Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1488: Female ghost in the toilet 2

This can scare the old Guo, hurriedly ran over, lifted the seven-tailed cockroach, turned over and saw that the belly was all green, and the claws were still dripping down with green liquid.

"I rely on, eat too much, can't digest, some poison."

Lao Guo hurriedly took out a small bottle from his backpack, opened it, poured a little green powder in the palm of his hand, and the seven tails smelled the smell, struggling to climb over, and his head stretched out to swallow it.

"What is this eating?" Zhang Xiaorui asked curiously.

"Mung bean powder can solve a hundred poisons."

Lao Guo turned to Ye Shaoyang and said, "There may be some in the sewer. Waiting for the seven tails to come over, I let him go on and see, you can go first and go for something else."

Ye Shaoyang thought too, he didn't have to spend it here, so he reminded him to be careful, wait until the magic grass was cleared, tell himself, and then call the rest to leave.

"Wait a minute," Lao Guo said with a serious expression, "There is a very important question."

Ye Shaoyang immediately stood and asked, "What?"

Lao Guo pointed to two empty plastic ribbons on the ground, saying: "Dry Ai Ye is not worth the money, sulfur is worth the money, and before cleaning the reservoir, using a lot of medicines, and labor costs, which The boss pays the bill?"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless and said with a sigh of relief: "I thought there was something big, it was this."

"In this case, there is no small matter about money. Our brothers have a clear account, the materials are all good, but not a small amount." Lao Guo sneaked at him.

Ye Shaoyang coughed twice and said: "You said this, it seems that no one is giving you money. You have not dealt with President Liu before. He is so generous, we help him clean up the campus. He can let you go back empty-handed. ?"

Liu Ming nodded immediately, indicating that some expenses came out of his own, exchanged the number with Lao Guo, indicating that he settled slowly later.

Lao Guo was satisfied with letting them go.

Back to the school district, Ye Shaoyang took Meihua and inspected the artificial lake and other waters. As a result, he did not find the trace of Hell's Magic Grass. So he discussed with Liu Ming and asked him to find several workers to clean up the sewer. Clean up the entire drainage system of the school and look for traces of the magic grass.

Although the amount of this project is not small, Liu Ming has no opinion at all for the safety of the campus.

Because the weather is too late, even if you hire someone, you can only start work tomorrow, so the two sides agreed to meet again the next day. Before leaving, Liu Ming said good things about Ye Shaoyang, and promised to pay a very generous reward after the completion of the project. Ye Shaoyang accepted it happily.

After Liu Ming left, Ye Shaoyang and Meihua said a conversation and let her go back to the Yin Shi. Xie Yuqing said that there is still something to say, just the day is too late, Zhang Xiaorui took them to the canteen.

There is a small restaurant in the dining hall. Zhang Xiaorui opened a private room and ordered more than a dozen dishes.

Waiting for the time, Xie Yuqing took out a portfolio and took a piece of paper from it and handed it to Ye Shaoyang.


"The information you want, I found some, and brought it to you by the way."

Ye Shaoyang took it. At the top is a person's name: Deng Hui.

Hey, where have you heard?

Seeing the one-inch photo printed on the data, Ye Shaoyang was shocked and recognized. Yes, it was the beautiful girl who was very good in the illusion!

I hurriedly held the information in my hand and read it in one breath. From the data point of view, this is a very good girl, born in 62 years, just in time to catch up with the college entrance examination after entering adulthood. After going to college, Deng Hui is very good in all aspects, especially Literature and art.

According to the information, during the two years of enrollment, she took a group of college students, compiled a lot of dances, won numerous awards, and went to Beijing to perform...

Ye Shaoyang did not pay attention to these, but the line at the end of the data: in November 1982, the school fire was unfortunately killed...

"Big fire, what a big fire?"

"About the fire, the information is here." Xie Yuqing took another piece of paper from the archives. Ye Shaoyang took it and looked at it. There were at least five or six photos, and there were photos in the middle, all black and white, blurred.

"It's so long, I don't have time to look at it. You have seen it. Just tell me about it." Ye Shaoyang poured a cup of tea on Xie Yuqing. "There is work and labor."

Xie Yuqing said: "In November 1982, there was a big fire in the Foreign Languages ​​Institute. Almost half of the schools were burned. At that time, winter holidays were already put in place, but some students stayed in the school. Deng Hui was going to take one. Help the girls rehearse the dance and attend a New Year's party, so stay at the school.

The fire burned all night. At that time, the fire-fighting facilities, I did not say that you also know that the fire was almost natural, and there were countless deaths and injuries. Most of the burned bones could not be distinguished. This incident was very sensational at the time, and the official blockade of the news, these files, They are all encrypted.

The students, teachers, and school workers who died in the fire, together, had two hundred and twenty-three. The cause of the fire was not investigated, and even the process was not recorded. ”

After listening to Ye Shaoyang, he took a deep breath and murmured: "This big disaster, even the cause can not be confused, at least there are survivors at that time, you can ask them to ask, and will not know nothing."

"There are no survivors. Apart from leaving the school before, as long as they stayed in the school that night, none of them could escape alive, and even one injured person could not find it."

“This is impossible!” Ye Shaoyang immediately said. “There are hundreds of people in such a big school. How can they not survive? Even if they use machine guns, they can’t die so cleanly?”

Xie Yuqing said: "This is also a place I can't understand, and there are a lot of contradictions in the information. I have studied it several times before, and I always feel that something is wrong, but the photos of the fire scene are all impossible."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It is certainly impossible to make a fake in such a big event. As for the details, I don't know."

When Zhang Xiaorui heard this, he couldn’t help but say: "Master, when we saw Deng Hui in the illusion, did we still have a fire?"

"Of course, they were still alive at the time."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "But we saw that many people were dead and turned into zombies. Is there any information in these materials?"

Xie Yuqing shook his head. "I can't find any information about the spiritual events. I didn't mention anything, so..."

"I believe that my eyes, zombie incidents, absolutely happened in the past. And the time in the illusion overlaps with the time of the fire. This is no coincidence." Ye Shaoyang said.

Zhang Xiaorui said: "There is still Building No. 5, is there any information?"

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