Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1635: Death of the Spirit 2

Crazy... Yang Gong’s heart just flashed this thought.

Nan Gongying once again played forty blood drops...

One thousand and eighty-one blood drops.

"Hey!" Nangong Ying couldn't control it anymore. The lights were dry and the volcanic blood arrow spurted forward. The man fell softly on the ground.

Almost at the same time, the three wildfires of the Sanqing ghosts on the road wind suddenly extinguished one.

The blood drops that had been squeezed out, immediately found the gap, swarmed, and quickly broke the defense of the other two blood drops, the fires were extinguished, the wind no longer defense, the body was immediately countless blood drops Hit, only the spirit of the defense, can also resist at first, the blood drops hit the body, will immediately break.

However, there are too many blood drops, one thousand and eighty-one, going forward and succeeding, finally piercing the clothes and skin of the wind, and cutting his spirit into a sieve, until the **** storm completely passed. The bursting blood drops formed a **** sea on the ground, and the body of the wind... is also broken and melted in the blood.

This process is slow, and the real happening is a glimpse. Yang Gongyi’s reaction is already very fast. He flies to save the road, but just flew to half, this is over.

Yang Gong looked at the blood of a place and was stunned on the spot.

The wind is a ghost, but after a corpse, it is a spiritual body, and the soul is destroyed. So the soul is gone. Don’t say ghosts, even the fine can't do it...

The road wind... is it dead?

This is a clear fact. However, Yang Gongyi could not believe it. He looked at the position where the wind and the body were destroyed. After a long time, his knees were soft and kneeling on the ground, and he shouted: "The wind!"

Tears are raining.

Although Nangong Ying also saw the wind dead in his own hands, he could not believe it. Even though he was seriously injured by the excessive use of blood drops, he still insisted on climbing up and looking at the same direction with Yang Gongyu. past.

For a long while, he realized that the wind was really dead - the spirit was destroyed and no creature could survive.

Nangong took a breath and looked at the direction in which the wind disappeared. He murmured: "This is the most happy battle I have ever experienced in my life. I will remember your opponent. From now on, I am You, what you have not done, I will help you to do..."

"I don't need you to do it for you."

A cold voice came from above.

Nangong Ying and Yang Gongyi were both surprised. They suddenly looked up, but they saw a familiar figure, standing on the thickest treetop of Bodhi Wood, holding a black flame in their hands and leaning over them.

Road wind!

He still wore a green shirt on his face. There was no trace of blood on his face. Long hair was tied behind his head with a rope. His hair was a little messy, but he had a more temperament.

His whole body, covered with a layer of pale blue brilliance, almost transparent, looks more than before. Yang Gongyi couldn't detect it for a moment. She was still immersed in a joy of lost and recovered. She rushed to the tree in one breath, calling for the name of the wind.

The road slowly landed and smiled at her. She only said three words: "I am fine."

Yang Gongyi looked up and down without hesitation, and said: "When did you go to the tree, why didn't I see it, what was it that was killed by blood drops?"

"I didn't go to the tree and was killed by blood drops. It was really my spirit. I am really dead."

Yang Gongyi was a little confused, murmured: "So why didn't you die?"

"Don't die, how can Nirvana be born again?"

The wind gently spit out a breath, saying: "I abandoned the spirit, the gods appeared, and re-shaped a spirit, so I am resurrected."

Yang Gongyu looked at him dumbly. "I don't understand. How can the gods reshape the spirit? What is this spell?"

"This is not a spell." Ye Shaoyang looked at her and spit out four words like a cockroach: "The corpse is dead!"

The corpse... Yang Gongyu suddenly understood that she had never been moved by foreign objects, and she was surprised to stop her mouth.

The road came to the front of Nangong Shadow and stared at him. He said slowly: "The 1,080 blood drops are really good. If it is not a chance, I will not be able to cope with my previous strength."

"I am also over the body load. And you only resist with the three clear ghosts, without any instruments, there is still some strength. Losing is losing, there is nothing to say."

Nangong Ying climbed up from the ground, his eyes were a little lonely, but there was no trace of unwillingness. After experiencing such a hearty battle, the outcome was not so important.

Daofeng shook his head and said: "If you break my three-clear ghosts, other means will not be very resistant to you. Moreover, I know that you have a million Buddhas, but this means has not been made."

Nangong Shadow Road: "Wanfo Chaozong, it is indeed a strong means, but unfortunately my temperament is arrogant, unable to penetrate the Dharma, I have not fully controlled this magical method, I dare not use it. But today, I am defeated. I have to go back to the retreat and learn the Dharma. When I am successful, I will come to challenge you again."

The road wind slightly decapitated, said: "Give you a word, the law is returned to the sect, the monk's set of cultivation methods, may not be suitable for you, you still need to find your own heart."

Nangong Shadow nodded, not much to say, turned and left.

The appearance of Nangong Ying disappeared. Although Yang Gongyu did not need to breathe, he also vomited a sigh of relief to express his emotions and looked at the road and said: "Are you thinking about it early in the morning, using his blood drops to smash the body? ?"

Daofeng shook his head: "This kind of opportunity, how can I think ahead of time, I just refining the Sanqing ghost, the intention is to use his blood drops to test the power of the ghost, I did not expect it to be so powerful, almost dead, At the last moment, I just came to the aura and made this opportunity."

Yang Gongyi seems to have realized, exhaled and said: "I was scared to death before, I thought you were really dead..."

The road wind also looked back at her, and there was a hint of tenderness in the eyes, a smile, nothing to say, nothing to say.

At this time, a blue-shirted old man came in from outside the woods. It was Qingyunzi, with his hands and his waist, and looked like a rural old farmer. It was a wretched Qingyunzi.

Qingyunzi walked to a place ten meters away from the wind, and looked up and down him and said, "I have another body?"

The road nodded. "Thank you Master for protecting me for these days."

Qingyun Zidao: "How are you feeling?"

"Reinventing the body, blood and flesh, is very different from before."

Qingyunzi nodded and said: "You are also rare. You first use human magic to smash a corpse. In the dead battle, Nirvana is born again, but you have two corpses. Now you, Xiuwei has also raised a party, throughout Ghost domain is also a rare opponent."

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