Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1457: Alien Distress 2 (fourth more)

"No. I only have one request. When I am practicing, I need to concentrate. You must never ask the East to ask the West. If you have any questions, please ask me later."

"Know, Master, let's get started." Zhang Xiaorui can't wait to say.

With the help of Zhang Xiaorui, Li Wei was put in a pose and she was stripped of her shirt.

"Wow, he is really good, a muscle scorpion!"

Zhang Xiaorui slammed on his chest.

"You are a pervert, you give me a little more serious!"

Ye Shaoyang smashed the past.

Zhang Xiaoli spit out his tongue, only to catch Li Hao's two hands and pull it back.

"Can you catch it?" Ye Shaoyang looked at the muscles of Li Wei, a little uneasy.

"Do not worry." Zhang Xiaorui extended a leg and held his back against Li Wei's back.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Li Wei and found that his eyes were not focused and looked ahead. From time to time, he smirked a few times, and he did not have any awareness of his situation, and he did not resist.

Ye Shaoyang was relieved to take out the needle box containing the 18-inch needle from the backpack, take out the two golden needles, insert them on the shoulders of Li Wei, and then put five charms on his chest, and the heads are opposite to form a circle. , 蘸 蘸 cinnabar, painted a hidden head soul.

The five-character continuous painting is a small array of characters with Li Wei's body as a carrier. It is like a magnetic field, which can attract the lost soul and weaken the difficulty of attracting souls.

After completing this step, Ye Shaoyang took out a small glass enamel from the backpack, poured the lamp oil in it, cut off the three red lines from the ink fountain, and smashed together, representing the three souls of the person, and placed them in the glass enamel to make the wick.

In the process of waiting for the wick to infiltrate, Ye Shaoyang called Xie Yuqing and asked Li Wei's birthday character. Xie Yuqing sent the phone directly to Li Wei's mother and reported the information on the spot.

Ye Shaoyang gave the record on the charm and burned it on the long candle.

Finally, Ye Shaoyang ordered a long scent of incense, smoked for a while under Li’s nose, and then took a scent of himself. One hand glared at Li Wei’s person, and the other hand covered his head and heart. Silently recited the ghost of the broken soul.

This kind of ritual for souls and souls is different from ordinary rituals:

After death, no matter whether the soul is in the sinister or wandering in the human world, as long as there are birth characters and things used in life, you can ask to complete the soul-raising. At most, you can ask a few words, and then return the yin, so the general mage can do To, but this kind of soul search and gathering souls for the living, extremely costly and mana.

Even the general celestial division may not be able to complete it, but only at the level of Ye Shaoyang, basically any spell can be lifted.

To take a step back, if there are even spells that he can't do, there aren't many people in the whole world who can do it.

Use the gods to pinch the two souls and seven scorpions in Li Wei's body, and use this as a scorpion to search for the whereabouts of the soul of the heavens by using the natural attraction between the three souls and the seven souls.

This process lasted for a minute or two, and Ye Shaoyang’s knowledge was finally a flash of light. He noticed the location of Li Yu’s soul and immediately activated the broken soul with a spell.

The five charms attached to Li's chest, the above runes are lit up together, the spiritual power rises, and the rotation continues, forming a magnetic field of soul force, which will be attracted by the searched souls.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang only noticed that there was a force dragging the soul of the heavens and not letting it go.

After spending a lot of effort, Ye Shaoyang finally took the soul of the heavens out of this force. In the chaos of the gods, he saw the soul of the heavens slowly flying, and immediately controlled the power of the seal and the soul itself. Soul strength, as well as the power of his own knowledge, the three forces are twisted into one, wrapped in the soul of the heavens, and pulled a little to yourself.

When I completely controlled the soul of the heavens, Ye Shaoyang’s tight nerves relaxed, and he took a breath and practiced this step.

The gods wrapped around the soul of the heavens, and they were about to send them in Li's body. The eyes of the soul of the heavens suddenly opened apart. In both eyes, there was endless darkness, like two huge vortexes.


Once this thought came into being, Ye Shaoyang immediately wanted to take back his knowledge, but it was too late.

Ye Shaoyang felt the three souls and seven scorpions in his body, suddenly left the body, and was swept in by some irresistible force in the whirlpool...

Zhang Xiaorui saw Ye Shaoyang's practice halfway through, his body trembled, his head suddenly hangs down, and his heart immediately gave birth to a bad feeling. After waiting for a while, he couldn't help but scream: "Master, Master?"

Pushing one forward, Ye Shaoyang fell directly.

Zhang Xiaorui was flustered. He wanted to call people. When he heard the words, he suddenly heard a voice of "咕噜咕噜" in Li Wei’s mouth, so he went around and looked at it.

Li Yan grabbed her arm and suddenly grabbed her hand. At the same time, her eyes opened and her mouth burst into a strange laugh.

Zhang Xiaorui immediately felt black in front of her eyes. It seemed to be sucked in by something. The whole person flew up and floated in the air. She reached out and tried to grab something. It was useless to struggle in vain for a long time.

Suddenly, both hands caught her.

As if it was a life-saving straw, Zhang Xiaorui immediately seized it, waited for a while, the feeling of dizziness passed, and everything in front of him gradually became clear, Zhang Xiaorui opened his eyes, fixed his eyes, first saw a familiar The face, happy, immediately called: "Master!"

Ye Shaoyang’s face is very unsightly, saying: “How come you are!”

"I..." Zhang Xiaorui immediately said the experience of Fang Cai, and then turned around and looked around, the whole person completely smashed:

Surrounded by a building, there are some bungalows that look very old. They look up at the sky, the gray sky, and the gloom to the extreme.

"Where is this, we are not in the hospital, how come here?" Zhang Xiaorui grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand and asked nervously.

"I counted, there is a ghost hidden behind Li Yu's soul, I am practicing to the most critical moment, suddenly I am in trouble, pulling my soul here. As for you..." Ye Shaoyang gave her a blank look "I sent it to my door."

"Hey...what is this place?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Let's take a closer look."

Zhang Xiaorui looked around and looked at it for a while. The "Yeah" exclaimed: "This is a foreign language school! Oh, no, there are some places, and there are fewer office buildings."

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are right, here is the Foreign Languages ​​Institute, but it is indeed a foreign language school many years ago!"

Zhang Xiaorui suddenly stuck, and he said with a sigh of relief: "A lot of years ago... Why is this?"

(The fourth day tonight, the chapter that has finally been owed, take a break...)

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