Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1471: Water Ghost House Secret 2

"Of course it is for convenience. Just like today, I can't run myself to buy clothes for you. It's too much trouble."

"Well, I don't understand the world of rich people. However, I remember not seeing him. How did he know me?"

"There is no family in our family who doesn't know you."

Zhang Xiaoli laughed. "Even my grandfather knows you, they all know that only you can keep me, let me be with you."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her neatly and said: "I really didn't see it. Where can I drop you? Right, why did he call you a woman?"

"I used to think of myself as a knight. Our family is called my female man. Even the interior decoration is the style of Jianghumen. But I have to change it this time. Um... I changed it to a nunnery."

Ye Shaoyang snorted and spewed out an old blood.

Because Liu Ming would take twenty minutes to arrive, the two decided to go to the archives first and wait for him while looking for information.

In the data room, there are documents and books everywhere, many of them have been in the year, and the two do not know where to find them. Later, Ye Shaoyang discovered that there are various graduation photos and rosters for each student in a cabinet. , the spirit of a move, ask the administrator to help, transferred 82 years of **********.

The administrator rummaged through the filing cabinet for a long time, and said to the two men, "Sorry, there is no 82 years of information."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and asked: "Why not?"

"The information on these items was first started in the 85th year, but not in the past."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "Impossible, there was no student before. At that time, there was no computer record. What information is not handwritten? How can it be?"

The administrator said that although she is older, she has been working here for less than ten years. She did not know the previous things.

Ye Shaoyang also understood this point and did not ask again. He asked to see the satellite map of the school.

This is of course there is.

The administrator took them directly to the office and sat at the computer desk.

The map is of course in the computer.

Ye Shaoyang saw the current map, no different from the real campus, so he asked: "Is there a previous map, such as twenty or thirty years ago?"

The administrator frowned and was very curious about their purpose. However, because of the greeting from President Liu, they still tried to cooperate. They said: "The map is not. But the building structure is there, but they are not scanned into the computer. If you need it, I can find it for you."

"Thank you for your aunt."

On a shelf in the corner, the administrator rummaged for a long time, holding a bunch of documents, indicating that these are the previous architectural drawings of the school, because each time the building pattern is changed, the drawing is required, and the copy is placed. Stayed in the archives, but it was useless, so it was not scanned into the computer.

Ye Shaoyang thanked the two, let the administrator go to work, squatting and looking up.

There are many versions of the architectural drawings. One is older than the one. The two are carefully compared. The buildings on each drawing are different, and they are marked with red lines. There are notes below, and certain buildings are Built at a certain time.

The earliest one was 79 years old. The school was stamped with three courtyards. Ye Shaoyang looked at the position on the map and recalled the experience in the "illusion" and determined that the four courtyards themselves had seen in the illusion. .

I hurried to find the next drawing. The top drawing time was shown in 1983. The school stamped the canteen... In the following years, there were new drawings every year, that is, in those years, the school I have built a lot of things and built a lot of things.

Then in the 1990s, it began to rebuild and the school gradually became what it is.

After reading it, the two looked at each other and did not have any words about Building No. 5.

“There are only two possibilities,” said Ye Shaoyang. “First, the illusion is different from the real world. There has never been a dormitory on the 5th. Second, the record of building the No. 5 building was destroyed.”

Zhang Xiaorui sighed: "I believe in you!"

"I also believe in my own eyes, and we clearly found traces of the doorway on the second floor of Building 4."

Zhang Xiaorui nodded. Then, there is one question left in front of the two people: Who is taking away the records of the No. 5 building, why should I take it away?

"It must have been done by the school. Most of the time, there were any major incidents in Building No. 5. The school did not want to admit its existence and simply destroyed the files."

Ye Shaoyang secretly took a breath and thought, what is it, so that the school is so sensitive, even the words are not willing to stay?

At this moment, Zhang Xiaorui’s cell phone rang, and Zhang Xiaorui glanced at it, against Ye Shaoyang: “Liu Ming.”

Then I connected the phone and reported my location.

"Will, we pressure him, must ask the truth!" Ye Shaoyang secretly groaned.

After waiting for a few minutes, a fat man in a suit came in from the outside. Ye Shaoyang recognized Liu Ming at a glance. He was not seen for a few months. He was a lot fatter, and his face was swollen with a blow. It is estimated that he has recently eaten. Not bad.

"Miss Zhang Da, I am fortunate to have a meeting, Mr. Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Liu Ming was very polite, greeting two people to the administrator's office, let the administrator to pour the water, then asked her to leave, brought the door from the outside, and chilled with the two.

"I will just say it." Ye Shaoyang said, "President Liu, I came to your school this time to investigate a psychic incident."

Before the fourth building, it was done by myself. There was a battle, Liu Ming was present, and everyone was familiar with it. Ye Shaoyang did not swear with him.

When Liu Ming heard it, his face changed when he was on the scene. "There are also different events... I would like to ask Mr. Ye, who was your entrusted to investigate?"

"My police friend, Xie Kechang, I believe you know her too."

Liu Ming nodded, his face was more ugly, and the weather was uncertain.

After a while, he said: "I have seen the means of Mr. Ye. It is not a trivial matter to let Mr. Ye personally come here?"

"More than that, I almost got the point."

"No way!"

"That, President Liu, I can tell you that this matter is related to your school. If it is not handled well, I don't know what the consequences will be, so I need your cooperation. I have a few questions, I hope you. Can answer honestly."

Liu Ming hurriedly nodded and said that he must cooperate.

Ye Shaoyang directly pointed out the most important issues:

“Your school, in the early 1980s, was there a building No. 5, opposite the building No. 4, a small building.”

When talking, Ye Shaoyang paid close attention to Liu Ming and found that his shoulders shook slightly, his expression changed, but he quickly returned to normal, his brow wrinkled, and his speech rate slowly said: "In 1982, I am still young and I am not responsible for the affairs of the school. I am not sure."

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