Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1649: Shamin incident 3

Since then, the official has paid more attention to this aspect of monitoring and inspection. Since then, there have been many spiritual events, and I will not elaborate on it. Until recently, we discovered the ancient tomb sites and went to explore..."

"Is the tomb found this time related to the crack in the previous earthquake?" Ye Shaoyang was busy asking.

Cao Yu shook his head. "I used to feel irrelevant, because the positions are similar, but they don't overlap. Until our monitoring point is attacked."

Cao Yu pointed at the humanoid picture on the computer screen. "This guy is very similar to the form described by survivors in that incident. So I can't help but think of each other. You, I can only provide these clues for the time being, if you have Interested in looking at the information, I can give you back, but the official report, I guess you are not interested in watching."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I am not interested in seeing it. What happened to you before you talked about an expert?"

Cao Yudao: "This is the case. Our original intention is to investigate the truth of the incident. The second is to discover the tomb, so you have to follow a scientific research team..."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he immediately interrupted and said: "This is not good!"

Cao Yuyi said, "Why?"

"According to your statement, the tomb is very dangerous. Who knows what hidden things are hidden. It is good that we can keep our lives. You still want me to protect others. This is definitely not good."

Cao Yudao: "Mr. Ye, you misunderstood. They didn't go to the grave with you at first, but they visited around. When you found the tomb, after cleaning it up, they went on. If the cleaning is not clean, I will never let them. I don’t want to make a living in the grave."

I looked at their faces and then said, "This is a hard rule. I hope that Mr. Ye can cooperate with him. What conditions Mr. Ye needs, as long as we can do it, we must try our best to meet it."

Ye Shaoyang looked at Sibao and Lao Guo, and Sibao said: "If you can guarantee that those brick houses are not chaotic, we will promise, otherwise we will not go if we risk the crime of offending the official."

Cao Yu immediately gave a guarantee.

Ye Shaoyang said: "When is the departure?"

"I can always do it. I am ready to do it. What do you need for Mr. Ye?"

"No, I need it, just ask him to give it to me." Ye Shaoyang turned to the old Guo Nuou, "but spend money, you get."

Cao Yu naturally promised, so he discussed it. He will leave tomorrow. He will go to Dunhuang by plane. Cao Yu will ask them for identity information and go back to book a ticket. Originally, Cao Yu wanted to invite them to dinner. Ye Shaoyang refused. He didn't want to deal with the official more. If he had promised Cao Yu before, he would go to the Western Region to investigate the whereabouts of Baiqi, and he would not cooperate with the official.

After Cao Yu left, Zhang Xiaorui immediately picked it up. "Master, how did you give you the identity information of the monk, don't you take us?"

"You don't go anywhere. This ancient tomb is very evil. Otherwise, in the identity of Cao Yu's official, what kind of mage can't find it, why do you try to find me? I am dangerous to go there, how can I protect you? Xiao Meng will practice the spells at home, and there will be no activities to bring you in the future."

Zhang Xiaorui looked at his resoluteness and knew that he couldn’t move him. He licked his mouth and proposed that everyone would have a dinner together at night.

Ye Shaoyang thought that he had to go, and gathered together, and said that it was hard to listen to. If he couldn’t come back, he would also leave a thought for everyone, so let Zhang Xiaorui go to book the hotel, and make an appointment with Xie Yuqing. Also called, and Zhou Jingru - Zhou Jingru recently took over some of the family business, very busy, the two are usually chatting on WeChat, Ye Shaoyang is not reporting good news, she does not know how they have experienced recently A terrible and extraordinary event.

However, although very busy, Ye Shaoyang asked her to eat, she was very happy to go to the appointment.

Only the four treasures, very wry and alone, Wang Xuwen went out to eat and slipped away in advance.

Zhang Xiaorui booked a local best hotel, ordered a table even if the 20 people could not finish the hearty dishes, the friends had food and drink together, Ye Shaoyang in order not to worry Xie Yuqing and Zhou Jingru, only said to go Loppo’s exploration of the tomb did not tell the danger. In fact, from the current clues, it is indeed impossible to talk about how dangerous it is.

Danger is an instinct of Ye Shaoyang as a mage, and the exploration of the tomb is not like the general opening of the light to catch ghosts. In the depths of the underground, anything can happen. Even if there are four treasures around him, he still has some concerns.

"Right, this thing is sent to you." Ye Shaoyang sent the badge of the Ghost Federation to everyone, while explaining its material and role, and holding the old Guo.

"And mine, I won't catch ghosts..." Zhou Jingru looked at the badge that Ye Shaoyang handed over, and he was a little excited.

Ye Shaoyang put her breastplate in her hand and said, "Whatever you have been, we have always been a member of our ghost-caught alliance. Just like everyone, just recently you are busy, I am busy, rarely meet, your position in my heart. But it hasn't changed."

The last sentence is that Ye Shaoyang said it through the wine. Although there have been few recent visits, after all, after I went down the mountain, the first girl I met was also the first person to make my heart move... even though I couldn’t be a couple because of the existence of Yu Yuyu’s Xie Yuqing, my heart has always been She keeps a special location.

Xie Yuqing heard this, squinted and squinted at Ye Shaoyang, saying: "Good routine, do you say this to others?"

Zhou Jingru took the badge and bit his lip and did not speak.

After dinner, Xie Yuqing had to go back to the unit and took Ye Shaoyang some time, leaving Xue Qi to leave. Lao Guo also went home to prepare things, and Zhang Xiaorui came home with Ye Xiaomeng.

Zhou Jingru drove Ye Shaoyang, and the melons saw this situation, and they had already disappeared.

Zhou Jingru drove the car very slowly. The two men chatted all the way. When they went downstairs, Ye Shaoyang asked Zhou Jingru to sit up for a while. Zhou Jingru shook his head and declined.

"You have to go tomorrow, or take time to pack up, I don't take up your time."

Zhou Jingru watched him get off the bus, opened the window, and called him, "Shaoyang brother, what you do, I don't understand, I can't help, but if you need help, you must tell me." I pointed to the badge on my chest. "After all, I am also a member of the Ghost Federation."

"Don't worry, as before, what is needed, the first one to find you. Go back, I will watch you go."

Zhou Jingru did not move, still staring at her quietly, said faintly: "Before Yu Qingjie said, you have said the same thing to many people..."

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