Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1459: Zombie Campus 2

Ye Shaoyang looked at her stupidly, frowning and said: "I really wonder, you are still thinking about this naive question at this time. Are you coming to be funny, or are you not afraid of death? This is not to see 3d zombie movie or play game, if you die here, only the soul flies a result!"

Zhang Xiaorui seems to realize the seriousness of the problem until now, biting his lip and saying: "I'm sorry, Master, because I am there, I don't feel much afraid..."

"The ants have never heard of elephants. The ghost knows how many zombies are there. I don't have any implements. The mana has been abandoned seven or eight percent. If you don't listen to the command, I can't take care of you!"

"Well, Master, I am obedient, what are we going to do now, how can we go out?"

"How to get out and don't know, protect yourself first."

Ye Shaoyang cut through the middle finger, dripping blood in the palm of his left hand, drew a palm of his hand, then spread out Zhang Xiaorui's hand, and also painted one on her hand, so that she could shoot it without any evil.

His own Heavenly Master's blood is still very resistant to common evils.

"Is there a spell?" asked Zhang Xiaorui.

"Let's borrow the law! Just meditate in your heart!"

Zhang Xiaorui still wants to ask, Ye Shaoyang suddenly reached out and grabbed her mouth, pointing to a cluster of wild grass outside the wall.

There is no wind, but the grass is moving, showing that there is something moving around.

Ye Shaoyang half-squatted, from the top of the broken wall, touched a brick and grabbed it in his right hand.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out of the grass, a dog, black, not big, like an ordinary husky, half of the face without skin, still missing an eye, deep eye socket What is squirming.

Zhang Xiaorui fixed his eyes and almost spit it out: the eye sockets without eyes were covered with dense brown-red bugs, and the nose with no skin was all sputum, fleshy and red. The worm is drilled inside.

Zhang Xiaorui pouted with both hands, constantly inhaling, and tried to restrain the desire to vomit.

The dog rushed to Yang Shaoyang, licking his teeth, and the two rows of sensational dogs were exposed to the air with a sticky liquid on them. If they were bitten by such a mouth...

Just thought that Zhang Xiaorui had a cold war.

"Master, how can a dog become a zombie?" Zhang Xiaorui kept the sound to a minimum.

"People can become zombies, dogs can of course, animals can."

"That... it won't jump up?"

As a result, the voice just fell, and the zombie dog suddenly slammed into the limbs, and the body vacated and rushed over Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang was also prepared, his body was short, and his left hand hit the palm of his dog.

The power of the palm of the thunder is definitely a heavy weapon for the general zombies, and it is the softest place on the dog. The stomach immediately blasts up, as if it is raining, screaming down a pile of corpses, the zombie dog falls On the ground, I didn’t get up for a long time.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head insanely, his hands slamming his body around his body, his feet still pulsating, and he looked like a flea dance.


The cat has been pulled out of the grass and taken directly to Ye Shaoyang.

"Be careful!"

Out of the keen reaction of martial arts training for many years, Zhang Xiaorui immediately raised his hand and took the past. The palm of his hand hit the cat's head, slammed it on the fence, rolled a few laps and landed on the ground, and disappeared into the grass. It is.

Facing Ye Shaoyang's somewhat strange eyes, Zhang Xiaorui blinked his eyes and said: "How, I am not alone!"

"It's very good," Ye Shaoyang pointed to her behind him. "These are handed over to you!"

Zhang Xiaoli turned around and looked at it. It was a group of zombies. From the other side of the wall, I didn’t know where to climb up and ran towards it.

"Master, don't!" Zhang Xiaorui shrinks behind Ye Shaoyang.

"Then you will be honest, follow me!"

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and ran to the left hand. He picked up the left hand and hooked the arm of the zombie. He shot the palm of the zombie and knocked it down the wall. The latter immediately rushed up.

Fortunately, the wall is narrow, and there are only a lot of zombies coming over.

Ye Shaoyang casts a Maoshan body, one-on-one fights with zombies, and constantly knocks down the zombies.

"The eagle claw hand, the little cockroach is holding the hand, the clothes are soaked in eighteen, oh, the monkey steals the peach, steals him..."

Zhang Xiaorui was originally Wu Du, saw the joy of Ye Shaoyang playing here, clapping in the back to cheer, and even command.

"Stealing steals, zombies have peaches!" Ye Shaoyang was speechless.

This Zhang Xiaorui is simply a nonsense, and I haven’t seen such annoying things with so many people, no... Xiaoma!

The paintings of these two people are really similar.

Thinking of the pony, Ye Shaoyang’s heart has no reason to fall, I don’t know how this Baiyun City Lord is in the ghost field at this time?

"Master is careful!"

Zhang Xiaorui suddenly rushed up, and he knocked over a zombie for his distraction.

"Well, you have a little more than a pony."

Ye Shaoyang constantly knocked over the zombies and moved forward. He quickly walked to the end of the wall and looked down. He was dumbfounded. He saw at least thirty or fifty zombies standing under the wall and lined up to climb the wall.

"Rely!" Ye Shaoyang snorted, so many zombies, there is no instrument in his hand, even if it is on the turn, tired and tired of himself.

"Master, what to do!"

"First find a safe place to say."

Ye Shaoyang’s voice just fell, and suddenly there was a scream, coming from a dormitory building on the side, listening to the voice of a person.

"Looking at the past!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished, she jumped from the wall and turned back to catch Zhang Xiaorui. She saw that she had jumped down, so they both ran towards the dormitory. The zombies behind him immediately caught up.

The two ran to the stairs and screamed.

The sound came from the end of the corridor on the fourth floor. The two went up to the fourth floor. Looking inside, there were at least seven or eight zombies around a large classroom door with double doors, and they kept tapping the tin door.

The inside was blocked with something, and the girl’s screams sounded from time to time.

The two exchanged a look and told each other that someone was trapped inside!

Smell the smell of their souls, and a few zombies turned and rushed up.

"protect yourself!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished, he rushed up and applied the steps to the left. He crossed the right and left in the middle of several zombies.

This kind of low-level zombies will not spit out corpse poisons. The biggest feature is that the strength is great. Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang has not dealt with zombies in the past few years. He knows how to use the weaknesses of their joints that cannot bend. Finally, the zombies will be overturned one by one.

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