Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1656: Feng Shui dispute 1

Cao Yu introduced them as a couple, both from a research institute in Beijing, and a geological expert.

Another surnamed fifties, surnamed Zhu, is said to be the director of a research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and an archaeologist.

Ye Shaoyang didn't understand this. The four treasures were monks, but he was more angry than him. When I heard about the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I was a little surprised. This is a real expert, not the kind of bricks that I said online.

Another professor, Liu, in his early forties, is an expert from a famous university who studies tombs. He also has many names and is scary.

"These two are the so-called Feng Shui masters who have waited for us for a long time." Without waiting for Cao Yu to introduce, Professor Liu took the lead to say that the tone was very bad, holding his eyes, looking up and down for two people, frowning Road: "The two are very young."

Ye Shaoyang was unhappy when he looked at him. He said, "I am not old."

The four treasures smiled.

Professor Liu changed his face and his eyes fell on the face of Sibao. He said: "This is still a monk..."

Immediately, Zhu’s teacher, who was next to the punch, smiled and said: "Zhu Zhuchang, we have to communicate with these two high-ranking people."

Director Zhu looked at him with a big smile and said: "The people who Cao Kechang invited will certainly not be wrong. Otherwise, at the age of two, I really doubt your ability."

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao heard that he was deliberately ironic and simply did not speak.

At this time, someone outside Cao Yu sent things in, some vacuum-packed food, halogen eggs, chicken legs and the like, as well as a bottle of red wine and a few bottles of canned beer.

An assistant of Cao Yu put a glass of wine on the table and poured red wine for several experts. Ye Shaoyang and Sibao both drink beer. Guagua sits on the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang, others can't see him, and he doesn't talk.

“The monk also drinks?” Several experts are a little surprised.

"I still eat meat." If you don't speculate, the four treasures are too lazy to say to them, take a chicken leg and pick it up.

Professor Liu reluctantly smiled and said: "The monk is drinking and eating meat. Actually, there is nothing. I have not advocated any cleansing. I said before, the two are not strange. I am not targeting you. I have studied the tombs for a lifetime. I have also studied feng shui."

Sibao wiped his mouth and said: "Dare to be a peer."

Professor Liu waved: "On the contrary, just because I have studied feng shui, I know that what feng shui is, it is the dregs of feudal society. Sorry, I am learning, and I speak a little straight. Two people are strange. I think There is no feng shui in the world. The so-called feng shui theory is also self-deception. This is a violation of the laws of materialism..."

This kind of person Ye Shaoyang and Sibao are not uncommon, people's ordinary feelings, but like Professor Liu is so direct, it is still less to spray.

Ye Shaoyang thought that he might be a teacher. He likes to argue with others. He doesn't understand the world. He can understand it. He just ignores it. He only cares about eating. For Sibaodao: "This taste is not bad."

"Yes, I will buy a few more." Sibao just stood up and was immediately pressed by an assistant to buy on his behalf.

Professor Sun’s face was awkward and said: “Can the two listen to me and discuss it with me?”

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You have said that you don't believe in feng shui. We can't convince you. If there is anything to discuss, it's all busy."

Professor Sun snorted and said: "But you are taking this as a profession. Do you believe this yourself, or... I am blunt, just mixing a bowl of rice?"

So aggressive, even the melons can not stand, and Ye Shaoyang attached to the ear: "Boss, do you want to go down and make him ugly?"

"Don't mess, don't worry about him."

Professor Sun, a few people, asked: "Who are you talking to?"

"Nothing, talking to myself."

Professor Sun said: "I don't think the two are like scammers. Can the two answer my feng shui problems? I can use these questions to prove that feng shui is a pseudoscience!"

Sibao sat down on the knees, pressed his hand on his knees, leaned over and looked at him, posing a gesture of war, saying, "Ask."

Professor Sun’s face smiled and said: “First, Feng Shui should be divided into Yang house feng shui and Yin house feng shui. Now living people live in the building, the dead are buying cemeteries, people are crowded, people are stacked, your Feng Shui theory, still Does it work?"

After that, I was a little proud.

Sibaodao: "I thought you asked what deep feng shui problem, it turned out to be this."

Professor Sun said: "Please answer the high man." Deliberately said the word "senior" is very heavy.

For a time, along with Cao Yu, there are several employees and assistants who are staring at the four treasures. For those of them who don't understand Feng Shui, this is indeed a question that I really want to know.

Sibao Road: "Buildings, cemeteries, all have feng shui. So many openers will find a feng shui master before building a house..."

After the words have not been finished, Professor Sun immediately interrupted: "You should not use the feng shui of the market to fool me. I am talking about the same floor, or the same direction of the upper and lower floors. Is there any difference in feng shui? Feng Shui?"

"Of course, there are differences. Upstairs and downstairs, the lighting is different, the degree of wind is different, and the feng shui has always been divided into small and small. The orientation and position of the house are just the feng shui, the furnishings in the house, the attributes and location of the furniture. Different, nature will also affect people's air transport."

Professor Sun sighed and said: "What about the cemetery? The structure of all the graves is the same. In the case of the so-called feng shui, the two adjacent graves have different feng shui?"

Four treasures: "Yin house feng shui, better explanation, the cause of death of the deceased, the time of death, the five elements of life, the time of burial, have a relationship of mutual ignorance, you must know that feng shui is not a dead thing, it is a reaction with the occupants It will only form a role. Not to mention the two adjacent graves, even if they are the same grave, different people are buried, the role of feng shui is different.

If you are deeper, you will not be told. Give you an example. Just like a street shop, there is also a difference in feng shui. The so-called ‘wangpu’ is just like this. However, if others use Wang, you will not be prosperous, depending on the eight characters. ”

In a word, I heard Professor Sun and others stunned. Cao Yu’s face also showed a smile that was not easy to detect, and felt that he did not find the wrong person.

Professor Sun said: "Then I ask you, you are not talking about the wind, the grave is to be built on the mountain, what is the dragon and the white tiger, the plain area, especially like the desert in the Gobi desert, there is no feng shui, if there is Is it against the law of Feng Shui?"

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