."

"Oh, anyway, it is the leader of the Witch. Xiaohui is kind and she will lead the Great Wuxian family. It will only be a good thing."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and asked Lao Guo: "What about Xiaohui now?"

"Wait for you in Shicheng, I have a phone call with them, telling them everything, waiting for you."

Thinking of being able to see Xiaohui again, Ye Shaoyang was very excited. After all, Xiaohui died for herself, she can be resurrected, and she is considered a thing.

"Do you go back with me?" Ye Shaoyang asked as he asked.

"I am not going, I am going to Xiamen and continue to help you investigate the spiritual society. My master has already gone, waiting for me there."

芮冷玉道: "I originally wanted to ask you to go with you, but you have to say goodbye to Xiaohui, and there are different cases to deal with, we still act separately."

Although Ye Shaoyang was reluctant to separate from her, she also knew that her decision was correct. She had to smile and reached out to hold her hand. As a result, Leng Yuyu escaped.

"I don't like this kind of greasy stuff." Yan Lengyu said faintly.

"Hey, I haven’t held it for a few days."

"That's not afraid of your sadness, comforting you, do you want to continue this way for a long time?"

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

Lao Guo and Guagua couldn't help but laugh.

After arriving in Shicheng, Yan Lengyu went to the train down the south. Because the time was relatively fast, there was no chance to succumb to other things, but before entering the station, Ye Shaoyang rushed up to hug her, then retreated and looked at her. Into the flow of people.

Lao Guo took Ye Shaoyang to buy a rice phone, lost the previous card, and sent him home.

Back home, Ye Shaoyang counted it, but it took only half a month to go, but there was a feeling of vicissitudes. After all, there were too many things in the past half month.

His state of mind has changed a lot compared to before.

"Everyone is waiting for you to come back, do you want to inform them to come over, if you don't want to see people now, then tomorrow?" Lao Guo asked.

"Nothing, let them come, I miss them too."

Lao Guo then went to the phone and waited for ten minutes. Xie Yuqing came first, with Xue Qi, and saw Ye Shaoyang. The first sentence was: "You are thin in Shaoyang."

"Is it?" Ye Shaoyang licked his face.

Xie Yuqing was not quite the same as usual. He was a little cautious. He sat next to Ye Shaoyang and was silent for a while. He said, "Your master's business, I heard Guo Lao said, I don't know what to say, but can only say ' The festival is sorrowful."

Ye Shaoyang smiled. "Thank you, but it is not as bad as you think. After all, Master is still in the sinister class. In the future, he will not see more."

Suddenly I thought that if I couldn’t stop Master and let him enter the round, what kind of mentality would I be? It is estimated that you will not want to live.

"I heard from Brother Guo that the new case happened in the strange case we encountered before. Is it?"

Xie Yuqing nodded. "I don't say this today. You have to cultivate for a few days. I will talk to you specifically."

"I don't have to rest, I can solve the case as soon as possible, and maybe I can save more than one person's life. This kind of thing can't be delayed."

"Well, that tomorrow, I will come to you tomorrow."

When Xue Qi saw the melon, she immediately pulled him to the side and asked him about the succession of Ye Shaoyang. The melon was told to tell her that Xue Qi was sorry that she could not attend.

She is now the ace of Xie Yuqing's department. Any suspected and peculiar case must ask her to go to the site for identification. She simply can't leave, but fortunately, Xie Yuqing did not buy more delicious food to comfort her.

At this time, the door was knocked and Ye Shaoyang walked over to open the door. There are several acquaintances standing outside.

Zhang Xiaorui first called: "Master!"

The eyes were red, and suddenly he cried in the arms of Ye Shaoyang. "Is the teacher left? I didn't know it today. Why don't you say it earlier, let me go to the funeral..."

Ye Shaoyang was a little unprepared, patted her back and comforted her: "A person can't be resurrected, and he will mourn..."

Suddenly I feel that the style of painting is a bit wrong. Who is this comforting person?

Zhou Jingru stood beside Zhang Xiaorui and looked at Ye Shaoyang. His look was also a bit solemn.

I haven't seen her for a long time, and Ye Shaoyang's heart can't help but feel a strange feeling. She smiles at her.

"Shaoyang brother, you..."

"Don't persuade me to be sad, you will make me feel a bit awkward, just like usual."

Zhou Jingru nodded and let it go to the side, revealing a person.


Seeing her, Ye Shaoyang’s heart shook a bit.

Xiaohui looked at him quietly. From her eyes, Ye Shaoyang felt her excitement.

Ye Shaoyang is also very excited, open his mouth, just want to call her, Xiaohui Xiao grinned, "Shaoyang, I am back."

Still familiar voice!

Ye Shaoyang’s heart trembled. This is the Xiaohui who restores the mind, the real Xiaohui! The same as before.

"It's good to see you..."

Staying at the door for a long time, Ye Shaoyang only slowed down and invited them all to the house.

Everyone sat down on the sofa. Lao Guo helped to boil water and tea.

Ye Shaoyang’s gaze has been on Xiaohui’s body, looking up and down. Xiaohui’s dress is similar to that of a normal girl. The clothes are good at first sight. I think Zhou Jingru bought it for her.

"How do you feel now?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"I lost the ability of the ice silkworm, but now I am no different from human beings. I can practice witchcraft."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and completely let go.

"Right, high?"

"She lives with the wizard in the family and lives outside the city. She didn't come today."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "The people of your family are here too?"

"Yeah, when you have high refining and practices, you need someone to protect the law, and they want to witness me sober for the first time, so most of them come. They are inconvenient to appear in the city, and they camp in the mountains." ”

It turned out to be the case.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and asked her what plans she had.

Xiaohui Hui: "I am sober-minded, I am carrying a mission. I want to go back to the tribes, replace my former masters, exercise what I have not done before, and lead the Great Wuxian family to continue."

(Because of a bad cold, vomiting, fever, and corpse in the bed for a long time, finally a little better, write a chapter, after 12 o'clock, but counted yesterday's third, today's update will not be less)

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