Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1646: Apprenticeship 2

"There are so many money, I can't put it in the red envelope, it's convenient for the bank card." Zhang Xiaorui was very dissatisfied in front of the incense case and gave him a look.

“Hey, how much?”

"Five nine."

Su Qinzhang’s glimpse, "99,999,999?"

Seeing Zhang Xiaorui nodding, Su Qinzhang was forced to read, and had to read the numbers. The disciples were wide-eyed. I didn’t expect this girl to give so many teachers’ gifts...

Ye Shaoyang was helpless and had to accept the bank card. Then Zhang Xiaorui worshipped the teacher's tea, Ye Shaoyang gave the robe and the long light, and asked Zhang Xiaorui: "Can you know why you are given a light?"

Zhang Xiaorui shook his head inexplicably.

"The people who cultivated the Tao, Yicheng went to the world, and the demon and demon are their own duties. The meaning of giving you the long light is to illuminate the night road for you. Even if you are in the middle of the night, if you encounter a demon, you have to work hard to go beyond, you can write down Already?"

Finally, I found the feeling of pretending when Master took it as a disciple. Ye Shaoyang was sitting on the chair of the Taishi, and couldn’t help himself. He took a drink from the teacher’s tea and the result was Zhang Xiaorui’s sentence. The tea squirted out: "The poor man wrote down."

Then I saw Ye Shaoyang and other people with strange expressions. Only then did they understand that they were wrong. They immediately changed their minds: "The poor road is a poor road. It is not poor. I am sorry to Master. I can’t remember it. I just said it when I slammed it... ”

Ye Shaoyang feels very tired. Feeling tired.

The tedious apprentice ceremony ended, and Ye Shaoyang returned to the temple, immediately took off the robe outside and lay on the chair.

Ye Xiaomeng and Zhang Xiaorui walked in together, Ye Xiaomeng looked at Ye Shaoyang with a smile. "Thank you brother, I am now a member of Maoshan. If you have any action in the future, don't let me go."

"Well, I will return to Shicheng tomorrow. What are your plans?"

Ye Xiaomeng said: "I am just getting started. I want to stay in the mountains for a while. If my brother has anything, I can call me at any time."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "You a girl living on this mountain, not very good, it is better to go home with me, we can discuss spells together, practice together, how good things."

"This... is it inappropriate?"

"If it's right, just let me go!"

"What is your parents..."

"Nothing, I get a house, it's good to live. You are my master's sister, not an outsider. Little aunt..." The two are similar in age, and they are all foreign. After a few days, they have long been A good friend, and because of the relationship between Ye Shaoyang and mutual trust, Zhang Xiaorui immediately grabbed her arm and pleaded with no face.

Ye Shaoyang also said: "You will go, anyway, you are fine here, I am also in Shicheng, I can guide you more."

Ye Xiaomeng promised to come down.

On the same day, Su Qinzhang wanted to call out several new foreign disciples and let Ye Shaoyang speak. Ye Shaoyang felt that he was still exempted. In fact, he was very scum in this aspect. The previous apprenticeship was a rush to the ducks. Master also knew this before. A little, so let Su Qinzhang take charge of Maoshan.

Ye Shaoyang taught some of the inner door spells to Su Qinzhang, and the heart of the refining, and smashed some of his things. The next day he flew back to Shicheng with Ye Xiaomeng and Zhang Xiaorui.

Back home, Ye Shaoyang opened the door and found several people sitting in the living room, Lao Guo, and the long-lost four treasures.

The four treasures are still big bald heads, but they are not wearing shackles. They are chatting with Lao Guo and drinking beer. They saw Ye Shaoyang and blinked at him.

"you lost weight."

Ye Shaoyang walked over and there was no sensational performance, and he slapped directly on his bald head.

Sibaodao: "It's not good to eat in the mountains. It's all good. How can you not be thin?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Are you closed?"

Four treasures: "It's a face-to-face thinking, but it's not forced. It's active. I took the initiative to go back and admit my mistakes and ask for punishment. Uncle Shi is not difficult for me. Let me see it myself. I will go to the back of the mountain and cross the cliff face. I thought about it. I don’t know how to do it. Guo Lao went up the mountain and asked me if you had something to help. I went down with him, and no one stopped me."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Lao Guo. "You didn't say that you didn't find him on the phone!"

"Is not trying to surprise you?"

It’s a surprise, when everyone likes to play like this.

Sibao asked Ye Shaoyang: "Have you seen Wenwen recently?"

"Wen Wen?"

"I just like that sister, Ma Cheng's secretary." Four treasures touched the bald head, a little embarrassed, "I did not say let you take care of her for me."

"Take a ghost, I am so handsome, take care of it a few times, in case someone likes me to do it." Ye Shaoyang smugly licked his hair.

Lao Guo stood up and stared at Ye Xiaomeng, standing behind Ye Shaoyang, and asked: "This girl is..."

Ye Shaoyang introduced them to each other. Lao Guo originally wanted to look at Ye Xiaomeng. I heard that Ye Shaoyang’s cousin didn’t say anything immediately.

"Positive business, say business." Ye Shaoyang looked at the four treasures. "If you have nothing, I will call Cao Yu over and tell the situation."

Sibao said: "I want to invite Wenwen to go shopping for dinner..."

"Rely, go back and eat, let's talk about business!" Ye Shaoyang immediately called Cao Yu and asked if he had time. Cao Yu certainly couldn't ask for it. He arrived in ten minutes. This time he was alone. After entering the door, he saw Ye Shaoyang. A few people here are here and stunned.

"It doesn't matter, these are my own people."

Ye Shaoyang asked him to sit down and let Ye Xiaomeng go to boil water and tea. Although she hadn't seen her for a long time, the previous tacit understanding was still there, and she was her own sister after all, and she used it, even though she used Zhang Xiaorui. Yes, but Ye Shaoyang does not think that this female man will make tea on such a tall thing.

"This Master of Four Treasures, you have seen, I specially invited him from Wutai Mountain, Feng Shui masters, especially the tombs... Hey, explore the tomb."

Cai Yuxin smiled and said: "We have also cooperated with many folks before."

Sibaodao: "You don't misunderstand, I am going to the tomb, but it is not for stealing the device, it is to find something. Well, don't say this, Cai Ye, let me talk about the situation."

Cai Yu said: "I remember telling you some before. We found an ancient tomb in the area of ​​the Lopland Loulan ruins. After going down, there have been many splendid events...you all know, and the surviving parties are Dead, so the first-hand information is not...

Mr. Ye, I was so anxious to find you because I had another incident recently. It should be said that it is two things. First, this ancient tomb has been buried by the quicksand and cannot be found. ”

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