Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1479: Hell Magic Grass 1

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Liu Ming, who was white and woven, and said: "It is unfortunate to tell you that the students who were killed are not two, they are four."

Liu Ming sat down on the floor with his ass, and his face could not stop flowing cold sweat. He whispered and said: "This is over, it is over..."

Xie Yuqing said: "Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong, isn't it dead in the cistern? What is it that kills their roommates, and why do you want to do this?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and said: "Maybe, like the two, it is the kind of hand under the plant of hell."

The phone suddenly sounded, Liu Ming was silly and dazed, thinking about something, no time to pick up, but the phone has been ringing, hang up and then rang.

Liu Ming had to answer, "Hello" and listened quietly. After a few seconds, his fat body suddenly sat up from the ground and screamed: "This is impossible, you can confirm it!"

On the other end of the phone, what was said, Liu Ming’s cell phone fell to the ground, his eyes staring at the front, whispering, “Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong, still alive.”

Ye Shaoyang listened to the three people and was shocked.

"How is it possible!" Zhang Xiaorui was shocked.

Liu Mingdao: "It is true. The caller was just called their counselor. After I called, she took a look at the class and told us that he saw Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong in class..."

Ye Shaoyang also said: "How is it possible!"

Xie Yuqing said: "If Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong are still alive, the human skin and face in the water room must not be theirs, or they can't explain it."

Zhang Xiaorui rushed and said: "Which is so smart, we are looking for the wrong person, but we have two people who are also eaten by zombies?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart faintly raised a bad hunch, and thanked Xie Yuqing: “I’m here for you, let’s go find those two people!”

Going downstairs in one breath, Ye Shaoyang thought of something again. He went back upstairs and used his mobile phone to take a close-up of the face of the two deceased, which went out.

Xie Yuqing chased it out and shouted on the railing: "I want you to wait for you outside the school, you must take him!"

Ye Shaoyang promised to come down with Liu Ming and Zhang Xiaorui to the school gate. He and another colleague had already waited there, and immediately greeted them and joined them.

When I came to the teaching building, a middle-aged woman immediately came to Liu Ming. Liu Ming did not introduce it, but listening to their conversation, Ye Shaoyang immediately learned that she was the counselor of Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong's class.

"President Liu, you have to take a step late, Wu Le, they have already left." The counselor said, "I just left school, I tried to stop them, and the results did not stop."

"Going? Where are you going?" Liu Ming asked.

"I asked them not to say that they followed several students behind them. They said they would go to the shelter in the mountains to explore."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart slammed and thought of the aquatic plant from hell. He said, “No, those students are in danger!”

Turned away and suddenly thought that I didn't know where the air-raid shelter was, so I asked Liu Ming.

"I have been there, I lead the way!" Zhang Xiaorui turned and ran.


Ye Shaoyang took out his mobile phone and found out the photos of the deceased who had just taken it, so that the counselor could tell.

"Ah, this is the student in our class, Lin Dan and Chen He." The counselor saw the difference from the photo and asked, "What happened to them?"

"They are with Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong, is it a dormitory?" Ye Shaoyang did not answer her question.

The counselor thought for a moment and said, "Yes, they have a dormitory for four people, and then moved out to live..."

Ye Shaoyang and Liu Ming and Zhang Xiaorui looked at each other and their eyes were a little dim.

Liu Ming lost his voice: "How could this be!"

"Go, go find them, hurry!"

The three men left the counselor who was still in a daze, and ran with the squad and others.

"Would you like to drive over?" he asked.

"The mountain road can't drive, I will take you on a small road."

Zhang Xiaorui ran while asking Ye Shaoyang: "Master, so I just discovered that the two dead, also died in the hands of the kind of **** plant, and then sucked up the flesh and blood?"


"But, that Wu Le and Chu Xiaolong, isn't it already dead? There is only one human skin... Who is now with the classmates going up the mountain?"

"Of course it is fake!"

"Fake? What do you mean?"

"Which I know, hurry up, those students are in danger!"

Run all the way, go out from the small door, go straight up the mountain.

The bomb shelter is at the bottom of a mountain in the middle of the mountain, covered by a clump of wild grass. Because Shicheng used to be the hardest hit by air raids, there are many air defense holes, as long as they are in the mountains.

Looking into the air-raid shelter, it was lit with light and looked like a flashlight.

"It has already gone in, let's go in too!"

Ye Shaoyang took the flashlight handed over and immediately rushed in. As a result, he did not take a few steps, and the opposite light was getting closer and closer, accompanied by a gasp.

Ye Shaoyang immediately retired to the outside. The people inside quickly rushed out. They were two girls, and a boy. They saw Ye Shaoyang and others surrounded them. They were obviously shocked, but they saw the squat and two wearing police uniforms. A colleague immediately put down the vigilance.

Although I don't know why they are here, at least the police can rely on it.

"Police officer, go to save people, there are people falling into the water, inside!" The two girls grabbed the cockroach and said very excitedly.

"Is there water? Don't worry, say slowly." He said comfortably.

A boy on the side was calm and said quickly: "There is a big puddle in it. Our classmates accidentally fell in. There is a classmate who is rescued, but we can't swim, but we can't swim. I have to come out and find someone to help, you are going to save them!"

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately understood the truth and pulled the boy and asked: "What is the name of the drowning person?"

"You don't know."


“Wulle!” one girl replied.

Ye Shaoyang took a breath of air and glanced at Zhang Xiaorui and others, and rushed in with the flashlight.

Zhang Xiaorui and Yan were close behind, leaving two men and Liu Ming to take care of several students outside, and also to avoid accidents, blocking Ye Shaoyang and others in the bomb shelter.

Not far behind in it, Ye Shaoyang heard the sound of the water flowing inside, and some people called for help.

Ye Shaoyang flew forward and passed through the ramp to a relatively open area. The flashlight illumined the past. There was indeed a puddle in the middle. It was probably half as large as a basketball court. It was like a floor sinking. There was a turbid product inside. Water, two people in the water, holding together and fluttering.

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