Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1494: Shocking case 2

Liu Ming nodded. "I know the background of you. So I don't have any concern in this respect. Frankly, I thought that this spiritual event was not so serious. I wanted to get away with it. I didn't think... Hey, I It is wrong."

Ye Shaoyang patted his shoulder and said: "I know that you have a hard time, don't sigh, sigh things from beginning to end, this day the teacher will help you, do you believe me?"

"I have seen the strength of Mr. Ye, of course I believe."

Liu Ming made up his mind and asked them to go to their homes.

"I can't say a word or two. Please look at the top secret file of the school first, then say it."

Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing were very satisfied with the result.

From the staff quarters, Liu Ming asked Ye Shaoyang, who asked him to find the people who had been digging the sewers yesterday.

"Of course, I want to continue." Ye Shaoyang asked Liu Ming to contact Lao Guo and let him work with the workers to avoid any accidents.

During the speech, Zhang Xiaorui suddenly ran over and took a "master", which attracted a lot of onlookers.

Ye Shaoyang was a bit shy when she came over. When she asked, she knew that she was just getting out of bed, saw her own information, and immediately rushed over. I have a hard time asking what happened.

Ye Shaoyang didn't have time to explain to her, let her follow it.

The group came to the office building and sat in Liu Ming's a6 car and went to his home.

Liu Ming’s family lives in a high-end residential area, garden house, very large home, Chinese decoration, antique.

What makes Ye Shaoyang the most bitter and hateful is that he has a very beautiful babysitter in his family. Although he looks like he is in his thirties, his charm still exists.

Ye Shaoyang inquired that Liu Ming was divorced, living alone, and he had only one nanny in addition to him.

Ye Shaoyang peeked at the nanny's very good figure. It didn't simply produce an evil thought. A middle-aged man lived with a pretty nanny and said that he didn't believe he was killed.

"This scorpion will really enjoy it."

Taking advantage of Liu Ming’s work in the bathroom, Ye Shaoyang talked to himself.

Xie Yuqing heard the sour taste in Ye Shaoyang's tone, and raised an eyebrow and said: "You are awkward, or will you find one tomorrow?"

"Get it, I will be dizzy when I meet a beautiful woman. I don't know who is waiting for it."

"The interest!" Xie Yuqing expressed contempt.

"How about a few small sitting, we have a cup of tea, take a break and go in?" Liu Ming proposed.

"Don't honed, hurry up and do business." Ye Shaoyang urged.

Liu Ming promised to take them up to the second floor, enter their study, then pull up the curtains, open a cabinet at the corner of the bookcase, then open the password lock, and take out a wooden box from the inside, and hand it directly to Ye Shaoyang.

The wooden box is tied with a hemp rope. The opening is like a seal. It is crossed with two sheets of paper. One reads: It doesn't move like a bodhisattva, and the other is a six-character mantra: Why?

Ye Shaoyang touched the two sheets of paper and ran his anger. He immediately felt the power of a seal and asked: "Who is this rune?"

"An old monk, I don't know, this is what my father left for me." Liu Mingdao, "My father said that this mark can guarantee that the demon ghost can not find the existence of this thing."

"It's quite mana." Ye Shaoyang praised, although he did not know the name of this Buddhist scripture, but through the flow of spiritual power, Ye Shaoyang can judge that this is a spell similar to the function of the door. If the ghost is repaired Not enough, even if face to face, there is no way to see the existence of the box.

The so-called one-leaf obstacle, powerful ghost technique, can make people even the mage can not see the existence of evil things, powerful spells, can also hide human items.

Ye Shaoyang asked Liu Ming to pull the curtain up, close the door, then put the wooden box on the bed, tear off the rune, and open the wooden box under the curious look of several people -

There is nothing magical about it, just a glimpse of paper.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out and saw a small metal box below. The color of the texture was made of red copper with many runes engraved on it.

Ye Shaoyang looked at it.

Liu Ming said on the side: "My father said that this is what the master left, saying that only the Master can open it, and there is something in it to prove the origin of the evil. Ye Tianshi knows how to open it?"

What proves the origin of the evil?

Ye Shaoyang’s doubts in his heart, stroking the above rune, said: “This is very well recognized. This is the image of the Big Dipper. It’s a mess in this position. I guess it’s as long as it’s activated according to the position of the Big Dipper. The seal of the box."

Xie Yuqing said with some confidence: "Are you sure?"

"Determining. Whether it is the five elements of gossip or the six senses of Buddhism, there are corresponding orders, often used in seals, which is a common means of the spell world. This monk is estimated to be a martial art who does not know who will open the box in the future. So simply use the Big Dipper. As long as it is a mage, no matter what sect, it is respected by the Beidou. No one does not know the regular order."

"Then you will open soon." Xie Yuqing eagerly urged.

"Wait, let's take a look at the information."

Holding a few sheets of paper in his hand, Ye Shaoyang glanced at it and found that the word was written in a pen. The font was scribbled, but it was very windy. Ye Shaoyang, who had some rumors about calligraphy, silently gave a compliment, and through the handwriting, he recognized this at a glance. The hand is written by a man.

Moreover, the writing is blurred, and the paper is yellow and curled. It is a bit of a year. Ye Shaoyang asked Liu Ming curiously: "Who wrote this, who is the monk?"

Liu Mingdao: "No, this is after the fire, my father found it from the relics of a key person. Only these few, and the rest are destroyed. These are the key to the incident."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Since your father knows why it is not directly recorded, what to do with the relics of the predecessors is still incomplete."

Liu Ming gave a somewhat helpless smile and said: "I have said it until now. This information was left by the chairman of the student union at that time. Before the incident, the student found my father and said the school. A large-scale splendid event will occur, which was a holiday, but there are still many students staying in school. He hopes that my father will be able to dismiss them and block the school.

But first, my father did not believe his statement, and secondly, he did the power to do so - the students have the right to live in the school, unless the official request, or the school has no reason to rush. So he refused.

At that time, the student cadre did not say much, and went back. My father felt that things were embarrassing, and he checked the student's file, and he was good at learning. It was not like a nonsense person, so he went to find him, but he could not find it.

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