Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1498: Guagua melancholy 2

Tianshu, Tianzhu, Tianzhu, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang... Yaoguang.

The force of an invisible seal attached to the copper box slowly dissipated and the box is now open.

Ye Shaoyang pressed the lid and opened it with one hand.

A **** light suddenly spurted out.

"I said, my heart, sister, why don't you go to reincarnation?"

Deep in the fire exit of the hospital, in a corner where the sun is not visible, the melon is sitting on a plastic bucket of a mop, facing a little girl.

The little girl floated in midair, her eyes were red, and her body was covered with a layer of yin. It looked like a ghost in a horror movie. It was horrible.

But he is not afraid at all. In his eyes, this baby spirit, which is extremely terrifying to the average person, is just an ordinary little devil. Although there is resentment in the body, it is very limited and has no harm.

In the past two days, he accepted Ye Shaoyang’s order and came to the hospital to secretly guard the student who was almost killed in the bomb shelter. Some of them were bored. When they were wandering in the hospital, they discovered this little devil.

The little devil scared a lot of people in the hospital, but did not do anything bad, Guagua boring her here to chat with herself.

I chose this place because it was a big day, and this little devil was limited and did not dare to appear in the sun.

Hearted and pouted, crying: "I was born with heart disease. When I was four years old, I had a heart attack. My parents didn't have the money to treat me. I left me here. Nobody cares for me. I died." Here, I am not willing, I want to see my parents, ask them why they left me.

But they may have gone far away. I don't know where they are. I don't dare to go out alone. I have to stay here. I believe they will come back to me one day and will definitely come again..."

Guagua listened to her life and sighed and said: "Resentment and ignorance, so I didn't open the sky, this does not blame you, you can always be harmless, it is not bad, listen to your brother's words, go to reincarnation, This life has passed, and there is no need to be obsessed with it. There will be compensation in the future."

After saying that she took her hand and used her own cultivation, she washed away the grievances on her body.

The heart beat a spirit, looked at the melon, and said: "Thank you brother, I am also willing to reincarnation, but just missed the opportunity, now, I am afraid I have to suffer..."

Guaguai smiled. "How can I suffer if I meet me? My sister is the deputy of the Emperor of Heaven. She is called an orange. You remember, when you go, look for her and let her arrange it for you. no problem."


"Of course." Guagua's eyeball suddenly turned and said, "That, when you see her, you say that this is the boss's meaning, don't say me, otherwise she will see me again and ask me trouble, saying that I am good at making claims. ”

Heart: "Oh, but who is your boss?"

"My boss Ye Shaoyang, the first day of the world!" Guagua patted his chest. "If you can stay in the underworld, I will bring you to know in the future. That is the first and foremost figure in both the yin and yang. He has to give a three-point face!"

I listened to my heart and said, "So powerful, then I will find a way to stay in the sinister. In the future, my brother will remember to look for me. I will also recognize him as the boss!"

"Cough, go first, go to the Temple of Heaven and remember to find oranges, don't forget."

"Brother, thank you." The heart suddenly rushed over and kissed me on the face of melon.

Guagua was blushing, smirking, hands on her hips, and she was very imposing, and said: "Go."

"My brother, goodbye!" The heart flew away from the opposite exit.

So easy to overtake a soul. Guagua waved at her, full of sense of accomplishment.

When the heart disappeared, the melon was boring, and I was planning to go to the unlucky boy's room to watch TV. I just got up and didn't go far. Suddenly a black light flew out of the window and hit myself.

A melon, hurriedly counterattacked with both hands, and touched the black light hard, black light split, but turned into a net, cover yourself.

Guagua, shouted out, rushed out from the net, left and right to see, do not know what is what people do, release the martyrdom: "Which is not long-eyed dead no one buried the mage, dare to start with the little master! Small The Lord is the first ghost servant under the door of Mao Shaotian, Ye Shaoyang!"

In his view, in the world can be started on their own, must be a mage, 80% is to regard themselves as a ghost, so first identify.


A sly laugh came from the window.

"Little prince, you are honored, why should you send people under the fence, recognize a human master as a father, let people laugh at the big teeth."

The sound is old and seems to have been heard. The melon was shocked.

In the human mage, no one knows their true identity, so... the other party is from the ghost domain?

Guagua suddenly felt a strong crisis, pulling the ghost knife from the back belt, the curse activated, the blade instantly expanded, the black black blade, flashing cold.

A figure, flew in from the window, slowly stopped at a distance of more than ten meters away, and smiled at him.

"Tong Xuan, you are an old vulture, not right, old cow nose!" Guagua meighed.

"My boss is not looking for you trouble, but you are looking for me!" Now I have to activate the soul print, tell Ye Shaoyang, think about it, Tong Xuan this old thing is a ghost, and definitely will not play the abacus . Since he dared to come, he must have thought of this layer, or wait and see, let him avoid his tricks.

"Tong Xuan old beast, you come to me to do!"

Tongxuandao people laughed and said, "The poor road comes to you, naturally it is to catch you, and then to go to the leaves of Shaoyang, so that he will be handy."

So honest?

Guagua listened to this, but it was a bit aggressive.

"Hello, you are also the little lord of Taiyin Mountain. Why do you want to give Ye Shaoyang a horse? You are self-proclaimed. If you really want to find a master to do a backer, how can you accept it?"

"As for you, you give me the boss 丫 老 老 老 都 都 都 都 都 老 老 老 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” 面对 面对 面对 面对 面对 面对!

Tong Xuandao's face suddenly became gloomy. Although he is not a good thing, but the contact has always been a mage with a head and face, never been used by such a straightforward statement, and there is a big ignition.

Guagua remembered something and asked: "How do you know my origins?"

"I know that someone is telling me naturally."


Tongxuandao people smiled and did not say anything.

One hand, sticking out of the window behind him, grabbed the window sill, slid in and squatted on the floor like a frog.

Looking at the melons, I saw a fat monster with the same limbs, a huge head, no hair on the top, a one-eyed eye in the middle, a yellow liquid flowing, and the mouth seems to tear directly from the skin. A seam, the right side has been cracked to the root of the ear, and the ugly to the extreme.

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