Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1675: Emperor Shitian

Ye Shaoyang has never paid attention to these things, thinking that these are non-existent. Since I saw Prince Ashura, I realized that the Ashura people really existed. Then I thought that since Ashura is there, then the emperor's release is also there.

“Demo Shi Tian?” Professor Sun frowned. “What is that?”

Sibao scratched his head and said: "How do you say this, you will be a **** in the Buddha's Gate, you will do."

"God of Buddhism..." Professor Sun was still suspicious and asked, "Why do I know other sorghums, don't you know?"

Sibao smiled and said: "I just said it, most of the monks are not recognized. First, the image of the emperor's release is less. Second, the image of all emperors is emperor. After the day was turned over, the legend was given to the robes by the Buddha, and the hair was changed. Sitting on the lotus platform instead of riding the elephant. The Buddha’s Buddha in the Buddha’s Gate has similar facial contours. This is why you think of him when you see him. The reason. But the costumes and the image are changed. Who can know who he is?"

Professor Sun listened to this and still did not understand. Ye Shaoyang understood it and asked: "You mean, is this image of the emperor's release of the sky before it was crossed?"

Four treasures nodded and recognized.

Professor Sun added: "Why do you know that?"

Sibaodao: "Because I am a Wutaishan disciple, Wutai Mountain has a hidden door to the Yuantong Temple. I am the close disciple of the abbot. The book in the Tibetan Classics is my opinion. I have liked to read these classics since I was a child. The real portrait of the emperor’s release to the heavens is exactly the same as yours. In other words, the image of the emperor’s interpretation of the heavens is a prototype approved by the magical world, but the portrait of the emperor’s release in the ordinary Buddhist monk is another. Look like.

However, the monks in the general spells do not know the true appearance of the emperor. Even if you know, how can you tell you? ”

"The spell world..." Fang Mengna listened for a long time, some understand, said, "Like a magician can't tell the knowledge of the magic world to Muggles?"

"Right." Four treasures nodded again and again, "Hey, do you like Harry Potter?"

Fang Mengna nodded. "A decade of fans."

"Really, me too, where did the magical animals look?"

"Hey," Ye Shaoyang saw him running over the subject, glaring at his shoulder, turning him over and facing himself. He asked: "Then you analyze and analyze, in the ancient tomb of Lop Nur, why is there a statue of the emperor? And is it the emperor’s release before the Buddha?”

The four treasures shrugged: "I know."

Professor Sun grabbed the hands of Sibao and said with some excitement: "Master, what are you talking about? I didn't expect this problem that has entangled me for more than ten years, actually found the truth here..."

Suddenly there was some urge to cry.

Cao Yu also inserted a sentence, "The truth is there. I think we should start from a religious point of view and find out if there is any religion that believes in the emperor's release. Since the four treasure masters know that this is the emperor's release, there may be more More clues?"

Sibao pondered for a moment and shook his head and said: "Besides the ancient book that introduced the Buddha, I have never seen this form of emperor in other places, the world of Buddhism, and the emperor's release of the heavens is very rare. Don't say that it was the emperor's release of the day..."

Everyone pondered.

Professor Sun asked: "Master, where did the ancient books come from?"

"I don't know, I have it when I go up the mountain. It's all Master's finishing."

Professor Sun listened and said: "I don't know if I can ask the teacher..."

Sibao smiled and said: "You are afraid that you can't ask for it. My master is dead. Now I am a master of my teacher. He is a dumb. Other old people are not there, and there is no solution."

Everyone was shocked. Only Ye Shaoyang knew that he was talking about Xiao Yaofei, a mage who practiced Shukou. When he first hanged up and watched a battle, he ate a big loss under this monk. Fortunately, there was no deep enmity between the two. Xiao Yaofei did not have it at the time. Go all out. Ye Shaoyang now thinks about the power of Shukou, and still has some feelings.

Professor Sun is hard to grasp a clue and let the four treasures carefully recall to see if they can think of more details.

Sibao couldn't resist his request, sitting on the ground and thinking about it seriously. He said, "I think it is a bit. In addition to the emperor's release of the book, there are also Brahma, Ashura, and so on. The image is completely different from the image recorded in Mahayana Buddhism in Han Dynasty. Now I want to come. This book is the thing before Mahayana Buddhism entered China."

Professor Sun seems to have caught something and muttered: "Before Han Buddhism... Was it ancient India? Is it a genre of ancient Indian Buddhism to build a tomb..."

Everyone thought for a long time, and there was no result. Ye Shaoyang urged everyone to go on the road and think while walking. Cao Yu also agreed, comforting Professor Sun said: "Professor, this has to come slowly, can get the clues in front of you, it is very difficult, don't worry, wait for the end of this study, you have time investigation, have a clear goal I believe that you will definitely have a breakthrough.

After I went back, I reported the situation. At that time, I will set up a project team with you as the core. Studying this matter together may really reveal the secret of the Sun Tomb. ”

Professor Sun listened to these words, and his heart was also encouraged. He nodded. He held the hand of the four treasures excitedly and said: "The secret of the Sun Tomb is the secret of Loulan civilization, that is, the secret of the entire Lop Nur, the future. If this secret is revealed, I must write this scene into your thesis. This is a major breakthrough in the study of ancient Chinese culture and even the world. The master has the greatest credit and will definitely stay in the ages!"

"The name stays in the ages..." The four treasures were a little bit slowed by this big hat, and they were half-smooth, and they muttered two words: "The trough..."

In fact, Ye Shaoyang is just like the four treasures. He is only curious about the secret of the so-called Sun Tomb. There is no archaeological interest, and he does not think that this matter has anything to do with the ancient tomb he is going to explore. After the road, I didn’t think much.

Professor Sun is meditation all the way, no more words.

After dark, Ye Shaoyang let the team gather, and he and Sibao and Lin Sansheng stood in the front, middle and back of the team, and watched out.

Walking in the desert is not only difficult but dangerous. Fortunately, Cao Yu has the highest-end GPS locator, and there are monitoring data sent from the base, and the outdoor equipment is also the top, with less trouble and no What happened to the abnormal situation, and finally went to the monitoring station.

The monitoring station is built on the edge of a lake. It is said to be a lake. It is actually a pond-sized water pool. It is made up of a slender stream, but it is already an oasis in the desert.

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